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Nikon D90?Nikon D 90?  Rating:  Rating

Posted by jjuday30: Fri Sep 27th, 2013 00:20 1st Post
I have a Nikon D90. Really don't know how to use it. I keep it on auto. Recently When I download my pictures I get two of each picture one in a NEF and One in JPEG. How can I get it to stop doing this?
Also How do I set it up to take the highest resolution pictures? When I blow the pictures up they are blurry. Cant use them on website. :banghead:

Posted by Robert: Fri Sep 27th, 2013 02:32 2nd Post
Hello and welcome, I am not experienced with the D90 but many here are. I am sure they will be along and go through the settings with you.

As for blurry images that many not be down to the resolution. What lens are you using, we need to know that to be more helpful. The focusing mode is a setting which can affect the results.

Perhaps if you post one of the blurry JPEGS here we can help better, believe it or not there are many types of blur, all with different causes. Blur is not usually caused by resolution. The image will have the exposure data embedded so if you post a JPEG we can tell what some of your settings are and help you from there.

Do you have the manual, if not you can download one in PDF from Nikon website.

Probably your best move is to do a 'Two Button Reset' which sets most of the settings the camera settings back to factory settings. Again not familiar with D90 but there are two buttons on the top of the camera with green dots on or next to them, if you press them both at once for about ten second that should clear any of the unwanted settings and get you back to normal, well a good starting point anyway.


Posted by Eric: Fri Sep 27th, 2013 10:10 3rd Post
jjuday30 wrote:
I have a Nikon D90. Really don't know how to use it. I keep it on auto. Recently When I download my pictures I get two of each picture one in a NEF and One in JPEG. How can I get it to stop doing this?
Also How do I set it up to take the highest resolution pictures? When I blow the pictures up they are blurry. Cant use them on website. :banghead:

Hi and welcome
These issue are covered on pages 62 and 63 of your manual....if you have one.

If not, press the QUAL button on rear and rotate the main dial ( the one by your thumb when shooting) and watching the top display turn it to JPEG FINE. This will compress your images the least amount and ensure they retain optimum fidelity.

Next, press the same QUAL button and rotate the sub dial ( the one by your forefinger when shooting) and watching the same area of the top display turn it till L is shown. This gives you the Largest image size and therefore the best quality.

Next turn the program dial to P rather than the green Auto position.
This will do the same as auto except the focus. You focus by half depressing the shutter button on the subject to lock on, then all the way down to take the picture. On Auto setting the camera also does the focusing automatically....this may sometimes focus wrongly on closer or further away areas causing the main subjects you want in be out of fuzzy.

Finally to ensure you get sharp pictures the lens quality and camera settings play a major part. We would need to know more about the lens you are using. But also the settings the camera is using. Eg shutter speed aperture and ISO.

The best way to help with this area, is for you to post some images in your gallery so we can read the shooting details in the file exif.

Don't worry or be embarrassed about the quality of the images ....we often post less than perfect images when trying to solve a problem or learn more about our equipment.


Posted by jk: Fri Sep 27th, 2013 14:37 4th Post
jjuday30 wrote:
I have a Nikon D90. Really don't know how to use it. I keep it on auto. Recently When I download my pictures I get two of each picture one in a NEF and One in JPEG. How can I get it to stop doing this?
Also How do I set it up to take the highest resolution pictures? When I blow the pictures up they are blurry. Cant use them on website. :banghead:

Welcome to the forum.
I have D90 that I use in an underwater housing.
When used underwater it is setup in Manual mode with flash.
I can probably help you but most of the Nikon cameras work very similarly so advice from users of other camera models is equally applicable.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jjuday30: Sat Sep 28th, 2013 13:01 5th Post
Thank you all

Posted by jk: Sat Sep 28th, 2013 13:45 6th Post
Keep us posted as to how you get on and dont be shy to ask questions.
We were all there once and there is no point in struggling when others can help!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jjuday30: Sat Sep 28th, 2013 14:03 7th Post
I did all the first settings you gave me. As far as the lens goes, its the stock one that came with the camera. I do not know how to check the settings because I do not have the manual. I took a picture after I changed the settings but the site would not allow me to post pictures yet. Thank you so much for the help. Could I e-mail you the picture?

