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C F Cards Industrial grade  Rate Topic 

Posted by novicius: Tue May 31st, 2016 21:40 1st Post
So it happened,..2gb Sandisk Ultra stopped working , not as in " file corrupted " , but as in " insert card " and that during mid-shoot.

Computer can not find the card either , and neither can the D1 /D1x / Slr N / D3s ...CF card is a goner , just like that ,..even tho it s only 2 yrs. old.

Checked on the net , and Yes , can happen.

So what about CF cards of Industrial Grade , them are Costly !...but are they worth it ? in, will they Always work ?..

Pleae share yer experiences.

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by Eric: Wed Jun 1st, 2016 15:22 2nd Post
novicius wrote:
So it happened,..2gb Sandisk Ultra stopped working , not as in " file corrupted " , but as in " insert card " and that during mid-shoot.

Computer can not find the card either , and neither can the D1 /D1x / Slr N / D3s ...CF card is a goner , just like that ,..even tho it s only 2 yrs. old.

Checked on the net , and Yes , can happen.

So what about CF cards of Industrial Grade , them are Costly !...but are they worth it ? in, will they Always work ?..

Pleae share yer experiences.

I haven't had any experience of these cards. Even working as a professional I only used bulk standard cards. I always used smaller rather than higher capacity cards. This meant I changed cards more...but I felt I was spreading the shoot across several cards and thus spreading the I thought. Maybe I was lucky, but in all the time I was shooting professionally, I never had a card failure. So it's hard for me not to say why bother? Chances are it won't happen to you again.


Posted by novicius: Thu Jun 2nd, 2016 18:52 3rd Post
Thanks Eric,..intended to do just that , but...

The D1 / D1x can only take up to 2 gb cards , and them are getting scarce , and this is the second Sandusk Ultra it happened with , the first one was when I had just bought them , within a few shots one was broken , luckily the Vendor replaced it , perhaps I was unlucky and got a dodgy batch , they are genuine tho`,..I checked.

So I was looking around and noticed the " Industrial " grade ones , but them are Pricey , ..also saw the Ultra II cards , any one tried those ?

Also read that CF cards are soon on their wat out , leaving SD and XQD , anyone can confirm this ?

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by Eric: Sat Jun 4th, 2016 11:38 4th Post
novicius wrote:
Thanks Eric,..intended to do just that , but...

The D1 / D1x can only take up to 2 gb cards , and them are getting scarce , and this is the second Sandusk Ultra it happened with , the first one was when I had just bought them , within a few shots one was broken , luckily the Vendor replaced it , perhaps I was unlucky and got a dodgy batch , they are genuine tho`,..I checked.

So I was looking around and noticed the " Industrial " grade ones , but them are Pricey , ..also saw the Ultra II cards , any one tried those ?

Also read that CF cards are soon on their wat out , leaving SD and XQD , anyone can confirm this ?

It's a long time since I had the D1X, so maybe I am wrong about this... I THOUGHT that you could use bigger capacity cards than 2gb, BUT the D1X 'saw' and could only use 2 gb of it. So you might be able to get 8gb cards more easily and just use 2gb. Just a thought.


Posted by novicius: Sat Jun 4th, 2016 14:18 5th Post
Eric wrote:
novicius wrote:
Thanks Eric,..intended to do just that , but...

The D1 / D1x can only take up to 2 gb cards , and them are getting scarce , and this is the second Sandusk Ultra it happened with , the first one was when I had just bought them , within a few shots one was broken , luckily the Vendor replaced it , perhaps I was unlucky and got a dodgy batch , they are genuine tho`,..I checked.

So I was looking around and noticed the " Industrial " grade ones , but them are Pricey , ..also saw the Ultra II cards , any one tried those ?

Also read that CF cards are soon on their wat out , leaving SD and XQD , anyone can confirm this ?

It's a long time since I had the D1X, so maybe I am wrong about this... I THOUGHT that you could use bigger capacity cards than 2gb, BUT the D1X 'saw' and could only use 2 gb of it. So you might be able to get 8gb cards more easily and just use 2gb. Just a thought.

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by novicius: Sat Jun 4th, 2016 14:28 6th Post
Maybe my D1/D1x were upgraded before I got them , but bigger than 2gb they do not " see " ...

