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Olympus PEN-F | Rate Topic |
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Posted by highlander: Thu Aug 17th, 2017 05:12 | 1st Post |
Should anyone be interested, I acquired an Olympus PEN-F and two lenses on Tuesday. I set about a test shoot yesterday and the write up is on my blog
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Posted by jk: Thu Aug 17th, 2017 05:31 | 2nd Post |
I would love one if it was APS-C or FF. I find 4/3 format just too small for my quality needs.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by highlander: Thu Aug 17th, 2017 05:36 | 3rd Post |
I'm selling images from the Nikon P900 and the sensor on that is way smaller. I was expecting to be disappointed by the 4/3rd sensor results but I was extremely happy to be very pleasantly surprised. As it says in my blog, we did used to print A3 brochures from a 2.6x crop sensor with 1.5MP on board.
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Posted by highlander: Tue Sep 26th, 2017 11:58 | 4th Post |
My initial enthusiasm has been tempered by use in the field. It's nice, its light, it does a fairly good job, BUT, its not full frame and the 4:3 ratio is odd.
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Posted by jk: Tue Sep 26th, 2017 14:32 | 5th Post |
I agree but it is a very much lighter option it is like always a question of balance. I want the IQ and as such am stuck on APS-C Fuji and Nikon FF with D500 APS-C for long range wildlife.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Robert: Tue Sep 26th, 2017 16:14 | 6th Post |
I followed your link in post one and read it with great interest. Seems we are completely at odds on weight... I have even been looking at a full plate camera as a path for the future!!! ![]() Following from investigating this... The second is probably more sensible, maybe next year? Anyway, what prompted me to put my finger to the keyboard was the account of your visit to Skye. I greatly enjoyed your write up, particularly the early morning visit to The Quiraing. When I was there in July last year, the 'cars parked' extended for at least a mile along the road. I just drove past, I hate crowds, quite apart from the difficulty of getting photographs without tourists in their bright touristy garb. This was my effort... Not a bright yellow anorak in sight! Without wind and with the right light, Loch Leathan might provide some nice reflections of The Quiraing. D3 with the Nikkor 105mm f2.5 pre Ai lens at f4, ISO200 ![]() Jan, could I suggest you place a link in your signature to your blog? I'm sure it would be of interest to others.
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by Eric: Tue Sep 26th, 2017 18:37 | 7th Post |
Robert wrote:I followed your link in post one and read it with great interest. Ok I concede defeat...but I could have missed one!! I mean...I couldn't see any yellow anoraks either, despite scouring the horizon in minute detail. ![]() The reason I am so sceptical is.... my shot of the glacier at the base of the Grossglockner looked unspoilt....and yet......... Attachment: F7204530-F6BA-45CD-B18F-958E4069E67E.jpeg (Downloaded 18 times)
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Eric: Tue Sep 26th, 2017 18:38 | 8th Post |
There were two skiers having a chat..... Attachment: 366C0732-7EE5-4317-9BA0-4AA023FF4307.jpeg (Downloaded 18 times)
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Eric: Tue Sep 26th, 2017 18:39 | 9th Post |
And some one making a solo ascent of the Grossglockner itself!! Attachment: 5CE7321C-881F-4FEC-944D-437B18566EE3.jpeg (Downloaded 19 times)
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Eric: Tue Sep 26th, 2017 18:42 | 10th Post |
You never what's out there hidden in the frame. Great photo by the way Robert ![]()
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Robert: Tue Sep 26th, 2017 19:25 | 11th Post |
This is the trouble with having such high resolution cameras! ![]() ![]() ![]() My brick size pixels in the D3 wouldn't contain such minute detail, thank goodness... ![]() Nice glacier by the way, I would love to see something like that in the flesh, as it were. You got me at it now... I taken my photo and at 1:1 I might just be able to pick out some people but I don't think they are wearing yellow anoraks! Suspicious areas marked with red circles... Attachment: Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 00.17.35.jpg (Downloaded 18 times)
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by jk: Wed Sep 27th, 2017 04:40 | 12th Post |
Pixel peekers! Like Robert says we are now at the point where the eye doesnt see but the camera does!
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Eric: Wed Sep 27th, 2017 14:43 | 13th Post |
Robert wrote:This is the trouble with having such high resolution cameras! ![]() Just going back to the camera resolution point....the wide angle shot was with the old XE1 before it was converted to IR. The close up shots are actually crops from Jan's PanasonicFZ1000 at 400mm. It produces brilliant quality images that can be cropped severely. She just got the FZ2000...I may end up using her old one as a carry around if I ditch Fuji. One day you must take your open top car over the Grossglockner mountain road, when it opens early June. A truly memorable experience I cannot recommend enough. ![]()
____________________ Eric |
Posted by Robert: Wed Sep 27th, 2017 18:26 | 14th Post |
I take it the resolution is a fair bit over 12Mb? The skiers and climber would actually be nice to see in the picture but it's the tourists with millions of kids screaming etc. which I find objectionable. Christopher started playing up when we were on our way up to the Fairy Pools in Glen Brittle, I turned on my heel and marched him back to the car and we drove straight home to Cumbria. Is the Austrian pass the one which s privately owned? Sid showed me a video he made, he took the Berkley over for a special day when they close the pass to the public and you can use the pass one way at a time, using it like a race track I think. Just watched a video of it (Not keen on the soundtrack...). Thanks for reminding me. Not sure I could cope with driving it, they all seem to drive on the wrong side of the road. ![]() Now THIS is what I call fun! Just up the road from here, must take the Marlin up there.
