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Nikon DSLR Forums
Announcement (No New Posts)Achive 1 The original Wishlist D2 and D3
      Extracted from archives 2000 to 2006
 Last post in topic: 2012-05-20 19:58:17 by Robert
This is the archive copy of the Camera wishlist section from the Nikon D1 Forum 2000 to 2006. 39 topics in total. It covers wishes for the D2 and D3 series of cameras. Some of the wishes have been fulfilled, some uncannily closely. ====================================================================== Thread #1 Unrelated. ====================================================================== Thread #2 wingnut1 01-26-2001 D2 wishlist, hmmm, Well for starters I would love to see a CCD the same size as a 35mm frame, maybe 11 megapixel with a file size of about 30 megabytes (the holy grail figure of digital?). A CCD that was easy to clean or protected better than the D1 and maybe if the D2 lost a little bit of weight too. Actually, forget the last one. I think the larger CCD equal to 35mm frame is going to be the final hurdle for digital SLR's. That will be the next evolving stage to a seamless transition. The D1 has made history as the digital camera that converted many diehard film photographers to digital (including me, I waited years for this) and I think the D2, if Nikon (or Pentax or whoever gets there first) fulfills the 36x24mm frame size, will be the deciding factor for many more photographers. Who knows, if the price is substantially lower than the D1, the D2 could have the mass appeal to sell as much as any 35mm SLR. Well that's my bit done, let's see what everyone else has to say. Regards, Steve Saunders ====================================================================== Thread #3 Ralph 01-26-2001 OK, how about... A removable IR filter that blocks the shorter wavelength IR too. Automatic crash recovery so we don't have to remove and reinsert the battery when the camera goes silly. CF card ventilation for microdrive compatibility. Integrated Bluetooth wireless control & operation. A primary (non-rechargeable) battery pack accessory. A more reliable power switch. The ability to view and set the custom settings via the LCD display. An external battery pack option. Increase the download rate over the Firewire interface. Better noise reduction for high ISO/long exposure operation. Phaselock all internal clocks and oscillators to a master reference to eliminate the need for periodic alignment. Self-aligning image detection and metering circuits. Fix the magenta problem. Admit that there is a magenta problem. Create a camera repair facility that is responsive to the needs of the professional photographer and can return the camera in a timely manner. (only a start) ====================================================================== Thread #4 Richard Parkinson 01-26-2001 In this order : 1) Full frame 11MP sensor with seamless digital zoom for reducing file size, including RAW support for zoomed files. Possibly even a square sensor so you don't have to rotate the body.
 2) Usable ISO 6400 or higher
. 3) Noise free (well, may be just a few hot pixels) exposure to 30 sec at ISO 1600, option for dark frame subtraction like D30
. 4) Easy to clean CCD or at least cover on CCD which can be removed and cleaned
. 5) Usefull LCD preview screen with zoom to 100% and pan. 
6) Approved Microdrive compatability. 7) High capacity Li Ion battery but with option for AA emergancy use. 
8) Full TTL flash including bounce mode support
. 9) At least 4fps bust mode with 20 shot buffer in RAW mode
. 10) ability to utilize the frame biffer in single shot mode
. 11) Decent software bundle and TWAIN driver or at least photoshop plug-in
. 12) Live LCD viewfinder on LCD and via Firewire/USB/USB2 connection. 
13) Selectable colour ICM profile for JPEG/TIFF formats, sRGB, NTSC, etc.
 14) Menu selection on LCD of custom functions
. 15) Logical placement of all the input/output ports and AC cord at the rear of the body. And of cource decent after sales support from Nikon including Firmware upgrades and sofware support! Just my 2c worth! ====================================================================== Thread #5 Ron Ross 01-26-2001 ...and a partridge in a pear tree. ====================================================================== Thread #6 srphoto 01-26-2001 1- Make an amateur version to go against the D30 so people can migrate THERE from the 990. 2- Leave the CCD size similar so the camera doesn't get bigger and current lenses remain long, so we don't bust our back. More surface to collect dust would be crazy. 3- Increase the rez to 8MP, but not at the expense of noise. 
