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Fuji XT1 camera  Rating:  Rating

Posted by jk: Tue Jan 21st, 2014 04:38 1st Post
I dont usually post about a non-Nikon camera that hasn't been released but I have every confidence that the XT1is a real.
So here is a link to the rumours.

The Olympus EM1 is a fine camera but I believe that Fuji have a better camera in the XT1 and the Fuji lenses are top quality.

For those that dont know the most expensive professional video cameras all use Fuji lenses, as does Hasselblad.

For those of you contemplating a new camera then I will say this. My Fuji XPro1 and XE1 cameras are 16MP cameras with an APS-C (DX) sized sensor. These cameras produce the same quality output as my D3S and D3 12MP (FX sized sensor) cameras.
The big difference is that my Fuji kit of XPro1, XE1 and flash, with 14, 18, 35, 18-55, 60, 55-200 lenses plus filters and macro attachments and spare batteries all fit in a LowePro MiniTrekker back pack that weighs less than 8kg.
My similar Nikon kit comprised D3, D3S, SB800, extension tubes, filters, and Sigma12-24, Nikon 24-70, 105 Mikro AFS, 70-200mm, plus spare batteries fits in a LowePro Trekker AW and weighs 22kg.

I am seriously thinking of getting rid of my D3 and D3S much as I am sure I will miss using them. I have a D800 and D600 which work well for me.
The Fuji XT1 can use all my Nikon lenses in manual focus mode so I lose AF if I do.
I have my other Nikons if I need fast AF which is currently the only down side I see on the Fujis but the new XT1 may resolve that issue.

Attachment: Fuji XT1.jpg (Downloaded 81 times)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Jan 21st, 2014 09:45 2nd Post
jk wrote:
I dont usually post about a non-Nikon camera that hasn't been released but I have every confidence that the XT1is a real.
So here is a link to the rumours.

The Olympus EM1 is a fine camera but I believe that Fuji have a better camera in the XT1 and the Fuji lenses are top quality.

For those that dont know the most expensive professional video cameras all use Fuji lenses, as does Hasselblad.

For those of you contemplating a new camera then I will say this. My Fuji XPro1 and XE1 cameras are 16MP cameras with an APS-C (DX) sized sensor. These cameras produce the same quality output as my D3S and D3 12MP (FX sized sensor) cameras.
The big difference is that my Fuji kit of XPro1, XE1 and flash, with 14, 18, 35, 18-55, 60, 55-200 lenses plus filters and macro attachments and spare batteries all fit in a LowePro MiniTrekker back pack that weighs less than 8kg.
My similar Nikon kit comprised D3, D3S, SB800, extension tubes, filters, and Sigma12-24, Nikon 24-70, 105 Mikro AFS, 70-200mm, plus spare batteries fits in a LowePro Trekker AW and weighs 22kg.

I am seriously thinking of getting rid of my D3 and D3S much as I am sure I will miss using them. I have a D800 and D600 which work well for me.
The Fuji XT1 can use all my Nikon lenses in manual focus mode so I lose AF if I do.
I have my other Nikons if I need fast AF which is currently the only down side I see on the Fujis but the new XT1 may resolve that issue.

Does this take the x series lens?


Posted by jk: Tue Jan 21st, 2014 12:17 3rd Post
Yes. It is also meant to be more weather-sealed so much like a D300.
Essentially you will have a small D300-like came which IMHO works just as well as a D3 wrt IQ but may or maynot focus as fast for fast moving objects. Until I get hands on one I dont know about AF speed.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by TomOC: Tue Jan 21st, 2014 14:18 4th Post

Before I would ditch the nikon gear, I would want to have hands on with Fuji and be sure there is some measurable advantage...

Biggest concern for me would be focus speed and buffer speed.

It's not going to even come close to the D800 but might be close enough to D3 when you consider the size/weight advantage. Hard to see how it will improve much on D300s, given smaller size, rugged factor and cost of replacement.

But we'll soon see...looks like it's released in Japan this week, I think.

