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Done Waiting the new Body comes now  Rate Topic 

Posted by ArcticRick: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 01:36 1st Post
tired of waiting for the camera fairy to arrive from nikon so I am upgrading. D7000 is what i picked, superior to the D300 and a big enough jump in sensor and high ISO , still allowing me to use my 80-200 2.8 D and my 17-55 2.8 DX . My plan will be to replace the 80-200 2.8 D with a 70-200 AF-S . I was told the D700 and maybe new D600 most likely wont auto focus on the older D lenses due to the body not having a motor or some such. and if i make the jump to FX i would be replacing 2 very expensive pieces of glass. I gave myself till friday to decide . My D200 is allready up for sale .. wish me luck

Writer/Gear Reviewer @

Posted by Robert: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 02:17 2nd Post
Good luck!

You will miss the D200, don't give it away (cheap), they aren't bringing much these days. It's still a very good camera.


Posted by ArcticRick: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 02:21 3rd Post
I got a quote from B&H for $215 which was a slap in the face. Someone will love a gently used D200 with boxes and a MBD200 grip .

Writer/Gear Reviewer @

Posted by blackfox: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 04:52 4th Post
personally i would keep the d200 as back up ,different type lens camera i have a d200 and a d7000 and love them both ,but under certain circumstances the 200 will outperform the newer 7000 not often but it happens ..most lenses made by nikon will fit and work on the d7000 so don't rush into changing for the sake of it .take your time and wait for a bargain

Posted by Robert: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 05:07 5th Post
blackfox wrote:
personally i would keep the d200 as back up ,different type lens camera i have a d200 and a d7000 and love them both ,but under certain circumstances the 200 will outperform the newer 7000 not often but it happens ..most lenses made by nikon will fit and work on the d7000 so don't rush into changing for the sake of it .take your time and wait for a bargain
That was what I was hinting at Jeff, for what it will make, it's better kept. A second body can be very handy especially for sports.


Posted by jk: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 05:38 6th Post
ArcticRick wrote: tired of waiting for the camera fairy to arrive from nikon so I am upgrading. D7000 is what i picked, superior to the D300 and a big enough jump in sensor and high ISO , still allowing me to use my 80-200 2.8 D and my 17-55 2.8 DX . My plan will be to replace the 80-200 2.8 D with a 70-200 AF-S . I was told the D700 and maybe new D600 most likely wont auto focus on the older D lenses due to the body not having a motor or some such. and if i make the jump to FX i would be replacing 2 very expensive pieces of glass. I gave myself till friday to decide . My D200 is allready up for sale .. wish me luck

The D700 focuses with all Nikon lenses ever made!!
The D600 when it comes (probably announced at Photokina in September or just before) will probably do the same, Nikon seldom make items redundant from their pro range.

BTW:  The D7000 will probably be replaced this year ;-)    So a further wait might get you more bang for your $

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by richw: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 08:23 7th Post
jk wrote:
ArcticRick wrote: tired of waiting for the camera fairy to arrive from nikon so I am upgrading. D7000 is what i picked, superior to the D300 and a big enough jump in sensor and high ISO , still allowing me to use my 80-200 2.8 D and my 17-55 2.8 DX . My plan will be to replace the 80-200 2.8 D with a 70-200 AF-S . I was told the D700 and maybe new D600 most likely wont auto focus on the older D lenses due to the body not having a motor or some such. and if i make the jump to FX i would be replacing 2 very expensive pieces of glass. I gave myself till friday to decide . My D200 is allready up for sale .. wish me luck

The D700 focuses with all Nikon lenses ever made!!
The D600 when it comes (probably announced at Photokina in September or just before) will probably do the same, Nikon seldom make items redundant from their pro range.

BTW:  The D7000 will probably be replaced this year ;-)    So a further wait might get you more bang for your $

The D7000 will also focus with the 80-200, it has a body motor.

Posted by Squarerigger: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 08:33 8th Post
Patience Rick. As soon as you pull the trigger on the D7000, the D600/D7100/D400 will all miraculously appear.

Murphy's Law at it's best.


