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Somewhat annoying......  Rate Topic 

Posted by jk: Sun Dec 14th, 2014 16:09 1st Post
In the past we had the D300 and D700 and they shared the same MB-D10 unit.

Now we have D810, D800, D750, D610, D600 bodies and each has it own battery pack so the D810/800 has a specific battety pack MB-D12, the D750 has the MB-D16 and the D610/600 have the MB-D14 but they share the same battery the EN-EL15.

It would have been really nice to have the same or a common battery grip. It is not really very difficult to design a common unit.

And before anyone says that this is good business to do this, it is not. What it does do is to drive the cheap 3rd party market offerings which are not as well built as the Nikon version but does half the price of the Nikon version. Or its worst, it makes people not buy the camera or the accessory.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Gilbert Sandberg: Sun Dec 14th, 2014 16:14 2nd Post
I agree with you.
Even worse: the single digit slr's do not have any power options (either rechargable batteries or mains power).
Ever since the D1 I have disliked the fact that one could not feed it with alkalines (in case of emergency)
On other solution: do not change your camera so often (grin)
Regards, Gilbert

Posted by jk: Sun Dec 14th, 2014 18:03 3rd Post
I dont change them, I just get new ones!
I did trade in my D1 and sold my D200 and D2X but I still have a very nice D1X, D70S, D90, D3, D3S, D300, D700, D600, D800, D80-IR, D70-IR, V1, L520.
I dont intend to add to the list but a D400 would be very tempting as my DX cameras are now all used for underwater shooting and it is useful for wildlife shooting.

The lens collection is larger but complete for my needs.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Sun Dec 14th, 2014 18:07 4th Post
Gilbert Sandberg wrote:
I agree with you.
Even worse: the single digit slr's do not have any power options (either rechargable batteries or mains power).
Ever since the D1 I have disliked the fact that one could not feed it with alkalines (in case of emergency)
On other solution: do not change your camera so often (grin)
Regards, Gilbert

The latest range of D2X D3, D4 cameras all use 11.4 volts (12v) so you need a big set of batteries to power them. Probably best option is a homemade 12v battery pack in a shoulder sling pouch feeding the camera via the external power adapter cord.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Dec 14th, 2014 19:17 5th Post
When I was considering buying my second D200 I looked very carefully at the Fuji S1? which used the same body as the Nikon D200, shared the lens fitment but had a different, some considered superior, sensor. I felt the 'superior' sensor might have had some advantages for me for taking flower photographs, which is why I am now hankering after a D3... In the end I decided the fact they didn't share batteries was a deal breaker for me.

Looking back, perhaps I was penny pinching but I could see no practical reason why it couldn't have shared the same battery with the Nikon D200, I suppose it was written into the agreement between Nikon and Fuji when they agreed to share the body? Since I already had three D200 batteries it would have meant buying at least two more batteries for the new camera, in fact when I bought the second D200 I didn't need any more batteries, saving around £100 as I remember, plus the inconvenience of duplicate charing systems and additional clutter to carry around.

Once a manufacturer has developed a successful battery configuration it should be cast in stone, like the lens mount. The only reason for altering the battery compatibly should be if the technology is incompatible. Yes an option or an adaptor for a commonly available battery should exist, as Gilbert says.


Posted by jk: Mon Dec 15th, 2014 04:14 6th Post
I agree Robert.

On small things decisions are made.
A battery, an accessory port, the presence/absence of a built in flash.

If the D700 had come out before the D3 i would never have bought the D3 even though the handling on the D3 and D3S are infinitely superior to anything else I have. The D600 and D800 provide more modern features and higher MP but I dont always need that.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Ed Hutchinson: Wed Feb 4th, 2015 07:21 7th Post
Hi There
I read somewhere that Nikon had to change from the EL EN3 and others because the connections were exposed and in order to be able to ship by air they had to cover them in a manor that could not fall off and cause a fire. ( note the cute little cage on the new batteries)
The powers that be must protect us from all thing great and small.


Ed ;-)

R.O.C.E.D. retired old cranky extremely dangerous!

Posted by amazing50: Wed Feb 4th, 2015 22:54 8th Post
My 3rd party grip for the D600 came with 2 batteries and an extra holder for 6 AA cells for about $100US.

It outlasted the camera and works well on the D610.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

Posted by jk: Thu Feb 5th, 2015 03:38 9th Post
I have found that the D600 and D800 seem to be very good with battery usage but I still carry a spare just in case!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Thu Feb 5th, 2015 05:42 10th Post
Shooting live view or using live view focus magnifier can eat away at the power.
The grip also helps hand holding and gives the camera that "PRO" look at weddings etc.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

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