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Nikon 58mm f1.4 AFS G Lens released  Rating:  Rating

Posted by jk: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 04:16 1st Post

The new top end standard lens from Nikon.
Nikon 58mm f1.4 AFS G If you have the 50mm then it may not interest you.

BTW There is a rumour that there is a f1.2 lens coming :-O

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 05:10 2nd Post
jk wrote:

The new top end standard lens from Nikon.
Nikon 58mm f1.4 AFS G If you have the 50mm then it may not interest you.

BTW There is a rumour that there is a f1.2 lens coming :-O

Not sure where my 50mm is !!!!!

Havent seen or used it for yonks. :sssshh:


Posted by jk: Thu Oct 17th, 2013 10:38 3rd Post
I can sell you one.
I have a 50mm f1.8 AFD, 50mm f1.4 AF and a 50mm f1.2 MF
I know which ones are my favourites! The older more metal bodied lenses.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by richw: Mon Oct 21st, 2013 07:00 4th Post
Eric wrote:
jk wrote:

The new top end standard lens from Nikon.
Nikon 58mm f1.4 AFS G If you have the 50mm then it may not interest you.

BTW There is a rumour that there is a f1.2 lens coming :-O

Not sure where my 50mm is !!!!!

Havent seen or used it for yonks. :sssshh:

It must be catching - I've lost my 50mm also.

Posted by TomOC: Mon Oct 21st, 2013 18:21 5th Post
I have one of the old 1.4's out there some where :-)...some where...

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by TomOC: Mon Oct 21st, 2013 18:23 6th Post
jk wrote:

The new top end standard lens from Nikon.
Nikon 58mm f1.4 AFS G If you have the 50mm then it may not interest you.

BTW There is a rumour that there is a f1.2 lens coming :-O

The seem to be billing it as a great portrait lens?

Maybe on a DX body, but I really prefer either 85mm or 105mm for portraits, but that's just me :-)

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by Eric: Tue Oct 22nd, 2013 07:24 7th Post
TomOC wrote:
jk wrote:

The new top end standard lens from Nikon.
Nikon 58mm f1.4 AFS G If you have the 50mm then it may not interest you.

BTW There is a rumour that there is a f1.2 lens coming :-O

The seem to be billing it as a great portrait lens?

Maybe on a DX body, but I really prefer either 85mm or 105mm for portraits, but that's just me :-)

Yes I agree. When one recalls the good old days before zooms, the 50mm supplied with cameras was often replaced with a 35mm for landscapes and a 90mm for portraits. At least that's what I had for some years when I first started.

This fact, and the arrival of zooms, retired the basic 50mm lens from my use. One always hankered for the super fast 50mm lens...but in practise it was a twixt and between focal length.

Perhaps with the DX effect it may find a use again.


Posted by Gilbert Sandberg: Tue Oct 22nd, 2013 13:33 8th Post
re: as a great portrait lens?
I wonder who thought of this one.
Could any owner of a current (USD 300-1000) DX camera be seduced into spending USD 1500-2000 for a single lens ???
Regards, Gilbert
(who does no even know where all his different 50 1.4 lenses are hanging out)

Posted by jk: Tue Oct 22nd, 2013 17:08 9th Post
Personally even on DX cameta a 50/55mm f1.2 or f1.4 lens is less good than a 70-90mm f2 lens for portraiture.
I also think that a shorter than normal point of minimum focal is essential for portraits. So a 150mm f2.8 macro such as the Sigma lens is more useful on a FX camera but this is too long on a DX camera.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Eric: Wed Oct 23rd, 2013 15:08 10th Post
Gilbert Sandberg wrote:
re: as a great portrait lens?
I wonder who thought of this one.
Could any owner of a current (USD 300-1000) DX camera be seduced into spending USD 1500-2000 for a single lens ???
Regards, Gilbert
(who does no even know where all his different 50 1.4 lenses are hanging out)

Yes, that price difference puts it in perspective.

I guess I was hoping for a pro DX body.

But as JK suggests, there are much cheaper more flexible alternative which may suffice.


Posted by jk: Wed Oct 23rd, 2013 18:16 11th Post
I really do think if the D400 or the like doesnt surface by Jan2014 then we can forget DX in a professional body.
At that point it will be a choice of D7100 or D5300.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by amazing50: Thu Oct 24th, 2013 01:18 12th Post
Thinking of a D5300 and a nikor 18-300mm zoom as a travel camera.

There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept ;~) Mike Grace

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