4- Reach for a clean 1600 with a useable 3200. 5- Dark frame subtraction as a user option 6- Lithium film battery and a DROP-IN charger. A AA insert with a "tough luck" warning for those that use less than lithium AAs. 7- A TFT display that shows TRUE focus and tone. 8- An AC adapter with an L shaped plug so it doesn't stick out and tangle. 9- The old, reliable, better than anyone's TTL flash that can bounce. 10- Photo Secretary that works with the F5, F100 and D(whatever), through the SAME connector. 11- SEPARATE custom WB on EACH channel; even three channels would be nice. 12- Allow channel changes on the top of the camera. Above all, KEEP IT A PRO CAMERA. Make a D2A for amateurs, with a DIFFERENT support channel. mrhover 01-26-2001 Seth, Tell me a little about your 11th wish. Why would you want to adjust WB by channel? Educate me...tom ebaur 01-30-2001 > Tell me a little about your 11th wish. Why would you want to adjust WB by channel? I'm not sure what Seth means and won't presume to speak for him, but a user selectable color temperature instead of 4 or 5 preset values with +/- adjustments from each would make the camera more flexible especially in a studio setting. The ability to enter any color temp between, say, 2800 and 7500 might be very useful especially if you had a color temperature meter. mrhover 01-30-2001 I agree that color temp by value might be useful for people using color temp. meters. That would lead to potentially "no" adjustment in processing. What confused me was Seth's use of the word "channel". When I think of channel, I think of Adobe channels of RGB. Don't understand. In general, WB seems not very important to me. With PShop, and the ability to set white/black points or Qimage/Bibble to otherwise adjust WB, I don't get too excited about WB. I've found that it's a rare day that I shoot with my WB the 'very' best it can be. And if I have to adjust at all, it doesn't much matter how far off it is. But I'm sure if Seth checks back at this forum, he'll clarify...and based upon his participation on this board, he'll likely take me to school and be right!...tom ====================================================================== Thread #7 Ron Warris 01-26-2001 The only thing I would add to the things already listed by others is the ability to choose whether or not the viewfinder LED display shuts down when the batteries are low. Sometimes I am willing to sacrifice some battery time to be able to use the viewfinder display. Cheers! ====================================================================== Thread #8 sfxphil 01-27-2001 One simple wish, that Nikon acknowledge its loyal customer base and responds in a timely fashion to their problems. Ron Ross 01-29-2001 Come on Phil, Get a grip. If that were the case, then maybe they would be called something like.....well, Cannon for example. ====================================================================== Thread #9 mcjbda 01-29-2001 How about a smaller number to the left of the comma? ====================================================================== Thread #10 Chris Hinton 01-29-2001 Square format. ====================================================================== Thread #11 Eric 01-30-2001 I wish it came with Bibble 8 JimClark 02-01-2001 Yes, so do I! ... Eric, I'm still waiting for the larger preview mode however. ;-) ====================================================================== Thread #12 Hardley 01-30-2001 Why do I have to use a voltage protected additional flash sync in the hot shoe, instead of having that shock protection built into the body. Nikon knows that some commercial flash units put out too much trigger voltage, why not build in the protection? ====================================================================== Thread #13 ttreppa 02-01-2001 1. A vacuum cleaner to take care of the dust. (To clean up the expletives perhaps.) 2. A towel for those who think any camera could possibly be perfect. (Towel as in crying towel!) ====================================================================== Thread #14 RRRoger 02-24-2001 Most important to me, I want a still larger cache and faster processing for 100 shots or at least enough that the compressed NEFs (2mb) can be shot endlessly while they are being downloaded to my 1+ gig microdrive. A true 35 mm CCD would be nice, but 64 mb files would be a little to large until I get some of those terabyte hard drives for my computer. I would like to see the camera completely sealed against dust and water. Any improved sealing would be appreciated by all of us outdoor event photographers. Use Titanium instead of steel & plastic. A fully automatic setting for my wife and myself when I get up too early and cannot think at the shoot. Alex Frediani 03-06-2001 Heartily agree: wanted to see a larger CCD for the speed in low light + higher # of pixels. Square format 100% logical. Design for CCD (+easy software) upgrades will be appreciated, too!!! Titanium being used in high-end golf clubs & the best SCUBA gear - should be the metal of choice; SCUBA's o-ring technology should be in much more evidence around all openings, too - keep dust & water out far better. As in the Nikonos U/W camera. A truly high-speed infra-red (>>IRDA)data unload and integral remote control MIGHT be a
