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Posted by KenRay: Sat Jun 2nd, 2012 23:57 1st Post
I have no idea if this will show up anywhere but here goes. I come into the forum tonite and find there is new gallery software so i try to go to my gallery and no such luck. It brings up someone elses pics. So I logoff and try to log back in bt it will not accepy my password. So I get new pass word and the reset it. Now I try again to access my gallery again no luck,someone else's photos. I 'm pretty sure i had several shot on the new forum. Try to respond and it says i don't have privileges even though i'm following an instruction to do so. Says I must be a member or login. I see it requires a pdf to explain how to use the galleries. As most on here know about me I'm pretty challenged with digital photography and PC usage because of the complexity and now this forum is just as complex and getting more so. I am becoming fast convinced that this old dog really is too old to learn new tricks. The new forum really is nice and I shall probably continue to try to visit sometimes and look around and I still think this is the best photographic forum on the internet with by far the most talented members.

Kenneth Ray

Posted by jk: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 03:05 2nd Post
The old gallery photos are in the old gallery located at if you want to check out your old images. Please be aware that this gallery will be removed by the System Admin to save us some disk space sometime soon.

The reason why you see other peoples photos is because you are going to the comon area as you dont have a gallery album set up.

I think once you have created your first album in the new gallery that everything will become more obvious.
I did have 'fun' trying to work out how it all worked when there was no or little content.

Gary(squarerigger) says he found the new gallery easy to use and he also claims to be PC challenged. Remember you can make mistakes and we fix them later if necessary. Dont worry it will become easier as you use it more.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 03:21 3rd Post
Hi Ken,

Sorry to hear of your difficulties. The gallery that came with the new forum was very substandard for our needs. It has been replaced with a new and very good gallery which allows us to store and view our images.

You should be able to simply click on the gallery and go directly to your images. However, because we had to remove the original gallery which came with the new forum, yours and everyone else's images will have gone with it. You need to go to the gallery and create a new album, you can have several albums for different types of image, say perhaps you could have Landscape pictures, car pictures and home pictures for example.

It was stated some time ago that the gallery that came with the new forum was only temporary and that we were looking for a much better gallery. Replacing the gallery inevitably meant the images that were stored there would be lost.

This new gallery is much better and far simpler to use than the one we had on the old forum and once you have set up an album it should be a seamless switch from the forum to the gallery.

As for the PDF, most people who are here won't NEED it but it's good to have in case you get stuck or wonder how to use a feature. The old gallery was far more complex and very difficult to use but we had no PDF! It was the subject of many topics trying to figure how to use it.

If you are having log in difficulties or need help with the password I am sure JK will be pleased to help.


Posted by KenRay: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 09:43 4th Post
Thank you all for your kind encourgament. Maybe I shall try once more.

Kenneth Ray

Posted by KenRay: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 09:52 5th Post
I go to the frequently asked questions area and then read the how to use the gallery. There is an entry saying here is the pdf file on how to use. I click on it and it tells me i do not have permission to use. I get the same response in the other place it is stated. Since I cannot download the PDF and i don't know how to start a gallery then how in heavens name do I learn how. I'm really tired of chasing in circles for an answer. The frustration level rises each time I try to do something.

Kenneth Ray

Posted by Eric: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 10:07 6th Post
KenRay wrote:
I go to the frequently asked questions area and then read the how to use the gallery. There is an entry saying here is the pdf file on how to use. I click on it and it tells me i do not have permission to use. I get the same response in the other place it is stated. Since I cannot download the PDF and i don't know how to start a gallery then how in heavens name do I learn how. I'm really tired of chasing in circles for an answer. The frustration level rises each time I try to do something.
Might be worth holding off until all the wrinkles have been ironed out, like I am doing.;-)


Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 10:12 7th Post
Eric wrote:
KenRay wrote:
I go to the frequently asked questions area and then read the how to use the gallery. There is an entry saying here is the pdf file on how to use. I click on it and it tells me i do not have permission to use. I get the same response in the other place it is stated. Since I cannot download the PDF and i don't know how to start a gallery then how in heavens name do I learn how. I'm really tired of chasing in circles for an answer. The frustration level rises each time I try to do something.
Might be worth holding off until all the wrinkles have been ironed out, like I am doing.;-)

Wise move Eric, let us tear out our remaining hair first! ;-)


Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 10:14 8th Post
KenRay wrote:
I go to the frequently asked questions area and then read the how to use the gallery. There is an entry saying here is the pdf file on how to use. I click on it and it tells me i do not have permission to use. I get the same response in the other place it is stated. Since I cannot download the PDF and i don't know how to start a gallery then how in heavens name do I learn how. I'm really tired of chasing in circles for an answer. The frustration level rises each time I try to do something.
This should take you to the user guide but I found my way by fumbling.

Clicking on that link immediately immediately downloaded the PDF which opened itself. Worked perfectly.


