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Sony RX1  Rate Topic 

Posted by jk: Fri Dec 14th, 2012 07:23 1st Post
If you are interested in the new Sony RX1 (I know RichW was) then here is an early review.

Lightroom 4.3 provides support for it as well so its well supported already.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by TomOC: Fri Dec 14th, 2012 13:15 2nd Post
Interesting camera - the x100 of the FF crop?

I was slow to get on the FF bandwagon in the SLR arena and probably will be in the mirrorless as well :-)

Tom O'Connell

-Lots of people talk to animals.... Not very many listen, though.... That's the problem.

Benjamin Hoff, The Tao of Pooh

Posted by jk: Fri Dec 14th, 2012 15:11 3rd Post
Camera is not for me.
If I was going to get another camera in the near future then it would be one of the following:

1. Money no object - Leica M9 with 18mm, 35mm, 90mm lenses.
2. Middle range most likely - Fuji XE1 or Sony NEX6 with 16-50 and 55-210 lenses.
3. Cheap - dont do cheap as it is always a disappointment.

So in essence there are three choices. Leica M9, Sony NEX6, Fuji XE1.

Now I dont need any of them so its a no brainer.
Look for a nice Mac Pro with twin CPUs to blow away my Mac Mini Mini i7 2GHz (quad core) and Macbook Air 1.7MHz units.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Fri Dec 14th, 2012 16:39 4th Post
jk wrote:
Camera is not for me.

Look for a nice Mac Pro with twin CPUs to blow away my Mac Mini Mini i7 2GHz (quad core) and Macbook Air 1.7MHz units.

I don't think it will 'Blow the Mac Mini i7 away'...

Be VERY interested in the comparison.

My crit of the Mac Mini is the lack of serious genuine fast I/O for large amounts of data. i.e. another firewire socket or eSATA.

Thunderbolt is too expensive and too little choice at the moment.


Posted by jk: Fri Dec 14th, 2012 17:13 5th Post
Actually I finished making my assessment of the situation this evening.

Unless I go to a 12 core 3GHz machine then it seems pointless to get a Mac Pro in preference to my Mac Mini 2GHz quad core unit.
Money stays in the bank for my expedition in February 2013.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Fri Dec 14th, 2012 17:56 6th Post
The only thing you really gain is the ability to have at least six internal drives on SATA and two more separate FW busses. Probably a little more grunt but at the expense of space and running costs. Oh, and a LOT more expensive to buy.

I have heard Apple may be dropping the Mac Pro range but it may only be hearsay. The reasoning is that the volume isn't there and the Mm and iMac can do 99% of what most people need.

However this has very little to do with the Sony RX1... :offtopic:


Posted by Doug: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 03:00 7th Post
I was teaching a client how to use his new RX100 yesterday, really nice interface - I'm smitten

(same sensor size as the Nikon 1 but they kept all the features that Nikon threw out of their compact models)

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Posted by Eric: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 06:32 8th Post
jk wrote: If you are interested in the new Sony RX1 (I know RichW was) then here is an early review.

Lightroom 4.3 provides support for it as well so its well supported already.

Spending £2500 on a fixed lens, compact, no matter how good the FF may be, seems an extravagance to me.  The Fuji system is better priced for the quality delivered.



Posted by richw: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 06:57 9th Post
Actually it was the RX100 that caught my eye, mainly because it's so small, but it is a good P&S rather than a potential DSLR replacement which some of the others are trying to be.

Posted by richw: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 07:00 10th Post
jk wrote:
Actually I finished making my assessment of the situation this evening.

Unless I go to a 12 core 3GHz machine then it seems pointless to get a Mac Pro in preference to my Mac Mini 2GHz quad core unit.
Money stays in the bank for my expedition in February 2013.

Isn't the Mac Pro a little dated now running on the previous Intel chip. Meant to be big changes coming in the not too distant future according to Apple.

Posted by jk: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 07:32 11th Post
Eric wrote: jk wrote: If you are interested in the new Sony RX1 (I know RichW was) then here is an early review.

Lightroom 4.3 provides support for it as well so its well supported already.

Spending £2500 on a fixed lens, compact, no matter how good the FF may be, seems an extravagance to me.  The Fuji system is better priced for the quality delivered.

I agree.  I was even a bit loathe to part with the £1200 for the X100 (which will be replaced in 2013 with an X200)  ;-)

I think the Sony has a nice idea but for that price I want interchangeable lenses and a viewfinder.  Hence my original statement "Camera not for me".

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by jk: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 07:38 12th Post
richw wrote: jk wrote:
Actually I finished making my assessment of the situation this evening.

Unless I go to a 12 core 3GHz machine then it seems pointless to get a Mac Pro in preference to my Mac Mini 2GHz quad core unit.
Money stays in the bank for my expedition in February 2013.

Isn't the Mac Pro a little dated now running on the previous Intel chip. Meant to be big changes coming in the not too distant future according to Apple.
I dont like the idea of multiple drives hanging off a spaghetti of USB or Firewire cables.
I would rather have them all in cabinet of a single computer or in a drive enclosure.

I bought a DROBO 4 drive unit and a DroboShare (to make it networkable) early this year to test but have been disappointed with it.  Maybe I need to get newer model.

My Buffalo TeraStations are getting long in the tooth now and only provide 2TB of data storage each (I have 4).  The Drobo should have allowed me 4TB per unit which would have been a good start.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by richw: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 07:43 13th Post
Some of the Promise drives look nice if a bit pricy.

Posted by jk: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 07:50 14th Post
Yes very pricey and very nice but also limited to Thunderbolt interface.
Happy to use Thunderbolt unit as long as I can get it to interface either to the network and/or my USB/firewire ports on the older Macs.

I still havent managed to source a Thunderbolt to USB/Firewire adapter. Apple were meant to do one but it seems to have been dropped. Seagate do one but it seems to be for their drives interfacing to Apple laptop.

This is what I would really like.  Price is steep at $400.  Not available until early 2013.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Doug: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 17:28 15th Post
Thunderbolt to FireWire 800 still seems to be available on
Or did you mean something else?

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Posted by Robert: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 17:43 16th Post
Unless you are using an Apple TB screen that restricts you to one monitor. :-(

If you run an Apple TB screen I think it includes at least one Firewire socket and USB and a second TB socket to daisy-chain further TB devices.

It all comes back to a bowl of spaghetti or a rat's nest of wires. Which is not conducive to reliable operation. Nothing like having internal drives, which with the Mac Pro are so easy to swap out.

I still like my Mac mini's. Although if I had say £8,000 burning a hole in my pocket I would go with two big screens and a high spec Mac Pro.


Posted by jk: Sat Dec 15th, 2012 19:10 17th Post
With £8000 burning a hole in my pocket I would get myself a pilots license for light aircraft or helicopter.

Still learning after all these years!

Posted by Robert: Sun Dec 16th, 2012 02:01 18th Post
I was assuming that (and a lot of other things) was before the £8,000 for the Mac.

My Mac minis are fine, esp. the i7. It will get a testing later in the week, I will have video to edit. ;-)


Posted by jk: Sun Dec 16th, 2012 03:34 19th Post
I might go take a trip to the Apple Store in the new year and see what these Promise units are.

Still learning after all these years!

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