useful feature. Randolph_Madera 03-12-2001 I also would like to see a full frame CCD but with only 3 or 4 megapixels, a sealed mirror box to keep dust out, a larger, more accurate (areawise, detailwise and otherwise)LCD monitor, IR file transfer and a circuit that would power the flash from the camera battery should the flash unit's battery conk out. Easier time/date setting via the LCD, and a larger, separate LCD panel that could be attached to the camera for preview display. ruddyc 06-03-2001 YEs to all! The need for a full sized CCD is a MUST for us that seek true lens compatibility. The images will not necessarily have to be so large if they also would give us the choice of resolution. There are digital cameras out there that already have these features; See (an excellent digital photography site). Also, I would like to see interchangeable view finders. There are times when I only use my F5 and leave behind the D1. On my Nikon F5 I use the DW-30 finder often. RRRoger 07-10-2001 How about a hermatically sealed lens mount? I will try silicon glue after my first time serviced D1 comes back from it1s $693 dirt damage non warranteed repair. RRRoger 07-18-2001 I have recently changed my priority. 1st is now warrantee and service. 1. I want a warrantee that covers the entire camera including grips that come off and dirt getting past the lens connection. I donot expect Nikon to cover malitious damage or dropping the camera or changing lens in a dust storm. 
2. Service turn around in less than three weeks and camera returned by someone else than UPS overnight Air. They miss sorted and sent my camera to the wrong place then the parcel lost priority when found and was not shipped the next day (in time for a very important Event) then they offer to refund the shipping to Nikon if they fill out all the right forms and wait a month for the check. I should have been refunded the $700 Nikon charged for my camera clean & adjust or $1000 for the Event losses. 
3. Highest quality Camera with all the latest upgradeable features included, not just a minor upgrade then sell us a newer (out of date)one next year. The D1H could be made with a still faster processor now and could include a buffer for 80 or more shots now with off the shelf components that only cost a few dollars more. This camera could be made to be upgradeable (parts and firmware) ====================================================================== Thread #15 mzurawski 03-04-2001 I wish the focus mode switch lever was larger. That would make it easier to change to continuos mode while shooting a stationary subject that bursts into action. I find this difficult with the current small lever on the D1, especially while concentrating on the subject in the viewfinder. I wonder if this could be addressed by the aftermarket. ====================================================================== Thread #16 Alex Frediani 05-01-2001 Anyone who cares about image quality MUST go see and see the difference with current JPEG that uses discrete cosine transforms vs the wavelet technology that luratech has pioneered. One must hope that NIKON is doing its homework; there is no comparison! ruddyc 06-03-2001 Totally agree! I think the Nikon D1 (D1x or D1H) although great cameras, they still lack some features that MUST be added! ====================================================================== Thread #17 Alex Frediani 08-30-2001 I have 80% made up my mind to wait for the D2. I am disappointed by the lack of more CCD physical real estate and proportional speed, and would like better write speeds. I also think 10-12 Megapixels will be worth the wait. I am interested in how many others have deferred purchase, and why. Ralph 08-31-2001 Yes, I'm skipping the D1x and waiting for a real D2. ...but I bought a D1x to tide me over in the meantime. My photo business can't sit back and wait. It is imperative that I provide my clients with a product of the finest quality possible while keeping costs within control. After carefully examining all of my options, I picked up a D1x. zzkenoman 05-02-2003 I agree with the previous photographer that work is important and productivity is essential, so I also bought the D1X because Nikon has been adding many more "Digital corrected" lenses, and if you wanted a larger CCD, there are many more opportunities with Kodak and Fuji or MF digital backs. I believe you can't go wrong with the D1X workhorse, especially when you can upgrade the buffer enhancements to almost equal a D1H, and unless enlargements are needed beyond 8x10, I just pull out my F5 just in case. The only drawback with any digital camera is depreciation and non-compatibility G lens with my F5. wingnut1 05-03-2003 I suppose we are all using D1x's and waiting for a D2. And a D3, D4 etc... Life is too short for waiting. If you can afford it, then buy the best you can (D1x) and use and enjoy it to the full until the next model arrives. If you can't afford it, then buy what fits the budget (D100 or whatever) and enjoy it without tormenting yourself about more expensive cameras. 