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by highlander: Thu Sep 28th, 2017 09:35 | 15th Post |
Robert wrote:I followed your link in post one and read it with great interest. Done. And thank you for the compliments. Lovely photo of the Storr. I went up there once, with the hordes, never again. Thats why I like going in February, and it avoids the midges. Although saying that, February this year was the busiest I have seen it at that time. The hotel was fully booked (I am not completely insane, I don't camp in wet winter, snow yes, rain no). I know those on Skye who depend on tourists are loving how busy it is but it is spoiling it. There are too many people and not enough facilities. The lack of public toilets is a huge problem, and the car parking is crazy. The single track roads are complete nightmare. I have really lost interest in Skye now, and will be exploring elsewhere.
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Posted by highlander: Thu Sep 28th, 2017 09:49 | 16th Post |
The problem with 8x10 isn't the camera as transporting the film. You need to load the film in the dark of course, and then transport each of the encased 'plates' which will be bigger and heavier than the intrepid by the looks of it. I shot 5x4 and that was bad enough!
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Posted by Robert: Thu Sep 28th, 2017 10:14 | 17th Post |
I have to say I was a bit indignant, during the summer there was an announcement that the police were planning to turn around anybody turning up at the Skye Bridge without an accommodation booking. I have just been checking campsites and they don't seem to take bookings??? ![]() I still want to give Skye one more shot, I really wanted to see the Fairy Pools and all the lovely waterfalls. Probably a day on it's own. I can't sum up the energy for steep walking now, Great Gable was an effort last time. I never have been keen on steep walking since school days, youth hosteling in the Lake District, I couldn't tackle Striding Edge now! Skye is a fair old trip from here, a chunk over 400 miles I think, Mull is about 350 from here. I may go to Mull in October, the Tour of Mull Rally, which has been canceled due to insurance problems. The organisers are trying to set up alternative motorsport competitions for this year, (13th-14th October 2017). It would be good if we could go, to show support for the organisers. The Tour of Mull Rally is normally a closed road event like the Manx. Having competed twice I have a close interest in the event. While the scenery of Skye is spectacular, there are many other places in Scotland which are equally photogenic. I would like to explore the Ranoch Moor area, landscape wise probably nothing to beat it. There are also many sea Lochs and coastal places well worth visiting. Google Earth is your friend, together with The Photographers Ephemeris.
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by highlander: Thu Sep 28th, 2017 10:23 | 18th Post |
Fairy pools isn't a bad walk, not steep, but does require leaping between 3ft high stepping stones. They are big enough to get a good landing, but the first few are interesting. You get the hang of it by the end and have to repeat the feat on the way back. Or wear wellies and hope it's not in spate. Attachment: 9174ACE9-3305-4729-BE76-C351F883441D.jpeg (Downloaded 10 times)
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Posted by jk: Thu Sep 28th, 2017 10:51 | 19th Post |
Interesting waterfall. Looks like a person in white in the rocks!
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Robert: Thu Sep 28th, 2017 11:07 | 20th Post |
This was my first view of the path, after we had found somewhere to park. The pools and waterfalls are all along the line of the ravine which has been eroded from the rock over many millions of years.![]() The path was wide enough, not too steep as you say. This was one of the first pools I found. ![]() We then walked further on, given the width of the path, Christopher decided to walk on the wet-damp grass right on the edge of the drop into the river, between 10 and 15 feet, maybe more in places? After three warnings to keep away from the edge I turned him around for home. I had no wish to have a free helicopter ride to Glasgow infirmary. Here are a couple more I took earlier in the day... All with the D3 and the 18-36 lens. ![]() This was hand held at 1/8 sec and is far from sharp. ![]()
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by highlander: Mon Oct 2nd, 2017 04:29 | 21st Post |
To get back to the original subject..... I have now posted a longer look at the Olympus Pen on my blog, detailing the things that I don't like about it. I have received a LOT of criticism online for this post, and it has riled a lot of OLympus fans. Obviously you are not allowed to find things you don't like, even if the review is fair comment. Sadly, as I have just lost my job, I will also be looking to sell the Olympus set up shortly, if anyone is interested. I have reverted back to having a DSLR which I am very happy with and one or the other has to go. I will be dedicating myself to my photography business again, which fell by the wayside the last two years since I had a good job running a gallery. The sale will help support that and I feel the DSLR will be better placed for the work I need to do to recreate my business efforts.
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Posted by Bob Bowen: Mon Oct 2nd, 2017 07:02 | 22nd Post |
That's tough Jan hope all goes well in the future.
____________________ Bob Bowen |
Posted by jk: Mon Oct 2nd, 2017 11:47 | 23rd Post |
highlander wrote:To get back to the original subject..... I cant see why people are so protective/defensive about their make of camera. Every camera has strengths and weaknesses and there is no perfect camera. Take no notice of the trolls Jan. Sorry to hear about the job loss but every closing door causes another to open.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
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