View single post by jk
 Posted: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 03:45

Joined: Sun Apr 1st, 2012
Location: Carthew, Cornwall, United Kingdom
Posts: 6830
Some help regarding the new gallery.

If you click on Gallery link in the left side Menu then you are taken into our new super Gallery.

If you click on My Gallery it takes you to your personal gallery.
This is where you want to start by creating your first album. You can have multiple sub-albums so you can organise your photos as you think fit.

Everyone has a 30MB limit on their Gallery size except for Sponsors who have a 50MB limit.

If you take a look at my images I have loaded them at a fairly small size (200x300 pixels at 72dpi which means that images are approximately 150-300kb). These dont up size into a popup.
So if you want to allow people to see you images then I suggest that you save you gallery images at > 1024pixels or larger in the longest dimension.  This will allow a pop window to occur if a user clicks on it.  See in my gallery album 'D800 test images' for example of this.

If you have comments or want to raise enhancement requests (cant guarantee that they can be implemented) then please post in this topic.

Here are some notes in the attached PDF file regarding how to use the controls.

Still learning after all these years!