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Shooting with morons  Rate Topic 

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Sun Aug 26th, 2012 16:27 1st Post
I went to a flyday Saturday, it was great nice weather big crowd. I got there early to get a good spot in the shade there is a fire station facing the runway in the viewing area and between the doors are concrete dividers about a foot high so standing on one gives a view over the crowd, I had been there about 20 mins chatting with a nice man I met. When it was about time for the show to start a late arrival came steped up on the island in front of me and blocked the best shooting angle, i was so flabergasted I didn't know what to say so I just let it go not wanting to cause a disturbance. When I am in the front row I let kids stand in front of me so they can see better but this was an adult and a very inconsiderate and self centered one.
I did get some nice shots I only lost 4 or 5 due to the interloper. I will not allow that to happen again



R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by Robert: Sun Aug 26th, 2012 17:29 2nd Post
Very frustrating Ed. Have come across one or two like that.

A sharp prod from the monopod perhaps, by accident of course! :devil:


Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Mon Aug 27th, 2012 00:30 3rd Post
OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOh I like it and it could be useful in future



R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by TomOC: Mon Aug 27th, 2012 01:00 4th Post
That happened to me at my last flyover, Ed.

Must be something about people looking up and ignoring what is around them.

I like Robert's idea a lot!!!


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by steve of oxford: Mon Aug 27th, 2012 02:40 5th Post
Robert wrote:

A sharp prod from the monopod perhaps, by accident of course! :devil:

In using a monopod Robert goes one better than the Hungarian umbrella assassin.

Seriously though, you get two types of people doing this; those who genuinely don't realise, and those who do it deliberately as an act of 'fk-you'.

If it was me the first thing I would have done is looked at the guy's camera....if it was a point and shoot then ok fair enough probably just an innocent noob not realising so leave him alone, but if he had some serious gear then probably it was deliberate because he thinks he has more right to a better shot than you do, so just do back to him as he did to you, if he retaliates then head but to the bridge of the nose or swift knee in the bllx.........rules of engagement for those who had it coming.

Pushy argy bargy impolite types have a weakness, and that is their own psychology. Imagine what these fkrs must drive like on the roads, pushing everyone else around. Now, if you use their own psychology against them rather than yielding....believe me it lets all their compressed air escape and they're left with nowt. Standard way of dealing with bullies.....just do it back but harder.

On edit: I just realised this happened in the US, in that case you'd need to make sure the A-hole didn't have a gun, because having a gun gives you the right to shove everyone else around.

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Mon Aug 27th, 2012 13:23 6th Post
Actually I think it was a extreme  case of crainalrectalitis:sick: :rofl: 

there are three more days to go this year next Saturday is an antique aircraft fly in, and a week after another flyday, and two weeks later another flyday so I will be prepared to protect my space, I really don't care about the space only the view:popcorn:   

be well


old country wisdom!!!!!!

Do not corner something that is meaner than you!!!!!

Keep skunks, lawyers, and bankers at a distance

sometimes you get, and sometimes you get got!! :diggingahole:                                                                    

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by jk: Mon Aug 27th, 2012 13:57 7th Post
Robert wrote: Very frustrating Ed. Have come across one or two like that.

A sharp prod from the monopod perhaps, by accident of course! :devil:

Dont you mean, put head on a sharp stick usually discourages repetition!!  :lol:

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Mon Aug 27th, 2012 15:10 8th Post
Huuuuummmm  panning from behind with a very large lens might start to get the idea across or I could borrow a friends 4x4 of knowledge oak about 6 ft long aaaah no that would probably be considered a weapon (can't have that)  the lens would just be an unfortunate accident      RIGHT!!!!!    :devil:


R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by steve of oxford: Tue Aug 28th, 2012 01:31 9th Post
There's just some inconsiderate bastids around. It's the norm I'm afraid....never mind other people, manners or morals. You see it, you grab it, if someone else is in the way just walk all over 'em.

A sad reflection of the times.

I saw it coming years ago when I used to use public transport; old lady on a bus standing, no seats. School kid sitting. Asked School kid to give up seat for the old lady and was told to F-off.

The way I see it, if someone casually trashes you as if you meant nothing, then casually do something back as if they mean nothing. Go about one's business without causing harm or inconvenience to others, but if someone does have a right to do 'em back, because laws (especially in England) are usually there to protect the villain at the expense of the victim's dignity and rights.

The world we live in, sadly.

