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Thinking about a D500 v D750, then read this article.  Rate Topic 

Posted by jk: Mon Jul 25th, 2016 10:00 1st Post
This article on DPR is a good read for those thinking about a D500 v D750.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Mon Jul 25th, 2016 14:51 2nd Post
I am sure that the D900 will be coming at the end of this year.
D900 = FX version of D500.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Jul 26th, 2016 06:26 3rd Post
jk wrote:
I am sure that the D900 will be coming at the end of this year.
D900 = FX version of D500.

Why not wait for the D950 or the D1050?

There will always be another model coming along. The question is when do you actually say 'this is all I need" and buy one?

I haven't tried a D500 yet but from reports on its speed of use I would totally accept the reviews comparison with the D750.....if you want speed of use for sports and wildlife ...get the D500. For everything else, the D750 will suffice.

I am considering getting back into wildlife...if I do, I will get a D500. I imagine my D750 will then be redundant. The question then will be the D500 going to also fill the roles the D750 AND Fuji equipment fulfil?

I could quite image a better pairing would be the D810 for high res work and a D500 for everything else.



Posted by Iain: Tue Jul 26th, 2016 08:57 4th Post
The jury is still out for me, apart from the crop and AF I'm still can't see any benefit of selling my D4 and having to pay extra for a D500.

Posted by Eric: Tue Jul 26th, 2016 09:52 5th Post
Iain wrote:
The jury is still out for me, apart from the crop and AF I'm still can't see any benefit of selling my D4 and having to pay extra for a D500.
I am sure the D4 speed of performance will be much better than the D750. So your reasoning is understandable. I even noticed a drop in performance ( though not image quality) going from the D3 to the D750, although part of that might have been 'lesser' lens use.

It would be interesting to have a performance comparison between the D4 and the D500 because there have been claims (which I find hard to believe) that the D500 matches the D5!


Posted by jk: Wed Jul 27th, 2016 03:43 6th Post
I think that there is no reason that I really need the D750 as the D600 does fairly well for me.
In fact one of the reasons for holding off is the release of the Fuji XT2. Ergonomically this is IMHO even better than a Nikon. What I want to do is test it for its AF performance. The XT1 almost has it in AF performance being similar to the D200/D2X (I would say) but in truth I have been spoilt by the D3 which is an outstanding camera.

Even though I have just got the D500 and 200-500 I would slim down my Nikon kit considerably if I was in UK so that I was left with D3S, D800, D500, and my very large Nikon lens collection. I would probably release the 400mm f2.8 AFS as well but I know I will regreet it.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Jul 27th, 2016 10:00 7th Post
jk wrote:
I think that there is no reason that I really need the D750 as the D600 does fairly well for me.
In fact one of the reasons for holding off is the release of the Fuji XT2. Ergonomically this is IMHO even better than a Nikon. What I want to do is test it for its AF performance. The XT1 almost has it in AF performance being similar to the D200/D2X (I would say) but in truth I have been spoilt by the D3 which is an outstanding camera.

Even though I have just got the D500 and 200-500 I would slim down my Nikon kit considerably if I was in UK so that I was left with D3S, D800, D500, and my very large Nikon lens collection. I would probably release the 400mm f2.8 AFS as well but I know I will regreet it.

The biggest down for me with the Fuji xt1 is the evf. It's nowhere near state of the art. Not sure if the Xt2 is better?


Posted by jk: Wed Jul 27th, 2016 16:56 8th Post
The XT2 has a double speed refresh rate compared to the XT1, also it has an auto-brightness and the readout from the sensor is much quicker so the blackout time is less.

The ergonomics are better again and as I said before the XT2 will have better ergonomics IMHO than the current Nikons which are button-full and not customisable to any useful extent.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Iain: Thu Jul 28th, 2016 13:11 9th Post
Eric wrote:
Iain wrote:
The jury is still out for me, apart from the crop and AF I'm still can't see any benefit of selling my D4 and having to pay extra for a D500.
I am sure the D4 speed of performance will be much better than the D750. So your reasoning is understandable. I even noticed a drop in performance ( though not image quality) going from the D3 to the D750, although part of that might have been 'lesser' lens use.

It would be interesting to have a performance comparison between the D4 and the D500 because there have been claims (which I find hard to believe) that the D500 matches the D5!

I still need to find someone with a D500 to try it against the D4.

Posted by Gilbert Sandberg: Fri Jul 29th, 2016 12:05 10th Post
re: can't see any benefit of
You are not the only one...
The D500/D5 may have some progress in technology, but changing from any D4 to a new D500 seems foolish if you ask me.
Some people may want to have a modern pro-oriented DX body to replace a D300(s) but otherwise I cannot see any reason to trade in a D4.
Regards, Gilbert

Posted by jk: Fri Jul 29th, 2016 17:16 11th Post
I tend to agree with the assessment. If you have a D4/D4S the upgrade is marginal unless you do video with the camera.
My D500 is to replace my D300.
I want either an D750 or an FX equivalent of the D500 as a replacement for my D3S.

Still learning after all these years!

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