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by jk: Tue Jan 21st, 2014 17:20 5th Post
Those are my issues with the Fuji system.
I wont be selling any Nikon stuff until I have thoroughly tested the XT1 if I buy it. I wont sell the Nikons until the Fuji proves itself in my hands. That means that first of all I have to convince myself that it focuses fast enough to compete with the D3. If that happens then I buy, then I test it and if I am convinced then I either sell the D3 or/and D3S or if it is not up to scratch then the XPro1 will go.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Jan 22nd, 2014 04:20 6th Post
jk wrote:
Those are my issues with the Fuji system.
I wont be selling any Nikon stuff until I have thoroughly tested the XT1 if I buy it. I wont sell the Nikons until the Fuji proves itself in my hands. That means that first of all I have to convince myself that it focuses fast enough to compete with the D3. If that happens then I buy, then I test it and if I am convinced then I either sell the D3 or/and D3S or if it is not up to scratch then the XPro1 will go.

Surely this is horses for courses?

I can't see the Fuji competing with a D* body in speed situations. People already complain about the rest of the Nikon range being too 'slow'. So I don't see the Fuji stepping up for fast moving applications. But that's ok, as the majority of my general shooting is more pedestrian situations.

I could see me getting rid of my D7000 and all my 'consumer' lenses, if the new Fuji was a worthy replacement for the XE1.

But I would hang onto the fast glass...and then need a Nikon body. For me that is the D400...provided it ever comes, and when it does it's a proper D300 replacement in terms of performance. But in the meantime the D3 is an adequate stand in.


Posted by Eric: Wed Jan 22nd, 2014 06:01 7th Post
TomOC wrote:
  Biggest concern for me would be focus speed and buffer speed.

It's not going to even come close to the D800 but might be close enough to D3 when you consider the size/weight advantage. Hard to see how it will improve much on D300s, given smaller size, rugged factor and cost of replacement.

But we'll soon see...looks like it's released in Japan this week, I think.
Presumably you mean in IQ terms when you say that?
I thought many people had complained about the buffer and burst rate of the D800...which is inferior to the D3?

As 'responsiveness' is the main weak point of the current X system I would hope for an improvement.

But given that the reason for using this system is its better 'portability', a camera with the IQ of the D3 but the responsiveness of (even) the D5300 might still be sufficient improvement ...for general photography.

For me, the big question is....if Nikon bring out a 'D400' in the D5300 (or even D7100) size body shell, would it be compact and lightweight enough to stop the flirtation with these super small bodies?  As you have pointed out in the past, apart from the X100, these Fujis are still not pocketable.

So maybe a pocketable, interchangeable lens camera system, is an impossible 'holy grail'?

Then let the phone be the pocketable camera (or one of the excellent compact cameras) and accept that for greater flexibility and creativity(?) the camera has to be bulkier...and carried on the shoulder or in a bag.

That being the case, its a question of how big/small that body needs to be to fulfil this 'portability' role?

From this perspective, in practical terms, there isnt a lot of difference between the D5300 body and the Fuji bodies...its the Nikon lens size that adds the extra dimension.

I certainly would prefer the overall dimensions of a Fuji with their 55-200mm to the nikon equivalent.  But if the focus and responsiveness are inferior to a D5300 then the Fuji experiment may be over for me.



Posted by jk: Wed Jan 22nd, 2014 10:34 8th Post
Yes I have considered this pocketability requirement.

If you want something really functional and pocketable then there are only three cameras that fit my criteria (APS-C sized sensor) the CoolPixA, X100s, and Sony RX1R.

If you are happy with a smaller sensor size, I am not, otherwise I would have got a Nikon V1, then the marketplace is a lot wider.  Also bridge-style cameras are nearly pocketable and have great specs but the sensor size is too small for me except for some uses.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Jan 22nd, 2014 11:47 9th Post
jk wrote: Yes I have considered this pocketability requirement.

If you want something really functional and pocketable then there are only three cameras that fit my criteria (APS-C sized sensor) the CoolPixA, X100s, and Sony RX1R.