Posted by blackfox: Tue Aug 28th, 2012 02:11 10th Post
unfortunately this is a fact of life in the birding world ,the biggest penis(lens) in the hide type always want to try and get a better shot probably based on the premise that they paid more for there gear so they can be more arrogant .
i have a very efficient way of dealing with this ,i seem to have the ability to fart very loudly on demand ,if not a few loud burps also works well ,luckily as robert can testify i have the height,bulk ,and gob to back up these actions .sad i know but a fact of life these days ,you always find these a*******s that push in are the ones that won't indulge in banter with the smaller penis (lens) types that frequent the locations to .
so if your in a bird hide acting the prat and some big geezer stands next to you and lets rip introduce yourself i can be nice at times 3:)

Posted by jk: Tue Aug 28th, 2012 03:48 11th Post
blackfox wrote:
unfortunately this is a fact of life in the birding world ,the biggest penis(lens) in the hide type always want to try and get a better shot probably based on the premise that they paid more for there gear so they can be more arrogant .
i have a very efficient way of dealing with this ,i seem to have the ability to fart very loudly on demand ,if not a few loud burps also works well ,luckily as robert can testify i have the height,bulk ,and gob to back up these actions .sad i know but a fact of life these days ,you always find these a******es that push in are the ones that won't indulge in banter with the smaller penis (lens) types that frequent the locations to .
so if your in a bird hide acting the prat and some big geezer stands next to you and lets rip introduce yourself i can be nice at times 3:)

:lol: And I thought you was well brought up!

People tend to forget that in a greedy world that just because you have loads of money that it does buy the right to anything except having a bank statement that a few more noughts on it.

Knowledge and skill still outweigh money. Economists and bankers beware.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Squarerigger: Tue Aug 28th, 2012 07:27 12th Post
blackfox wrote:
unfortunately this is a fact of life in the birding world ,the biggest penis(lens) in the hide type always want to try and get a better shot probably based on the premise that they paid more for there gear so they can be more arrogant .
i have a very efficient way of dealing with this ,i seem to have the ability to fart very loudly on demand ,if not a few loud burps also works well ,luckily as robert can testify i have the height,bulk ,and gob to back up these actions .sad i know but a fact of life these days ,you always find these a******es that push in are the ones that won't indulge in banter with the smaller penis (lens) types that frequent the locations to .
so if your in a bird hide acting the prat and some big geezer stands next to you and lets rip introduce yourself i can be nice at times 3:)

I'll do that Jeff, right after I unleash my can of air fresh which is being added to my kit bag as we speak!!:applause::rofl::rofl:


Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Tue Aug 28th, 2012 11:35 13th Post
Thank you Thank you Thank you!!
I have some friends that hunt for deer, and one of the things they use is deer musk, it is even worse than skunk a few drops of that on the concrete and nobody would be able to stand there, If I can't have the spot then:devil:

yes I know on the moron would be a first option, remember the scene in Crocodile Dundee with the bats and the berries    hummmmmmmmmmm    :sick:

:rofl::rofl: makes one feel better just to think of all these wonderful things. At least it puts a smile on.


R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by steve of oxford: Tue Aug 28th, 2012 13:22 14th Post
I know what my wife would do:...

....with dignity ask the individual to reverse his rude actions, but she'd have her right knee primed ;-)

Posted by Ray Ninness: Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 12:46 15th Post
The last air show I attended here, was reasonably nice, baring the fact that a few hundred thousand other folks decided to show up after I arrived.. I arrived very early and parking wasn't much of an issue..
But when the crowd did arrive and started to settle in, I too, was amazed at the clowns that thought sitting/and or standing directly in front of me and trying to get me to rearrange my gear to accommodate them was perfectly normal??? 

BUT the really maddening part was leaving, it took me almost three hours just to get out of the parking lot and to the expressway.. Those issues and the fact that by mid day the sun was directly in our faces, and made any decent photographt all but impossible, probably explains why I haven't been back for a second course???


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire

Posted by Robert: Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 15:09 16th Post
I went to the US Base in the UK, Mildenhall a few years back, it was film... We were on holiday and stumbled upon this airshow which was spectacular.

Trouble is like you say, everybody wants to leave at the end, we sat tight enjoying REAL American burgers cooked on oil drum BBQ's, they were the best I ever had. Each squadron seemed to have their own BBQ and everybody was welcome.

I even got some pix!

We don't seem to have so many airshows over here now, some are gone altogether and some are every two years, well you forget, so it becomes four years... I want to go to Elvington Nr York but I think it's next year now?


Posted by Ed Matusik: Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 15:44 17th Post
There are still local airshows here, and, military exhibitions are sometimes part of county fairs and other events. We owned a Cessna 182 in the 70's and 80's and eventually sold it as the cost of fuel, insurance and maintenance soared. I think by now private aircraft are owned mostly by groups of fliers, and not as much by individuals. Unless, of course, the individual operates as a flight instructor and can deduct his/her flying costs as a small business. - EdM.