The camera makers are experts at making us salivate with lust over new models, it's a fact of life we have to live with. Dave Higdon 05-04-2003 We went through the "When to buy into digital?" questioning for about three years before deciding to bypass the D1 and wait for the D1x -- and to wait long enough for field reports to affirm our decision. I'd used loaner digital gear for one annual gig going back as far as 1996 and was already convinced of digital's potential -- and aware that going digital was more involved than upgrading from our N90s workhorses to an F5. We laid out the cash in January 2002 -- ending worries that we were letting technology pass us by putting us farther behind in a field where we already knew we had plenty of catch-up ahead of us. We've not been sorry with out decision or our timing. Our clients have stopped questioning whether the files will meet their needs and we've started a custom-print sales business with the D1x feeding us much of what we're able to offer. And print sizes? In-house, we do our own printing up to 13-by-19 inches. We've also had files taken to 24-by-36 inches by clients -- clients who said the results rivaled wet-lab products costing many times more... And since deciding in mid-2002 that we really need two digitals to work efficiently (and safely -- that is, with a back-up), we've neared the buy-it point twice: first, when the D100 hit the market and again with the Kodak DCS 14n... In both instances, the traits of the individual bodies stopped us from writing a check..."Let's wait on the D2," my bride and partner suggested each time... So, like many of you, we're waiting on the D2x...but like many more of you, we're waiting on the latest-and-greatest having already made the switch to digital with the D1x. Which means, if asked, our advice is to buy now and get started learning the tools... whatever comes along next will not hurt the very high quality of what's available now -- though it can cause the sort of mental consternation that comes when gadget freaks like many of us awaken to learn that we're now shooting with equipment no longer at the top of the pack. For the pro, the bennies are too numerous -- and the tax system too advantageous -- to make waiting a wise step; for the amateur, well, it's a coin toss. Buy now and be leapfrogged in a few months; love the one you're with and use the one you love -- until something else leapfrogs the next new thing to make it a generation older. Doubt seriously you'd regret the quality of what you shoot in the interim. Just a FWIW... ====================================================================== Thread #18 Alex Frediani 09-11-2001 How about the possibility of using the monitor as a viewfinder - like most digital cameras, with the mirror locked out of the way for quiet, unobtrusive shots. Could do this with same LCD attachment, or swing-out like a lot of the video cams. ====================================================================== Thread #19 Dave 10-31-2001 I'd love to see the D2 D'whatever showing me in the screen, at least with icons or something what is the camera is going to chose on auto: what white balance (or temp), what tone setting, this could be very handy it's the same when it tels you what Apreture & what speed it's using. ====================================================================== Thread #20 John Burwell 12-01-2001 I'm shooting more and more on location with the D1X and my laptop. I find that if I copy the images to the laptop hard drive without opening capture or view, downloading is much faster. I'm using a USB card reader on a G3 laptop. Would a firewire card reader or using the PCMCIA card slot be faster? Sometimes speed is of the essence. Even with 1GB microdrive and 2, 128 cards I need to save images to the computer in order to continue shooting more. This is a log jam I need to clear faster. Are some cards really faster than others? Dane Elec, Ridata? nkf 12-01-2001 John Burwell wrote: >>>Would a firewire card reader or using the PCMCIA card slot be faster?