It`s a bit of an headache, in that I have " assigned " those to specific lenses , this throws my routine upside down , I`m also in the process of aquiring a new lens , so having to resort to " industrial grade " is something to be avoided if I can ...about 50 quid for a 2gb card would you believe , four of those would cost as much as a CAM-DIOX filter holder .

Remember what 2 gb cards ye used on a D1/D1x...anyone ?

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by Robert: Sat Jun 4th, 2016 17:55 7th Post
novicius wrote:
Remember what 2 gb cards ye used on a D1/D1x...anyone ?
I have a selection of CF cards, from 256Mb upward, I will check them out in the morning in my D1x.

From memory I agree that the D1x does not mount a card larger than 2Gb.

Sorry for the delay I have just returned from two consecutive tough 24Hr trips and I am dog tired.


Posted by jk: Sun Jun 5th, 2016 01:23 8th Post
You can buy a SD to CF1 adapter and use a cheap SD card in the D1X.
At the moment I am at the opposite end of Europe to my D1X so I cant check.

2GB SD cards are probably easier to find than CF equivalents.
BTW I think you can use larger cards in the D1X but it cant address more than 2GB so the 'extra' space cant be seen. Also you should format the card in camera.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 5th, 2016 05:44 9th Post
Since 2006 when I got my first D1 I have had two CF cards go bad on me, for no apparent reason. In terms of electronic devices I don't call that bad. Along with mechanical things, electronic devices can suffer failure, solid state drives and hard drives are said of fail in a similar percentage, a CF card is a form of solid state drive.

My personal experience of 'industrial' CF cards is limited. Recently I had my heart monitored with a recording device for 24 Hrs, that device was fitted with a non photography CF Card. Don't know what capacity.

When I worked for a chain of betting shops, the gaming machines contained at least one CF card which was used for the programming of the games, they were changed from time to time per machine, from memory, some had more than one CF card. Again not remembering the capacity they were not labeled like our photography cards, although I was told they could be formatted to contain photography/camera images.

I have just run all my smaller CF cards through my D1x.

One Viking Interworks 256Mb CF which worked without formatting and after formatting in the D1x.

One SanDisk 512Mb CF which worked without formatting and after formatting the D1x.

Three (I have a fourth somewhere) Kingston 1Gb CF which all worked without formatting and after formatting in the D1x.

Two SanDisk Extreme IV 2Gb CF which both worked without formatting and after formatting the D1x.

Then something of an oddity, the SanDisk Extreme III 4Gb CF which worked as inserted but after formatting in the D1x no longer recognised. I tried formatting it with the 'two button' method and from the menu. More research needed...

One SanDisk Ultra II 4Gb CF which as not recognised before formatting or after formatting the D1x.

Finally, One Kingston 4Gb CF which as not recognised before formatting or after formatting the D1x. I think this card came from JK with the D3.

Just for completeness and a bit of fun, I tried a SanDisk Extreme 120Mb/s 32Gb CF from my D3 but not unexpectedly it didn't work, with or without formatting.

I still need to resolve how the SanDisk Extreme III 4Gb CF worked initially but not after formatting. I will try formatting it in the Mac, not sure if I can format pre. fat-32 in the Mac, I don't have a PC set up and working so I may be stumped on that.


I reformatted the SanDisk Extreme III 4Gb CF in my MacPro, tried various options but nothing worked, probably needs formatting from command line, in an old PC which can talk DOS. I am pretty sure it's still formatting as a 4Gb drive in the computer, it needs a smaller (2Gb) partition which I can't do with the Mac. :banghead:

Attachment: Screen Shot 2016-06-05 at 10.44.07.jpg (Downloaded 22 times)


Posted by jk: Sun Jun 5th, 2016 10:02 10th Post
Robert, I think but my memory may be wrong that the D1X formats under FAT16.
When I get back to Spain then I can check the manual and also a CF from my D1X.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 5th, 2016 10:12 11th Post
Thanks Jk, what puzzles me is that the 4 Gb card worked OK in the D1x until I formatted it.

It may be I had formatted that card in my D1 previously and not realised it. I no longer have either of my D1's so can not try formatting it in a D1.

Because I have a range of cameras I usually format the card just before I use it in a particular camera.


Posted by Robert: Sun Jun 5th, 2016 10:26 12th Post
There are still plenty available on eBay...