Posted by jk: Sat Sep 28th, 2013 14:55 8th Post
OK D90 manual is here as a PDF.

Regarding the uploading of photos to the Gallery.
If you email to me then I can upload for you but it is easier for you to do this.....

Log into the forum.
Then click on the My Gallery link in the left side menus, then go into Albums and then Upload Image link.

Sometimes you need to also Login in the Gallery as there seems to be times when the username and password isn't passed forward from the Forum login.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jjuday30: Sat Sep 28th, 2013 16:13 9th Post
I followed your directions to upload. I get this message. Sorry, Personal Albums are not enabled.

Posted by jk: Sat Sep 28th, 2013 17:00 10th Post
jjuday30 wrote:
I followed your directions to upload. I get this message. Sorry, Personal Albums are not enabled. You need to create your first album, name it then upload to it.
Make sure that when you upload that the images are going into your named album as the default is a common album. Software setup is dumb!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jjuday30: Sat Sep 28th, 2013 18:06 11th Post
I get that message when I click on create album.

Posted by jk: Sun Sep 29th, 2013 10:33 12th Post
Here is your image.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Sun Sep 29th, 2013 10:34 13th Post
If you want it to show directly in the posting then do this......

But substitute the { or } for a [ or]   Note there are 8 instances to change!!

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jjuday30: Sun Sep 29th, 2013 12:01 14th Post
So based on that picture can you tell if the settings are set to best picture? I have a 2 gig sd card it only saves like 200 pictures, does that sound right? I would think it would hold a lot more

Posted by jk: Sun Sep 29th, 2013 12:30 15th Post
According to the D90 manual a 2GB card in a D90 shooting RAW files will save 133 images, or if shooting Fine quality JPGs it will be 271 images.

A JPG from the camera will be about 6MB but the RAW file can be about 11MB.

The original image file shows it has been shot as a JPG.
Here are its details.

Date: 28/09/2013
Time: 12:39:49
Model: NIKON D90
Serial #: 3061296
Firmware: Ver.1.00
Frame #: 1
Lens (mm): 18
ISO: 200
Aperture: 3.5
Shutter: 1/8
Exp. Comp.: 0.0
Flash Comp.: 0.0
Program: Normal
Focus Mode: AF-A
White Bal.: AUTO
ICC Profile: Adobe RGB (1998)
Quality: FINE

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jjuday30: Sun Sep 29th, 2013 12:42 16th Post
What is the difference between raw and fine? Does it look like it is set for the best picture?

Posted by Eric: Sun Sep 29th, 2013 12:45 17th Post
jjuday30 wrote:
So based on that picture can you tell if the settings are set to best picture? I have a 2 gig sd card it only saves like 200 pictures, does that sound right? I would think it would hold a lot more
2gb is quite a small capacity card these days. You can get yourself an 8gb card for only a few dollars now that 16, 32, 64 and 128gb cards are regularly out there.

Now the image...did you support the camera on a tripod?
Because the shutter speed is 1/8 sec which is a bit slow for handholding.

The general room of thumb is that to avoid camera shake you need to have a shutter speed faster then 1/ focal length used.

In your case you used 18mm conventional wisdom would recommend a shutter speed faster than 1/18sec....not 1/8sec.

Of course, using automatic and program modes, the camera decides the settings. Apart from going onto the other manual and semi manula modes, your main option is to increase the ISO. It's currently at 200. If you dialled this up to (say) 800 it would change the camera settings to make the shutter speed faster, for hand holding.

Incidentally I see from the data younhave focus mode set to AF-A. Personally I would set this to AF-S.