If you are happy with a smaller sensor size, I am not, otherwise I would have got a Nikon V1, then the marketplace is a lot wider.  Also bridge-style cameras are nearly pocketable and have great specs but the sensor size is too small for me except for some uses.

I dont want anything other than my phone 'in my pocket'.

By the time I get my wallet secured in its pocket vault, theres not much more room in there and its also getting far too heavy.



Posted by Eric: Wed Jan 22nd, 2014 11:54 10th Post
Its a shame the D800 isnt a bit faster (fps and bufferwise).

I could then see it as an ideal studio, landscape ...and wildlife (DX crop) camera.

Would happily have just that for 'specialist' work and the Fuji system for day to day use.

Selling the D3, D7000 and consumer lenses would probably pay for a D800!


Posted by jk: Tue Jan 28th, 2014 17:27 11th Post
If you have any interest in this camera then take a look here.

I think it looks like a very nice camera but AF performance will probably not be as good as a Nikon DSLR but image quality will be as good. If you dont need fast AF e.g. you dont do sports or action photography then this will probably work well for you.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Jan 28th, 2014 19:13 12th Post
jk wrote:
If you have any interest in this camera then take a look here.

I think it looks like a very nice camera but AF performance will probably not be as good as a Nikon DSLR but image quality will be as good. If you dont need fast AF e.g. you dont do sports or action photography then this will probably work well for you.

For me, the horse riding sequence was impressive. So the AF can't be that bad? But I am not even sure it's the camera you would WANT to use for a sporting action probably need longer lenses than the X range offers to 'reach' the subject.

I would just like it to have DSLR all round responsiveness avoid missing general shots!

At the end of the day I need to feel one in the hand before I can say whether it's a body I would go with. So I won't be preordering!

But I can see and read about some features that might make it a better shooting experience than the XE1.

Can't wait to feel one.....but I will.



Posted by jk: Wed Jan 29th, 2014 09:05 13th Post
I did wonder about that but Fuji are promising a longer telephoto in the future. Currently there is the 50-230mm zoom (75-34mm on FX) but it is a slow lens f6.3 at its max zoom. I think a f4 lens would be minimal value I would want.

One advantage is that for really long use I have the Kipon adapter for AFS G or AFD lenses that allows me to put all my Nikon glass on the camera but then you are into manual focus but for long lenses I tend to prefer that. My Nikon 400mm f2.8 AFS becomes a 600mm f2.8 :-)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Wed Jan 29th, 2014 16:26 14th Post
Here is the Fuji lens roadmap.

Attachment: image.jpg (Downloaded 37 times)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Jan 29th, 2014 16:33 15th Post
jk wrote:
Here is the Fuji lens roadmap.

That's interesting.

I hadn't appreciated there was a multiplication factor to the lenses!

I assumed they were corrected to the sesnsor DX lenses.


Posted by jk: Wed Jan 29th, 2014 17:30 16th Post
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
Here is the Fuji lens roadmap.

That's interesting.

I hadn't appreciated there was a multiplication factor to the lenses!

I assumed they were corrected to the sesnsor DX lenses.

Nikon give the focal length of the lens but its coverage may be limited to a DX sensor or may be FX coverage. The focal length remains the same but the perceived FOV changes so you get a x1.5 focal length effect with the lens on a DX sensor.

That is why that Samyang 8mm on the Fuji is so tempting as it is an equivalent to a 12mm on a FX sensor. ;-)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Wed Jan 29th, 2014 17:45 17th Post
Eric wrote:
I certainly would prefer the overall dimensions of a Fuji with their 55-200mm to the nikon equivalent.  But if the focus and responsiveness are inferior to a D5300 then the Fuji experiment may be over for me.

I think that the quality of the Fuji is probably similar to the Nikon. However the AF responsiveness of the DSLR is definitely ahead of the current Fuji cameras, whether the new XT1 can bridge that gap is another thing. Only user testing will tell but early tests by Rico seem positive.