Some may be genuine?


Posted by Eric: Sun Jun 5th, 2016 11:41 13th Post
jk wrote:
Robert, I think but my memory may be wrong that the D1X formats under FAT16.
When I get back to Spain then I can check the manual and also a CF from my D1X.

That was my understanding Jonthan. I thought I used a 4gb Sandisk card in my D1X....but it only accessed 2gb. The D2X came along and the cards went to FAT32.


Posted by TomOC: Tue Jun 7th, 2016 13:48 14th Post
I still ask myself...why use cards that can hold more than your battery will allow you to shoot?


Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by Robert: Tue Jun 7th, 2016 14:42 15th Post
In my case I want the large capacity for time-lapse, taking perhaps a thousand images at 20 second intervals, OK the batteries need changing but at least all the images are on one card.

Am working towards a larger, portable power source, perhaps even a small generator?


Posted by Eric: Tue Jun 7th, 2016 15:33 16th Post
TomOC wrote:
I still ask myself...why use cards that can hold more than your battery will allow you to shoot?


Ive never looked at this from that perspective...very incisive reasoning.

I suppose if you had more batteries than cards it would be more relevant.


Posted by novicius: Tue Jun 7th, 2016 19:35 17th Post
Thanks to every one , I certainly do not feel alone no more.

" Then something of an oddity, the SanDisk Extreme III 4Gb CF which worked as inserted but after formatting in the D1x no longer recognised. I tried formatting it with the 'two button' method and from the menu. More research needed..."

That `s exactly what happened , exept with the ultra 2 gb card,...I had formatted that particular card several times in camera without probs, but then , it can n`t be the camera.

I have tried , in both D1/D1x to use bigger cards LEXAR ..SANDISK ...KINGSTON..yet NO GO, so I share Roberts experience in that.( those cards perform flawlessly in SlrN and D3s ).

So I am looking for reliable cards that I can count on , luckily I was at home when it happened , but in some mnths. I intend t´be in an area where obtaining genuine / reliable cards may be an illusion.

CF cards are supposed to " last forever " ... but which one ?..Hence my quest for Great CF cards.

Thanks to J K for the suggestion of SD/CF adapter , worth looking into.

As to Why bigger cards , well ...

Robert gave a good explanation , and...

First , the battery of the D1 / D1x can last longer than a 2 gb card.

Second , it`s a matter of getting a good deal 8 gb CF card can cost considerably LESS than Two cards of 4 gb , even of the same serie of the same brand.

Back in Danmark

I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment

The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.

Posted by Eric: Thu Jun 9th, 2016 04:57 18th Post
I think the larger card would need to be first formatted on a FAT 16 computer...if they still exist...before being used in the camera. My memory may be playing tricks but I am convinced I used a 4gb card in the D1x by doing this. Of course finding a FAT 16 computer to try it may be harder than finding 2GB cards!

Good hunting!


Posted by jk: Thu Jun 9th, 2016 08:41 19th Post
If you have a Mac this is available.
I am not sure if Windows10 allows this.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Thu Jun 9th, 2016 08:52 20th Post
Just got back to Spain in the last 24hours.
My D1X has a 2GB CF card in it. I believe that this is the maximum it will 'handle'.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Thu Jun 9th, 2016 12:41 21st Post
Have been reading up on this, *some* 2Gb cards are not recognised in a D1x.

The card needs to be partitioned max 2Gb FAT16 Not sure how in a Mac... perhaps via command line. I am not comfortable using command line for that sort of task, might re-format one to the Mac drives 2Gb!

How this reconciles with the recommendation to re-format 'in-camera' I don't know. Once images have been offloaded, I always re-format cards in camera, immediately prior to use.

I still don't understand why:

a) I had a 4GB Sandisk CF card which was formatted 2Gb, I don't remember doing it.

b) Why when I tried to re-forma that card in camera it reverted to 4Gb and refused to format in the D1x camera again.

The only possible explanation is that one of the D1's might have been used to format it? I know this happened once before in my very early days, I think I used a little Sony P&S (Cybershot?) to re-format a reluctant CF card for the D1, it then worked OK.

I tried this search:

how to format a cf card fat 16 on a mac

This is one result that came up... I have looked at two Sandisk 4Gb CF cards and can't see the switch...


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