Posted by Eric: Sun Sep 29th, 2013 12:53 18th Post
jjuday30 wrote:
What is the difference between raw and fine? Does it look like it is set for the best picture?
Raw is the unmodified file that requires software to optimise its appearance.
Fine is a Jpeg setting. With all jpeg settings the camera does some in camera optimisation of the image. Once done, it compresses the file to save space. The amount it compresses the file CAN have a quality Impact. So using Fine setting it minimises the amount of compression and maximises quality. Of course the less you compress...the bigger the files and the more space it takes on your card.

Generally speaking many serious photographers use raw, as they feel its important to have total control of the processing. But in modern cameras for most people the quality from Jpeg is perfectly acceptable.


Posted by jjuday30: Mon Sep 30th, 2013 11:24 19th Post
Can you tell me how to change the setting you mention? I do hand hold most of the time. What I am doing is taking pictures of damage to homes for insurance claims on sinkholes. Many times it is a small nail pop or a small crack in the ceiling. So I need to zoom in and take a clear picture.

Posted by jk: Mon Sep 30th, 2013 15:38 20th Post
I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jjuday30: Mon Sep 30th, 2013 21:11 21st Post
How do I do that? Thank you all so much for your help. I have always loved photography, I bought this camera a few years ago before our Alaska vacatin. I got some great pictures. I am sure all you would see flaws but for someone who just put it on auto. It took great pictures. I am very interested in learning more. I am very dyslexic and don't read very well. Could any of you point me to any videos that explain the technical parts of taking pictures and setting up cameras?

Posted by jjuday30: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 07:42 22nd Post
OK, I found the ISO settings and I set it @ 1/400 is that ok? the ISO sensitivity is set @ 3200 Should I change that?

Posted by Eric: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 08:17 23rd Post
jjuday30 wrote: OK, I found the ISO settings and I set it @ 1/400 is that ok? the ISO sensitivity is set @ 3200 Should I change that?There is a button on the back of the camera labelled ISO. Hold that button in and at he same time look at the top display screen. It should show a number in the bottom right corner....thats the curr ISo setting. If you turn the main command dial (by your thumb) this number will change. I suggest you go to 800 for indoor shots


Posted by Eric: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 08:19 24th Post
jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????


Posted by jk: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 11:33 25th Post
Eric wrote: jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????

I dont have the D90 with me at this minute as it is with my dive kit in its housing so I cant check on that but I would guess it works the same on all Nikon models.

On the D600 to use AutoISO you need to be in the Green AUTO exposure mode!!
How dumb is that!!.

On my Fuji XPro1 and XE1 I can use AutoISO in any mode.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 12:23 26th Post
jk wrote: Eric wrote: jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????

I dont have the D90 with me at this minute as it is with my dive kit in its housing so I cant check on that but I would guess it works the same on all Nikon models.

On the D600 to use AutoISO you need to be in the Green AUTO exposure mode!!
How dumb is that!!.

On my Fuji XPro1 and XE1 I can use AutoISO in any mode.
I seem to remember rabbiting on about this feature being brilliant in manual mode on my D300 many many months back. And it WAS usable in all modes. But someone with a D90 said it wouldnt work for them. I am not sure, but I think??? it IS available in all modes on the D7000.


Posted by jk: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 17:22 27th Post
jk wrote: Eric wrote: jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????

I dont have the D90 with me at this minute as it is with my dive kit in its housing so I cant check on that but I would guess it works the same on all Nikon models.

On the D600 to use AutoISO you need to be in the Green AUTO exposure mode!!
How dumb is that!!.

On my Fuji XPro1 and XE1 I can use AutoISO in any mode.
No I made a mistake.

It is there on the D600 and available in all modes.

It is hidden in the Menu system in the Shooting menu under ISO Sensitivity Settings.  Then you need to customise it when you enter that sub-menu system.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 17:32 28th Post
jk wrote:
jk wrote: Eric wrote: jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????

I dont have the D90 with me at this minute as it is with my dive kit in its housing so I cant check on that but I would guess it works the same on all Nikon models.

