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Fuji X series gets a telephoto | Rate Topic |
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Posted by jk: Fri Apr 19th, 2013 08:45 | 1st Post |
Fuji have announced that they will be adding a whole series of lenses to support the XPro1 and XE1 cameras. The next lens for these cameras is the 55-200mm which will make these cameras very capable and a challenge to the Sony NEX series as well as more conventional DSLRs. The road map of lenses that will be come available for these cameras is below. Attachment: Fuji XF lens roadmap.jpg (Downloaded 37 times)
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Robert: Fri Apr 19th, 2013 10:20 | 2nd Post |
What's the multiplier to 35mm equivalent JK?
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by TomOC: Fri Apr 19th, 2013 13:04 | 3rd Post |
Robert- Same as nikon APS - 1.5 Best news in the release is that on May 26 there will be yet another firmware update that will increase focus speed for all lenses. Fuji is setting the bar high for customer care toward existing users. This will be either the 4th or 5th important firmware upgrade in about 18 months! Wow Tom
____________________ Tom O'Connell -Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem. Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh |
Posted by TomOC: Fri Apr 19th, 2013 13:14 | 4th Post |
On another nice note for x series ... Apple updated raw processing to include all outstanding models including x100s yesterday.
____________________ Tom O'Connell -Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem. Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh |
Posted by jk: Fri Apr 19th, 2013 13:22 | 5th Post |
Yes I saw that as well. Unfortunately another reason for updating my MBA to Lion or Mountain Lion!! Here for the Aperture update if you need it.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Eric: Fri Apr 19th, 2013 16:28 | 6th Post |
I have misgivings about adding range to the EX1. In fairness, I did take a couple of shots this week that would have been better with the tighter crop of a 200mm. But I am not sure tooling up the EX1 with bigger and multiple lenses isn't losing some of its charm? The main advantage of the Fuji line up is its lightweight compact nature. Once you start to carry several lenses around, the 'convenience advantage' between this system and the smaller DSLRs (like the D7100) is eroded. IMHO Besides ...the small, compact nature is potentially a disadvantage when grappling with lens changes in the least for my fumbling fingers.
____________________ Eric |
Posted by jk: Fri Apr 19th, 2013 17:18 | 7th Post |
End of 2013 or beginning of 2014 Fuji are due to release a 10-24mm which is exactly what I want. The 18mm f2.0 is very nice but not wide enough for a lot of landscapes and some other situations.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Eric: Sat Apr 20th, 2013 05:43 | 8th Post |
Now that might be interesting. Dedicating the XE1 to wideangle is where I think it better fits.
____________________ Eric |
Posted by jk: Sat Apr 20th, 2013 06:13 | 9th Post |
I'll probably get the 55-200 as it means that I have the option to have a camera and three lenses 10-24, 18-55, 55-200 that weigh less than 2.5kg but covers an equivalent of 14mm-300mm FF. I can then also review where I want to be with my DSLRs. I might cut back to just a D800 and D600/D400.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Eric: Sat Apr 20th, 2013 17:37 | 10th Post |
jk wrote:I'll probably get the 55-200 as it means that I have the option to have a camera and three lenses 10-24, 18-55, 55-200 that weigh less than 2.5kg but covers an equivalent of 14mm-300mm FF. I know where you are coming from. But I need to convince myself that the X system can take front stage in my photography. Only then would I commit to a suite of lenses. Although its an attractive prospect to have such a lightweight system with such a range, I can't get passed the fact that the XE1 (at least) lags behind DSLRs in speed of use. While most subjects don't necessarily need rapid response...some do. Last week I was struggling to capture the decisive moment in some action sequences. I suppose I could have used AFC mode, but with a DSLR (even the slower D7000) I don't need AFC...I can fire predictively and the camera responds. It's early days for me. The next couple of months will settle it for me as I will exclusively use the X system.
____________________ Eric |
Posted by jk: Sat Apr 20th, 2013 18:09 | 11th Post |
With the Fuji cameras the focus modes are different in use but similar in naming. AFS this provides a moveable square of AF that is not as fast as crosshair but provides very good usability for images where you composition dictates that the critical focus will probably be at the same place in viewfinder. AFC this provides a cross hair focus (only in centre of frame) that is very accurate and relatively fast to use. Half pressure to focus, recompose and then shoot. M - not manual at all as you use the AFL button to focus then then have the option to use the jog dial to provide image magnification at x3 or x10 in the EVF. Once you have these huge differences from Nikon nomenclature sorted i becomes easier and in fact the XE1 and XPro1 become very useable EXCEPT for fast moving objects where in Nikon DSLRs you would use AFS and dDynamic nearest object focus! The naming conventions are very misleading!
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Eric: Sun Apr 21st, 2013 07:16 | 12th Post |
jk wrote:With the Fuji cameras the focus modes are different in use but similar in naming. Ok ...I think I better get the book out. ![]()
____________________ Eric |
Posted by TomOC: Mon Apr 22nd, 2013 01:04 | 13th Post |
I think the present line up is not going to replace your D4, Eric. The focus is slower and the continuous focus is not as refine. For sports, fast moving animals etc, this isn't going to cut it. The new x100s is apparently a step up in focus speed, but I'm sure it is still way off from a top of line Nikon. That said, I find there is an extremely small number of times that the "slower" focus hampers me. I surely miss one or two shots now and then, but I miss more than that when I chose not to lug the big boy or it's on my shoulder, not around my neck where I can get it on the subject a lot quicker. Toss up, if you ask me and which is lighter and easier to carry and use and (at least for now) feels like fun again ![]() The D800 is the BEST, the xpro-1 is the BEST ... Life is good ![]()
____________________ Tom O'Connell -Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem. Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh |
Posted by jk: Mon Apr 22nd, 2013 09:59 | 14th Post |
I am as usual in total agreement with my twin (Tom) ![]() I will definitely keep my D800 but the XPro1 gets more outings these days than the D800.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Eric: Mon Apr 22nd, 2013 10:00 | 15th Post |
TomOC wrote:I think the present line up is not going to replace your D4, Eric. Thanks Tom I was considering the same combo...D800 and FujiX....replacing both my D3 and D7000. Just not yet confident they will cover all situations. But I fully intend to give the Fuji a good shakedown over the next couple of months. It's probably more operator error than the camera .at this moment. ![]()
____________________ Eric |
Posted by jk: Mon Apr 22nd, 2013 11:03 | 16th Post |
There a lot of different things that you need to learn in the crossover from Nikon to Fuji X series cameras. The chief one is that the focussing modes are different and definitely slower but if you arent doing wildlife and sports photography then you will be OK with the XE1. There is an adapter that allows you to use your Nikon lenses in Manual focussing mode with the XE1 but whilst it works well enough the loss of AF and electronic data from lens to camera is a nuisance at times. The D400 if it ever arrives will be 24MP so the same sensor pixel density as the D800 and you have to ask yourself then do you need FF. I prefer it for landscape stuff but once you get to 35mm FF equivalence then you need to ask is it not easier to use a DX format sensor.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
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