If you remember the early AF speed on the film Nikons (F80, F4, F100 ) we are somewhere close to that with current X series camera the new XT1 may be the F801 equivalent (acceptable but not super quick) but not a D1, D2X or D3. Personally whilst I acknowledge that the various AF modes have contributed to improved overall speed and accuracy but I dont think the actual AF speed itself has greatly improved since the D1 if you consider AF-D lenses, AFS lenses have made the focussing faster.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Wed Jan 29th, 2014 22:25 18th Post
jk wrote: That is why that Samyang 8mm on the Fuji is so tempting as it is an equivalent to a 12mm on a FX sensor. ;-)

I have the Samyang 8mm f3.5 fisheye T3.8 which is the is the video/still version of the 8mm but with gear focus and clickless T stops.

It also has a removable lens hood so that it doesn't vinette on FX cameras. It preforms much better than the auxiliary fisheye adaptors sold on eBay and is rated better than some of the other highly priced fisheyes.

On DX cameras there is a full frame 12mm immage while on FX there is a fisheye effect. You must be careful or your feet show up in youe pictures.

Attachment: Image00001a.jpg (Downloaded 31 times)

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Sun Feb 23rd, 2014 10:03 19th Post
Well I have my XT1 camera and have been using it the last three days.
I am very pleased with the way it works and its speed of AF. Not sure if it is as fast as my Nikons with the af but I need to test them side by side to be sure.

Whoops the image needs rotating, I cant do that on my ipad.

Attachment: image.jpg (Downloaded 25 times)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Sun Feb 23rd, 2014 16:19 20th Post
Hope to attend this and get a look for myself. It's about 50k from my house.

Fujifilm Demo Day
Introducing the new Fujifilm X-T1

Henry's Mississauga
Date: Thursday, February 27th, 2014
Time: 1pm - 6pm
Location: Henry's Mississauga, 5027 Hurontario St.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Mon Feb 24th, 2014 06:00 21st Post
Definitiely worth the round trip.
Take you credit card :-)

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Mon Feb 24th, 2014 16:33 22nd Post
Hoping that they will have the Tamron SP 150-600mm f/5-6.3 on demo also.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Tue Feb 25th, 2014 08:20 23rd Post
That Tamron would work nicely on a trod with the D4 or D800.
Have you looked at the Sigma 300-800mm ?

I was really interested in the Sigma until I got my Nikon 400mm f2.8 AFS G. Awesome sharpness but it is a beast of a lens just like all these long telephotos.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Tue Feb 25th, 2014 12:57 24th Post
The Sigma 300-800mm would cost me about $8000CDN with taxes etc. while the Tamron 150-600 about $1500.

I will try a 1.4x converter which will give 840mm @ f/8 to see if things start to get mushy.

The Sigma has a lot going for it but is also an older design with no stabilization and weighs >5kg.

There is also the Vivitar 800mm Mirror Lens f/8 for Nikon at less than $300 and it has way less bulk <1kg.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Tue Feb 25th, 2014 19:50 25th Post
Yes the newer design is probably a bit lighter and better optically.
I managed to get my Nikon 400mm f2.8 AFS from a guy who wanted to upgrade to the VR version.
For me I cant see the point of VR as I would be using a tripod and you need to switch offVR when it is on a tripod for best results.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Wed Feb 26th, 2014 14:39 26th Post
jk Have you ever tried a converter on the 400 f/2.8?

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Wed Feb 26th, 2014 19:02 27th Post
Yes I use the Kenko DG300 Pro x1.4 and x2 they seem to work well and my AF function is maintained without problem. Obviously there is a little loss of IQ.
I also have the Kenko DG300 Pro x3 but I only use this if I really must as there is again loss of IQ but it is more noticeable.

BTW I have hand-held the 400 for periods but it os heavy so I tend to use a tripod or monopod. The tripod has a Wimberley head on it and this is great for birding.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Sat Mar 1st, 2014 11:20 28th Post
Didn't make the demo in Missauga. Whiteout warnings due to 50+km winds made driving too risky :~(

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Sun Mar 16th, 2014 10:42 29th Post
I gave my XT1 last night its first test when doing a flamenco dance shoot.