On the D600 to use AutoISO you need to be in the Green AUTO exposure mode!!
How dumb is that!!.

On my Fuji XPro1 and XE1 I can use AutoISO in any mode.
No I made a mistake.

It is there on the D600 and available in all modes.

It is hidden in the Menu system in the Shooting menu under ISO Sensitivity Settings.  Then you need to customise it when you enter that sub-menu system.

It will be interesting to see if the D90 DOES also have this feature. The link to the manual didn't seem to suggest it did....but I confess I just glanced at it. Auto ISO would be ideal for jjuday30.


Posted by jk: Tue Oct 1st, 2013 17:36 29th Post
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
jk wrote: Eric wrote: jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????

I dont have the D90 with me at this minute as it is with my dive kit in its housing so I cant check on that but I would guess it works the same on all Nikon models.

On the D600 to use AutoISO you need to be in the Green AUTO exposure mode!!
How dumb is that!!.

On my Fuji XPro1 and XE1 I can use AutoISO in any mode.
No I made a mistake.

It is there on the D600 and available in all modes.

It is hidden in the Menu system in the Shooting menu under ISO Sensitivity Settings.  Then you need to customise it when you enter that sub-menu system.

It will be interesting to see if the D90 DOES also have this feature. The link to the manual didn't seem to suggest it did....but I confess I just glanced at it. Auto ISO would be ideal for jjuday30.

I'll go across to the other house tomorrow and have a look at the D90 settings.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Oct 2nd, 2013 04:10 30th Post
jk wrote:
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
jk wrote: Eric wrote: jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????

I dont have the D90 with me at this minute as it is with my dive kit in its housing so I cant check on that but I would guess it works the same on all Nikon models.

On the D600 to use AutoISO you need to be in the Green AUTO exposure mode!!
How dumb is that!!.

On my Fuji XPro1 and XE1 I can use AutoISO in any mode.
No I made a mistake.

It is there on the D600 and available in all modes.

It is hidden in the Menu system in the Shooting menu under ISO Sensitivity Settings.  Then you need to customise it when you enter that sub-menu system.

It will be interesting to see if the D90 DOES also have this feature. The link to the manual didn't seem to suggest it did....but I confess I just glanced at it. Auto ISO would be ideal for jjuday30.

I'll go across to the other house tomorrow and have a look at the D90 settings.

If you sold some of your gear, you wouldn't need a second house to store it all.



Posted by Robert: Wed Oct 2nd, 2013 05:19 31st Post
JK - Sell gear??? :needsahug:


Posted by jk: Wed Oct 2nd, 2013 08:53 32nd Post
Eric wrote: jk wrote:
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
jk wrote: Eric wrote: jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????

I dont have the D90 with me at this minute as it is with my dive kit in its housing so I cant check on that but I would guess it works the same on all Nikon models.

On the D600 to use AutoISO you need to be in the Green AUTO exposure mode!!
How dumb is that!!.

On my Fuji XPro1 and XE1 I can use AutoISO in any mode.
No I made a mistake.

It is there on the D600 and available in all modes.

It is hidden in the Menu system in the Shooting menu under ISO Sensitivity Settings.  Then you need to customise it when you enter that sub-menu system.

It will be interesting to see if the D90 DOES also have this feature. The link to the manual didn't seem to suggest it did....but I confess I just glanced at it. Auto ISO would be ideal for jjuday30.

I'll go across to the other house tomorrow and have a look at the D90 settings.

If you sold some of your gear, you wouldn't need a second house to store it all.

But then I wouldnt have a toy room full of nice toys.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Wed Oct 2nd, 2013 08:54 33rd Post
Robert wrote: JK - Sell gear??? :needsahug: Naah I give it away at a good price.
I am yet to make a profit on selling a digital camera second hand.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Wed Oct 2nd, 2013 08:58 34th Post
jk wrote: Eric wrote:
jk wrote:
jk wrote: Eric wrote: jk wrote: I think that you need to use JPG rather than RAW.
Set the ISO to AutoISO with a minimum shutter speed of 1/100th or faster.
I didnt think Auto ISO worked in any modes other than green AUTO on the D90???????