Posted by blackfox: Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 16:02 18th Post
Robert wrote:
I went to the US Base in the UK, Mildenhall a few years back, it was film... We were on holiday and stumbled upon this airshow which was spectacular.

Trouble is like you say, everybody wants to leave at the end, we sat tight enjoying REAL American burgers cooked on oil drum BBQ's, they were the best I ever had. Each squadron seemed to have their own BBQ and everybody was welcome.

I even got some pix!

We don't seem to have so many airshows over here now, some are gone altogether and some are every two years, well you forget, so it becomes four years... I want to go to Elvington Nr York but I think it's next year now?

you actually missed the rhyl air show by a couple of weeks robert ,its a fairly new yearly event held on the seafront at rhyl by the lifeboat station ,spread over two days AND is completely free as well .heres one of mine from this years

and another one spot the willy :bowing::bowing:

Posted by Robert: Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 16:15 19th Post
Perhaps you will give me a shout next year Jeff?

Nice pix, they must come pretty close by the looks of that... Are they the same windmills that you see from Prestatyn?

BTW, just to go OT for a moment...

When we went home from the 'holiday' senior management decided she wanted to take the scenic route, via Flint... It took us an hour and a half to get through Flint to the new bridge, HOW do you live with that??? :doh:


Posted by jk: Sun Sep 2nd, 2012 17:16 20th Post
Jeff, Like the helicopter shot.
Love the helicopter with the windmills in the background.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Squarerigger: Mon Sep 3rd, 2012 08:37 21st Post
Great photos Jeff. I hope that's not the pilot in the yellow boots getting ready to exit the bird :rofl:

It takes some kind of fortitude to do what those two pilots in the top shot are attempting.


Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Fri Sep 14th, 2012 14:45 22nd Post
Well Saturday will be another chance for morons idiots and bafoons to show their stuff. I will be prepared as I am taking my monopole named fido, and possibly my faithful guard wife they'll not dare invade our space. I do hope the rules include biting scratching and kicking as Fido is very good at all of those..


:wtf: into the valley rode the fearless photog!!!  :salute:

be well


R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by Iain: Fri Sep 14th, 2012 15:29 23rd Post
blackfox wrote:
unfortunately this is a fact of life in the birding world ,the biggest penis(lens) in the hide type always want to try and get a better shot probably based on the premise that they paid more for there gear so they can be more arrogant .
i have a very efficient way of dealing with this ,i seem to have the ability to fart very loudly on demand ,if not a few loud burps also works well ,luckily as robert can testify i have the height,bulk ,and gob to back up these actions .sad i know but a fact of life these days ,you always find these a******es that push in are the ones that won't indulge in banter with the smaller penis (lens) types that frequent the locations to .
so if your in a bird hide acting the prat and some big geezer stands next to you and lets rip introduce yourself i can be nice at times 3:)

I like this method.

My method in Ed's case is, when using a big lens step forward to just behind the left or right shoulder of said person, other wise known as prat, and when taking a shot swing the lens left or right as needed to make contact with prats head followed with an apology.

I find this tends to make them move. 3:)

Posted by KenRay: Fri Sep 14th, 2012 15:30 24th Post
Love airplanes and airshows. Quit flying when they started to make you take a check ride when you rented a plane and charged you for it in the rental. They have some pretty good ones here in Arizona.

Kenneth Ray

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Fri Sep 14th, 2012 22:21 25th Post
 The ones here are known as fly days, they are on Saturdays every two weeks through the summer, and allow the collectors to exercise the planes, and keep them in top shape. It is good advertisement for the museums as well. there are two museums at Paine Field in Everett Wa. at the south end of the airport one on each side of the west runway. Normally 2 planes fly from the Flying Heritage Collection, and they will often be joined by a plane from Historic Flight Foundation. Last time it was 2 Spitfires and a Hurricane. Saturday it will be the first flight of FHCs Shturmovik IL II . the party starts at noon and lasts about a half an hour with low passes and lots of great taxi shots     EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE HHAAAWWWWW!!!




R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by rmoser: Sun Sep 16th, 2012 18:25 26th Post
I've darn near knocked someone out with my 500 F4. "Oh, sorry, couldn't see you there. Would mind getting your feet off my other three cameras? Thanks very much. Oh, no, I'll just keep swinging this thing around kind of randomly so you'll probably want to move or practice ducking since I've been here all day doing this."


Attachment: DTN20120616-4020-Edit.jpg (Downloaded 25 times)

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Sun Sep 16th, 2012 20:57 27th Post
Very nice Rob
Saturday was 180 deg different, no morons, and I met a very nice photog from New York here for the summer. We made plans to get together next year for some of the flydays and flyins  cool!!!!!!!


R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

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