The camera was able to produce a low count of successful shots that were sharp for moving dancers.

I am also somewhat limited as I dont have CaptureOne Pro or Lightroom5 to use to process the images rapidly.   I am currently using LightZone as it is a near equivalent to Bibble5 but without all the lovely plug-ins that i helped develop.

Those images that were sharp were very good but....... Big but.......

Using the EVF under these conditions is hugely difficult. There is significant smearing and lag compared to an optical view finder. I wish I had brought my XPro1 along as well to compare with the results from the 56mm f1.2 and XT1.

Anyway that said the camera performed well when I could shoot static dancers but it does mean that my Nikons D3 and D3S stay in the bag as my first line cameras for this type of work.

So I wont be getting a second XT1 to replace the Nikons.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Sun Mar 16th, 2014 13:28 30th Post
jk wrote:
I gave my XT1 last night its first test when doing a flamenco dance shoot.

The camera was able to produce a low count of successful shots that were sharp for moving dancers.

I am also somewhat limited as I dont have CaptureOne Pro or Lightroom5 to use to process the images rapidly.   I am currently using LightZone as it is a near equivalent to Bibble5 but without all the lovely plug-ins that i helped develop.

Those images that were sharp were very good but....... Big but.......

Using the EVF under these conditions is hugely difficult. There is significant smearing and lag compared to an optical view finder. I wish I had brought my XPro1 along as well to compare with the results from the 56mm f1.2 and XT1.

Anyway that said the camera performed well when I could shoot static dancers but it does mean that my Nikons D3 and D3S stay in the bag as my first line cameras for this type of work.

So I wont be getting a second XT1 to replace the Nikons.

Frankly, I would have been surprised if it had performed well enough, in such exacting situations, to retire the D3s.

For me, there are two questions

....which is the best X system body? (XE1 v XPro v XT1)?

.... is that body good enough for ALL but sport, wildlife and lowlight action?


Posted by jk: Sun Mar 16th, 2014 14:49 31st Post
XT1 is currently the best model wrt focus speed.

The XE1, XE2, XT1, XPro1 all use essentially the same quality of sensor. Same IQ and number of MPs but the XE2 and XT1 have the second generation sensor with the extra AF components that allow for faster AF as it has PD and CD components.

There will be an XPro2 in 2015 but who knows what sensor it will have!

If you want to compare your XE1 v. XE2 then see here

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Apr 1st, 2014 13:33 32nd Post
Got my hands on an XT1 at last today. Very nice.

Will certainly be getting one in very near future....just waiting for a contribution from redundant items on eBay!


Posted by jk: Wed Apr 2nd, 2014 09:18 33rd Post
What... The Yorkshire spring has sprung. :-)
Did you get to try the 10-24mm as well ?

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Apr 2nd, 2014 17:43 34th Post
jk wrote:
What... The Yorkshire spring has sprung. :-)
Did you get to try the 10-24mm as well ?

No, they were still awaiting stock.

I would really need to fully commit to the Fuji X system to invest that much for just 10-18mm. Still wonder if the 14mm would be sufficient.


Posted by jk: Wed Apr 2nd, 2014 18:07 35th Post
The Fuji 14mm f2.8 is a FX equivalent of a 20mm and I find it wide enough for me. It is a brilliant lens with almost no distortion or CA.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Wed Apr 2nd, 2014 19:49 36th Post
If you want to go relay wide for a reasonable price , check out the Samyang 8mm Fisheye Lenses.

I have the t/3.8 which is the video FX version but there are a variety of mounts and a new f/2.8 in Fuji and Sony mounts.

They are manual focus but at 8mm there isn't much to worry about and costs are around $400US.
The quality of mine is good with the D600 and most of the reviews on recent Samyang lenses are very close to other brands costing 3 to 4x as much.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by Eric: Thu Apr 3rd, 2014 04:38 37th Post
amazing50 wrote:
If you want to go relay wide for a reasonable price , check out the Samyang 8mm Fisheye Lenses.