Posted by ArcticRick: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 09:17 9th Post
I thought it was later than that . My limit is $1600 . the D7000 now is $1099 . the D700 is still 2200 which I cant do because of the fact I am not a pro nor will I be ,

Writer/Gear Reviewer @

Posted by Ray Ninness: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 09:35 10th Post
ArcticRick wrote: I thought it was later than that . My limit is $1600 . the D7000 now is $1099 . the D700 is still 2200 which I cant do because of the fact I am not a pro nor will I be , Well in the "As soon as you make the jump category" I'm glad someone it taking over for me, Lord knows all the times I jumped only to stub my toes!! Congrats on the new Box Rick, and yes the D700 works with any Nikkor AF lens electronic or screw drive focusing... And if you pop for a VR70-200 f2.8 AF-S make sure it's the newer vesion, an "ii" as my earlier version wide open doesn't quite cover the corners of the frame well.. The older 80-200f2.8 AF will though..

Going to fell frame will basically obsolete the 17-55f2.8 it will be somewhat usable, but more an inconvenience then a useable lend on the full frame sensor. It was virtually parked in my vault once I started shooting the D700's..

Good luck and have fun with the new toy :-)


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire

Posted by ArcticRick: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 18:55 11th Post
Oh wait I just rationalized somethig . If I sell my D200 for 500 ( already have offer) then is the D700 really 2200 or is it 1700 out of pocket ? . Do you guys think the d600 will be comparable with D series lenses ? That is the kicker .

Writer/Gear Reviewer @

Posted by richw: Mon Jul 23rd, 2012 20:04 12th Post
ArcticRick wrote:
Oh wait I just rationalized somethig . If I sell my D200 for 500 ( already have offer) then is the D700 really 2200 or is it 1700 out of pocket ? . Do you guys think the d600 will be comparable with D series lenses ? That is the kicker .
Any D700 replacement will be AF-D focus compatible in my opinion, can't see Nikon dropping this. The D700 will be a big step up in IQ and usable ISO from the D200 and for the sports you like to shoot will be a big help to you. D7000 will also give you much higher ISO and maintain the crop factor which may be helpful for sports shooting. No bad choices here.

Posted by jk: Tue Jul 24th, 2012 05:39 13th Post
I'd say go for the D7000 and sell the D200. The $500 from the D200 sale you can put towards getting the next body.

I wouldnt replace the 80-200 f2.8 AFD (Is it an AF, or AFD? What year of manufacture - if you show picture of lens plate or describe then we should be better placed) as unless you move up to the 70-200 f2.8 AFS VRii then you wont see any advantage and even then that advantage is very small. I dont think VR is all it is cracked up to be.

I would bet that the D600 will be D800-sized but with a smaller sensor and all the same features.  I expect it to be 24MP as well.

I'd use the extra $500 towards a D600 as and when it comes out as it will be $2500 or more but after discounting will drop to $2000 approx.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Ray Ninness: Tue Jul 24th, 2012 08:37 14th Post
ArcticRick wrote: Oh wait I just rationalized somethig . If I sell my D200 for 500 ( already have offer) then is the D700 really 2200 or is it 1700 out of pocket ? . Do you guys think the d600 will be comparable with D series lenses ? That is the kicker .If you opt for a D700 or other full frame box, you'll need new lenses!! Don't forget that side of the equation!!!


Ray Ninness
Bedford, New Hampshire

Posted by jk: Thu Jul 26th, 2012 07:30 15th Post
Ray Ninness wrote: ArcticRick wrote: Oh wait I just rationalized somethig . If I sell my D200 for 500 ( already have offer) then is the D700 really 2200 or is it 1700 out of pocket ? . Do you guys think the d600 will be comparable with D series lenses ? That is the kicker .If you opt for a D700 or other full frame box, you'll need new lenses!! Don't forget that side of the equation!!!


Yes indeed I didnt mention that factor in my earlier post but it is why I recommended that Ric goes for the D7000.

Good to see you back here and posting.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by highlander: Thu Jul 26th, 2012 10:01 16th Post
Now the D800 is out there are quite a few D700 appearing used. I'll certainly be buying another one the minute I get the chance. The D800 is TOO expensive and a D3 will only set me back £1700 used now (not the D3s note)

I miss my D700 like crazy. I wished I'd remained homeless for a bit longer, stayed in the hostel, and kept the D700 now, but hey - we live and learn!


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