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take care when out and about | Rate Topic |
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Posted by blackfox: Tue Oct 30th, 2012 11:59 | 1st Post |
i,m posting this as a warning ,this is the second such attack in my area in the last few weeks .so please be aware as xmas approaches the toe-rags are realising we carry expensive gear . and yes robert this is about half a mile from where we were in the summer
Posted by jk: Tue Oct 30th, 2012 13:23 | 2nd Post |
Well I hope they find the thug. However if they do he will probably get community service which he wont turn up to! I still think that the use of public humiliation (stocks, public caning, flogging, etc (I might stop at hanging and beheading)) is a better and cheaper option than prison.
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Posted by Robert: Tue Oct 30th, 2012 16:43 | 3rd Post |
blackfox wrote:and yes robert this is about half a mile from where we were in the summer TBH the thought had occurred to me when I was exploring the dunes between the caravan site and the Lighthouse. I was very aware of the possibility of ambush through those narrow paths. Late in the evening it's very quiet in some parts. Probably best to keep to the main paths and not go alone. Especially if carrying gear.
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by Kathy Baker: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 01:45 | 4th Post |
Is it possible to put a tracking device in your camera and lenses?
Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 03:03 | 5th Post |
I am with JK, All the talk about saving the planet, going green and all Well lets go with a new add line(" go green with capital punishment") save resources and provide plant food at the same time. ![]() Ed ![]()
____________________ R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous! |
Posted by Constable: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 04:30 | 6th Post |
Ed and JK You are making Steve of Oxford look like a lily-livered liberal! Ed
Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 04:55 | 7th Post |
Constable wrote:Ed and JK ![]()
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 04:57 | 8th Post |
Keep a close eye on eBay. May take a month or two but there is a fair chance they will turn up there eventually.
____________________ Robert. |
Posted by blackfox: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 06:10 | 9th Post |
Kathy Baker wrote:Is it possible to put a tracking device in your camera and lenses? no kathy but if images are taken with it them and then used on a photo sharing site such as flickr ,the exif data can be tracked via serial numbers .heard of it being done but its laborious and a shot in the dark
Posted by blackfox: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 06:13 | 10th Post |
in this case reading the news paper story ,they are not giving out the make ,type ,model involved .
Posted by jk: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 15:54 | 11th Post |
Constable wrote:Ed and JK ![]() Only one problem with capital punishment is if you get it wrong. Bit difficult to undo!
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Posted by Eric: Wed Oct 31st, 2012 17:12 | 12th Post |
blackfox wrote:in this case reading the news paper story ,they are not giving out the make ,type ,model involved . By not giving the details they are no doubt hoping to retrieve it. Once the serial numbers are aired the gear will end up in the nearest river. In our town it's standard practise for thieves to offload what they can and then dump the rest off the 'cut' bridge. If they under slung the bridge with a net they would recover everything that was stolen for miles around! Personally I would prefer it to be publicised and lost. Don't want any gear back that someone has manhandled. That's what insurance is for.
____________________ Eric |
Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 1st, 2012 14:30 | 13th Post |
Is it possible to put a tracking device in your camera and lenses? .......would have to be on the mobile networks I suspect. Though it does make me wonder what satisfaction you'd get if you were mugged of your bag, which happened to contain 1) anthrax spores, 2) a bomb you could remotely detonate, 3) lethal tree frogs, 4) highly radioactive isotope. These people are scum bags, their excuse would be "not my fault I ain't got no job" ...neither have I but I don't go around bashing innocent people on the head or nicking stuff.
Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 1st, 2012 14:32 | 14th Post |
jk wrote:Constable wrote: This is why the village stocks was always a good idea, and the one ever went back for a second dose of that. What have we got? ....Girl shot in the head by cowards for no reason than she wanted an education. ....our 'celebrities' turning out to be nothing other than kiddy fiddlers. .....Tax, tax, and more bloody tax. .....Young girl missing in Wales. .....A lady vet murdered. We need some kind of cultural revolution in this country, with 'had it coming' laws where good citizens can meter punishment as they see fit to cowards, paedos muggers, anus-brained Audi / BMW, drivers, bully bosses, arrogant town hall staff etc. The whole lot....cap 'em. If they have it due, they should get it on the spot. Oh and special for HR office tarts.....tarred & feathered! Traffic wardens ?....still working on it, but it's gonna be humiliating and it'll hurt, a lot. Cops who've tasered innocent people?....440v 3ph ought to do it. Or chuck 'em on an electrified railway. Politicians and judges who extradite British people for kangaroo trials in the US?.....Traitor's gate then decapitation.