I have the t/3.8 which is the video FX version but there are a variety of mounts and a new f/2.8 in Fuji and Sony mounts.

They are manual focus but at 8mm there isn't much to worry about and costs are around $400US.
The quality of mine is good with the D600 and most of the reviews on recent Samyang lenses are very close to other brands costing 3 to 4x as much.

Did they sort out the problem that lens had with earlier Nikon bodies where the lifting mirror was catching on the lens inner mount?

I seem to remember hearing of some disasters with the D1X mirror smashing into the rear element.


Posted by TomOC: Thu Apr 3rd, 2014 13:34 38th Post
Think there might be one in my Easter basket this year :-)

Did you see the rumor of the xPro2 being FF???

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by Eric: Thu Apr 3rd, 2014 16:03 39th Post
TomOC wrote:
Think there might be one in my Easter basket this year :-)

Did you see the rumor of the xPro2 being FF???

Well I blame JK!!!

I have been struggling with the resale value of the XE1. It's depreciated a lot faster than the Nikon bodies. So I have resisted buying yet another Fuji body no matter how improved it might be if I couldn't get a decent resale or px...until JK, bless him, suggested I have it converted to IR! XT and an XEIR with 3 common lenses covering 18-200mm all for less weight than a D7000 and compact zoom!

Now that's too tempting!!!!:applause:


Posted by jk: Thu Apr 3rd, 2014 16:39 40th Post
TomOC wrote:
Think there might be one in my Easter basket this year :-)

Did you see the rumor of the xPro2 being FF???

I would say that there is as much chance of a Fuji FF camera as they will make a 5x4" camerathat has AF.
I am probably horribly wrong but I wouldnt bet against myself at this point in time.

XPro2 will be an XPro1 with the XT1 technology on steroids!
I will want one but I have 15 months to wait.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by richw: Sun Apr 13th, 2014 21:23 41st Post
I had a play with one of these at the local camera store in Melbourne at the weekend. It had a 56mm f1.2 lens on it. Came away drooling, took fantastic portrait shots in the low light of the shop completely isolating the subject. The largest aperture I have ever owned is f1.8 so it was a new experience for me to get that effect that close up, I'm normally at the end of my 70-200mm f2.8 to achieve the same look.

What a great camera for street photography. Nice feel in the hands as well and so small and light compared to a D3s.

Having played with both I'd be hard placed to choose between this and the Df if I was in the market for another camera, but I think the Fuji with that lens might win. I'm thinking I might treat myself in a years time for my 45 birthday, but I'm staying strong till then.

Posted by jk: Mon Apr 14th, 2014 03:17 42nd Post
It is an awesome piece of kit as you say Rich.
I think that if you wait until next year there will be many improvements in the XT1 that will come via firmware and the lens range will be extended as they are promising a long telephoto something in the 200-400mm region.

I long for something lighter than my Nikons but for my flamenco dance shooting the Nikons are unbeatable.  However the Fuji cameras provide the same quality as the Nikon D3S so I tend to use them for as much stuff as possible.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Mon Apr 14th, 2014 18:16 43rd Post
richw wrote:
I had a play with one of these at the local camera store in Melbourne at the weekend. It had a 56mm f1.2 lens on it. Came away drooling, took fantastic portrait shots in the low light of the shop completely isolating the subject. The largest aperture I have ever owned is f1.8 so it was a new experience for me to get that effect that close up, I'm normally at the end of my 70-200mm f2.8 to achieve the same look.

What a great camera for street photography. Nice feel in the hands as well and so small and light compared to a D3s.

Having played with both I'd be hard placed to choose between this and the Df if I was in the market for another camera, but I think the Fuji with that lens might win. I'm thinking I might treat myself in a years time for my 45 birthday, but I'm staying strong till then.

You are obviously made of greater resolve than me, Rich.
I succombed.

My XE1 is being converted to IR which if successful will give a compete colour and IR kit for a fraction of the equivalent nikon payload.:sssshh:


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