I dont have the D90 with me at this minute as it is with my dive kit in its housing so I cant check on that but I would guess it works the same on all Nikon models.

On the D600 to use AutoISO you need to be in the Green AUTO exposure mode!!
How dumb is that!!.

On my Fuji XPro1 and XE1 I can use AutoISO in any mode.
No I made a mistake.

It is there on the D600 and available in all modes.

It is hidden in the Menu system in the Shooting menu under ISO Sensitivity Settings.  Then you need to customise it when you enter that sub-menu system.

It will be interesting to see if the D90 DOES also have this feature. The link to the manual didn't seem to suggest it did....but I confess I just glanced at it. Auto ISO would be ideal for jjuday30.

I'll go across to the other house tomorrow and have a look at the D90 settings.

D90 is the same as the D600 in this functionality.
It is buried in a menu item and then AutoISO is available in all modes.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jjuday30: Wed Oct 2nd, 2013 10:42 35th Post
The site will still not allow me to upload pictures. I see the Picture I sent you in my folder. But I cant add. is says I do not have access.

Posted by jk: Wed Oct 2nd, 2013 12:57 36th Post
Need to login on the Gallery first, as sometimes the pass through doesnt work.
Same username/password as Forum.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by richw: Thu Oct 3rd, 2013 21:07 37th Post
For video tips on DSLR shooting have a look here:

You can download them from iTunes also

Posted by richw: Thu Oct 3rd, 2013 21:16 38th Post
P.S. Earlier episodes were more about camera controls, later episodes cover subjects like building rapport with portrait subjects and more off camera skills.

Posted by jjuday30: Sat Oct 19th, 2013 18:49 39th Post
New issue, LOL the pictures are to good. The estimating software I use distorts pictures bigger than 1277x958. I tried to resize but the program still did not like that. How do I get the pictures smaller than this?

Posted by Robert: Sat Oct 19th, 2013 18:57 40th Post
My solution is to do a screen shot. I get the image on the screen at the size I want it then do a 'shift+command+4' key-chord which allows me to drag a selection of the image, when I release the mouse button it grabs that rectangle.

That is on a Mac, I am sure this must be possible on a PC, but probably a different key-chord.

I have the preferences set to produce a plain old JPEG image from the screen grab. It works well for me, and is how I get all the images I display on here.


Posted by Eric: Sun Oct 20th, 2013 06:54 41st Post
jjuday30 wrote:
New issue, LOL the pictures are to good. The estimating software I use distorts pictures bigger than 1277x958. I tried to resize but the program still did not like that. How do I get the pictures smaller than this?
Not sure if you have a Mac or Pc...but if it's a PC you can download an excellent file browsing software package called Faststone.....

If you download the Viewer 4.8 (it's free, although many of us have donated as its so good!) it enables you to view your images, compare images, read their exif, convert raw to jpeg and do a whole host of editing functions on the images including renaming ....and resizing.


Posted by jjuday30: Sun Oct 20th, 2013 09:42 42nd Post
I did use fat stone to re size. It worked. But the picture still was blurry when I uploaded it to the estimate software. Never had that happen when the pictures were a lesser quality. o.Oo.O

Posted by Eric: Sun Oct 20th, 2013 09:50 43rd Post
jjuday30 wrote:
I did use fat stone to re size. It worked. But the picture still was blurry when I uploaded it to the estimate software. Never had that happen when the pictures were a lesser quality. o.Oo.O

Need to establish the software's requirements in terms of image size AND dpi.

The avatars on this forum are restricted to very small file sizes but are adequate for the viewing size.

I suspect it's a matter of finding the largest file the software can accept and then getting as close to that as possible with your resizing.


1st new
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