Posted by steve of oxford: Thu Nov 1st, 2012 14:39 | 15th Post |
Robert wrote:Keep a close eye on eBay. May take a month or two but there is a fair chance they will turn up there eventually. Car boot I'd have thought
Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Thu Nov 1st, 2012 20:56 | 16th Post |
looks like the UK is just as sick as the US, problem is nothing to be done, by honest people anyway.![]() ![]() Ed
____________________ R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous! |
Posted by steve of oxford: Sat Nov 3rd, 2012 04:10 | 17th Post |
Ed Hutchinson wrote:looks like the UK is just as sick as the US, problem is nothing to be done, by honest people anyway. At last someone near to understanding how we went down the pan. i.e. we've gone down because of two quisling governments importing american ideology into the way our daily lives are governed: Non-public facing public sector. Swipe card access everywhere. Corporate model in just about everything. Spying on citizens. Pricing EVERYTHING. Giving the security services licence to do what the hell they like to anyone objecting to traitor government. Assassinating people who get in the way of illegal invasions. Giving nasty little illegal toys to the police, usually imported from the US. Covertly passing all UK citizens private data to the CIA. Knocking off anyone who 'could' pose a threat, but hasn't actually done anything. Spy cameras everywhere. Not difficult to see where the corporate-ism disease was imported from, and who by.
Posted by steve of oxford: Sat Nov 3rd, 2012 07:15 | 18th Post |
Back to topic....whoever did this mugging has no excuse in my opinion, there is no mitigation for stealing from and bashing someone up who's probably worked hard for what he's got. Unforgivable, I hope they catch the coward.
Posted by jk: Sat Nov 3rd, 2012 10:33 | 19th Post |
steve of oxford wrote: Ed Hutchinson wrote:Not sure I take this view as is anti-American in its slant. The problem isnt America but it is the adoption of policies that are multi-national and then screaming when they dont work everywhere. Whilst some of the problems seem to come from America when you research the source and cause it is different. The USA as a free and open-minded country (in general, there are always exceptions) tend to be 'first adopters' and frequently pay the price for this.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by jk: Sat Nov 3rd, 2012 10:41 | 20th Post |
I think if you want to complain about something then look into the glass house and check this out........ FYI it is now illegal in UK for more than 20 people to gather together in a public place without notifying the police. Processions and assemblies Section 11 - Advance notice of public processions requires at least 6 clear days' written notice to be given to the police before most public processions, including details of the intended time and route, and giving the name and address of at least one person proposing to organise it; creates offences for the organisers of a procession if they do not give sufficient notice, or if the procession diverges from the notified time or route Section 12 - Imposing conditions on public processions provides police the power to impose conditions on processions "to prevent serious public disorder, serious criminal damage or serious disruption to the life of the community" Section 13 - Prohibiting public processions Chief Police Officer has the power to ban public processions up to three months by applying to local authority for a banning order which needs subsequent confirmation from the Home Secretary. Section 14 - Imposing conditions on public assemblies provides police the power to impose conditions on assemblies "to prevent serious public disorder, serious criminal damage or serious disruption to the life of the community". The conditions are limited to the specifying of: the number of people who may take part, the location of the assembly, and its maximum duration. Section 14A - Prohibiting trespassory assemblies added by section 70 of the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994, to control "raves" Section 16 - Public Assembly - Means an assembly of 20 or more persons in a public place which is wholly or partly open to the air. The UK is a police state controlled by the grey suits who decide what you can or cant do. So if you dont like it then you cant protest as less than 20 people is nothing and more than 20 is unlawful assembly and allows you to be arrested. UK has a great deal to learn about free speech and expression.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by jk: Sat Nov 3rd, 2012 10:44 | 21st Post |
OK so I have stated the UK law and Steve has made some assertions about things from USA. I think that we probably need to cool it in our responses and allow for the fact that there are people from all nationalities who are on this forum. Some statements that may be 'innocently' written may provide offense depending on tone, style or use of english. So let us all please be thoughtful and a little more considerate to others.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by steve of oxford: Sat Nov 3rd, 2012 11:31 | 22nd Post |