Posted by jk: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 12:24 9th Post
KenRay wrote: I go to the frequently asked questions area and then read the how to use the gallery. There is an entry saying here is the pdf file on how to use. I click on it and it tells me i do not have permission to use. I get the same response in the other place it is stated. Since I cannot download the PDF and i don't know how to start a gallery then how in heavens name do I learn how. I'm really tired of chasing in circles for an answer. The frustration level rises each time I try to do something. Ken the inability to download the file must be something to do with your machine not the forum account permissions.

If you have popup windows disabled or your browser full screen then it may be that you arent seeing the window that offers you the option to open the file or download it.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by blackfox: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 13:34 10th Post
just downloaded the instructions via pdf ,now i'm fairly computer savvy ,but i,m sorry J.K this is totally over the top of my head .when its made more user friendly i will start to upload a gallery again .till then it needs work to make it that way

Posted by KenRay: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 14:19 11th Post
I shall just take a wait and see attitude as Eric suggests. The sad part is I consider myself reasonably intelligent ( I have a BS degree and once had an IQ of 140) and was a Programmer,Analyst and Manager on large mainframes for over 30 years and I just find the minutaei (sp) of these systems just more than is necessary for my patience.

Kenneth Ray

Posted by jk: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 16:52 12th Post
blackfox wrote: just downloaded the instructions via pdf ,now i'm fairly computer savvy ,but i,m sorry J.K this is totally over the top of my head .when its made more user friendly i will start to upload a gallery again .till then it needs work to make it that way
I only put the PDF there as an aid in case people got stuck.
The software is very easy to use.

Go to the Gallery, create an Album for yourself by clicking the Creat Album link.
Then go into the album and upload pictures. 
You can have sub-albums or a flat album structure for additional albums.

It is simpler than the PDF makes out.  Sometimes/frequently it is easier to do than to read the instructions.  Same as the Nikon Camera User Manual.  Only RTM when you get stuck!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 17:03 13th Post
It's FAR simpler than the PDF makes out.

Michael created his own Album and uploaded a couple of pix this evening on his own.

Mind you I quite often have to get him to show ME how!!!


Posted by blackfox: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 17:14 14th Post
sorted thanks to j.k ,thank god for good old plain english ,it beats p.c gobbleygook any day :applause::applause:

Posted by jk: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 17:18 15th Post
Not me Jeff, all down to you.
I have to admit that I never read the manual unless I get stuck or need to know more about a feature.

Also software should be well designed so it mimics a workflow or process. Unfortunately this is frequently not the case.

Well done.
Enjoying your photos of the insects in the Gallery.
Want to see some more of the tern pictures.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 17:26 16th Post
Well done Jeff, I think JK should tear up that PDF, it just adds to the confusion! lol

I have read it, afterwards, I am still looking for the EXIF data that it's supposed to display. some of my images should have the EXIF intact but it don't show up for me.


Posted by blackfox: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 17:37 17th Post
got tons of other stuff to upload jk .its finding the time ,plus a lot of my older pics were taken with a canon (gulp) .out granny sitting tomorrow the ma in law has broke her arm ,so nowt going to get done ,maybe tuesday

Posted by jk: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 17:44 18th Post
Robert wrote:
Well done Jeff, I think JK should tear up that PDF, it just adds to the confusion! lol

I have read it, afterwards, I am still looking for the EXIF data that it's supposed to display. some of my images should have the EXIF intact but it don't show up for me.

On the snagging list to sort out.
EXIF data are very useful.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 18:16 19th Post
Look forward to seeing more pix Jeff, hope the Ma in law gets better soon.

I don't think anybody will mind some pix made with a Canon. We are very easy going here. Iain has moved back to Canon and Steve (wingnut) used both brands.


Posted by KenRay: Sun Jun 3rd, 2012 21:02 20th Post
My last post on the topic as I would probably never use the gallery anyway. I go to the gallery and there is NO repeat NO 'Create ' link on my screen so I try Upload Photo and it promptly returns a screen that say's I do not have permission.

Kenneth Ray

Posted by jk: Mon Jun 4th, 2012 02:27 21st Post
Ken you are using the Gallery link not My Gallery link.
If you do that then go to the next step which is to click on My Albums link at top of screen.  Then follow instructions below from step 3.

1.  Go to your gallery area by clicking in the forum menu on My Gallery link.
2.  Then you will need to click on My Albums link.
3. Then at the top of the screen you will see a link that says Create a New Album. Click on that link and you will get the screen that allows you to name your album.
4.  Put in a name for your album and click Create a New Album and all is done!

Then just upload images to the album.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Mon Jun 4th, 2012 02:46 22nd Post
Uploading images into an album is easy.
Please make sure that you are in the Album you want to upload into.

1. Click on My Gallery link
2. Click on My Albums link
3. Select the album you want to upload your images into by clicking on the Upload Images link on right side of screen.
4. To the right side of the field where it says Select the photos you wish to upload from your computer:    click on the Browse button.
5. Browse on your computer to the image you want to upload.  Select image and click Open or OK.  It is Open on my Mac but it may be different in Windows.
6. Click on the Upload/Submit button.  Wait for image to upload.

Repeat until all your images are uploaded.

Still learning after all these years!

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