Not sure I take this view as is anti-American in its slant. can please yourself on that, fact is this government and the one before went all out to infect our lives with just about everything that makes american's lives a misery. Where do you think the 'security' industry explosion came from ? Tasers...electro-cardio disruption: banned under international treatise as a method of torture. Where do you suppose those devices are made? Inaccesible public office, where do you think that concept comes from? Police state....bash anyone who objects....from? yup, good old USA. I think if you want to complain about something then look into the glass house and check this out........ FYI it is now illegal in UK for more than 20 people to gather together in a public place without notifying the police. I think if you want to complain about something then look into the glass house and check this out........ FYI it is now illegal in UK for more than 20 people to gather together in a public place without notifying the police. .......just in case the public might get their hands on the traitors, can't allow that now can we. G20....a man was murdered by the government's SchutzStaffel, in total disregard of the fact that every Englishman has an enshrined right to demonstrate against corrupt government. The government are acting illegally in making these laws the first place. The UK is a police state controlled by the grey suits who decide what you can or cant do. So if you dont like it then you cant protest as less than 20 people is nothing and more than 20 is unlawful assembly and allows you to be arrested. ..........and these 'police' take their orders from the government, who ultimately take their orders from? The USA as a free and open-minded country .......LOL, what ? umm yeah right ok. Whilst some of the problems seem to come from America when you research the source and cause it is different. .........Most come from the US, since if you hadn't noticed every office which affects our daily lives is going flat out to adopt the american corporate model. Then again JK I wouldn't expect you to understand this since you're not exposed to it. This is not anti-american, I don't care where this rotten corporate imperial ideology comes from, fact is it doesn't belong here. UK has a great deal to learn about free speech and expression. .....No, the government has.
Posted by Iain: Sun Nov 4th, 2012 11:37 | 23rd Post |
I knew I had a good reason for carrying a good solid monopod .
Posted by jk: Sun Nov 4th, 2012 16:40 | 24th Post |
Iain wrote: I knew I had a good reason for carrying a good solid monopod Trust it is the Manfrotto one with the sharp pointy end.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Iain: Mon Nov 5th, 2012 10:18 | 25th Post |
It hasn't got the pointy end but it is a Manfrotto one.
Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Tue Nov 6th, 2012 03:12 | 26th Post |
Yes I have one too and it has become standard equipment at all times and places. back in the 60s and 70s I used to go anywhere anytime day or night without a worry and never had a problem. now I am very choosey about where and when and still its worrisome. I guess it comes with age LOL!!!!!!!! ![]() ![]() Ed
____________________ R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous! |
Posted by blackfox: Tue Nov 6th, 2012 03:55 | 27th Post |
back in the 60's and 70's idjits were just full of booze or weed .and if alert you could deal with either ,these days they are full of the above plus crack or coke or whatever todays designer drug is which makes them somewhat unpredictable ![]()
Posted by richw: Tue Nov 6th, 2012 04:58 | 28th Post |
One of the great things about Australia, it's not crime free, but the odds of anything like this happening to you here are a lot lower than any where else I've ever been.
Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Tue Nov 6th, 2012 08:15 | 29th Post |
I have thought OZ was a good place since childhood![]() ![]() Ed
____________________ R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous! |
Posted by jk: Tue Nov 6th, 2012 14:55 | 30th Post |
Ed Hutchinson wrote:I have thought OZ was a good place since childhood I agree. But it is a great place for grown ups as well. If only I could get a residents permit.
____________________ Still learning after all these years! |
Posted by Doug: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 02:16 | 31st Post |
jk wrote:
We were lucky - applied at a time when photography was still on the list for skilled entry visas and when I was still under 30 (just) Really glad to have done it though as it sounds like things in the UK have turned to ![]()
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Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 04:15 | 32nd Post |
I agree. But it is a great place for grown ups as well. If only I could get a residents permit. You can get one, if you've got a few million in the bank. Then they'll let you in. Being a British Crown subject doesn't have much to do with it. Canada is the same, except there you don't need money providing you can speak french, and drive on the wrong side of the road.
Posted by steve of oxford: Wed Nov 7th, 2012 04:17 | 33rd Post |
Doug wrote:jk wrote: Things are not that bad, it's just traitor politicians, corrupt public office, extortion racket fuel distribution companies, mildly 'irritating' scottish nationalism, and gnats-pee vinegar on your chips. Other than that England is still a good place
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