<<< A Firewire card reader is about three times faster as the comparable USB reader. The speed limit is then the microdrive or CF card itself. Nirto Karsten Fischer BTW.: why didn't you post this question in the D1 general discussion? ====================================================================== Thread #21 doug young 12-18-2001 With the popularity of the Digital Wallet and similar storage devices it is obvious there is a need for a direct firewire hard drive that could hold 10 Gig or so of images. It would attach to the camera base like a motor drive, or on the hot shoe or a belt clip and have the ability to connect direct to the camera for instant capture then direct to the computer for instant use. It probably has to come from nikon as it would need to be able to appear like an internal flash card to the D1 No more downloads, card swaps, misplaced cards or usb hassles. It could even contain 2 of the new hard drives like those in the ipod and operate on a raid system. Might we see something like this built in to the next generation of cameras? Jeff Maynard 12-18-2001 in the likely timeframe for a D2, its possible taht the storage will be very great (multi-GB) bit all solid state - no battery drain, no mechanical failure, very fast... ====================================================================== Thread #22 billv 01-19-2002 I'd love to see full frame or, at least, a 1.2x magnification so I can make better use of my wide angle lenses. TomOC 01-20-2002 Billy- You might get a fight there... Many of us love getting "cheap" telephoto lenses. EdWolfstein 01-26-2002 Hi Tom. The "cheap" telephoto aspect of the D1 series is not truly real. With a smaller CCD (2/3 the size of a full-frame) all the D1 is doing is cropping out 1/3 of the 35mm area, using the remaining 2/3 for the image. In the viewfinder, this appears magnified - but pixels are pixels - I'll try to explain: If a D2 had the exact same pixel density as a D1 series, and the CCD was 50% larger (i.e. full-frame 35mm) you would have exactly the same camera, but without the "cropping" that happens in the D1. So, using the same lens on a D2, which would appear unmagnified, your central subject would seem further. But if you'd crop out the extra pixels that a D2 would offer, voila - you'd have the same image quality as a D1 series would give. The D1 viewfinder magifies that central 2/3s, so it fills your view and looks closer. If the D1 had an F5 viewfinder optics however, it would look smaller, and you'd notice the "cropping" (and probably get annoyed as well.) This was very much apparent in the early generations of the Kodak/Nikon Digital families. They used the same viewfinder as the N90, but merely "masked" the focusing screen to let you know what the CCDs were actually capturing. So the "free teleconverter" is really only a matter of how much area the CCDs cover. It's like using an enlarger to get a telephoto picture in the darkroom by cropping. I'd rather have the full-frame for wide-angle work, and be perfectly happy with D1 pixel density (this would amount to about 4 Mega Pixels in a full-frame) - also very manageable file size. But, I'd like to have the F5's 8 fps capacity. I'll crop if necessary - post production. Cheers! TomOC 01-26-2002 Ed- I definitely see your point. But I assumed we would not get a larger CCD, but that they would simply "focus" the lens on the existing one to get "full frame." If that works (kind of makes me dizzy to visualize ) then, couldn't they continue to offer larger CCDs (like the D1x from D1) and continue to focus the lens in the middle of it? Yikes... We can't both be right, but both ideas sound right to me??? EdWolfstein 01-30-2002 Hi Tom. The only way you could have the viewfinder "focus" on the central 2/3 of the CCD would be to have a "zoom viewfinder" - and I don't think that's practical, or even possible. The way they could do it is by engraving an etched outline of the 2/3 portion on the focusing screen - but it still wouldn't magnify that portion. Another option would be to have 2 models, one for sports (say, a D2h, with the 2/3 magnification, a faster capture rate (say, between 8 to 10 fps - remember, it must compete with Canon) and a D2x model, with higer resolution and full-frame CCD - good for studio work, and wide-angle work, but a slower capture rate (say 2~3 fps). I think the key thrust over the past couple of years has been to make the digital series of cameras behave closer to 35mm film cameras, and to that end, most manufacturers have been creating CCDs that are closer and closer to a full 35mm frame size - along with the added pixels that result from the increased size. So, wishing aside, I think the D2 will have to boast full-frame equivalency to 35mm, have higher resolution (so you'll have to mentally "crop out" that 1/3 if you need to) and it'll have a very fast capture rate (always has been Nikon's one-upmanship with Canon). We should know pretty soon. Canon's 1D will be available any day now, and Nikon will not stand still and give any ground. The rebates on the D1x/h are another indicator that Nikon is reducing inventory before going into production, if they haven't already. Keep your eyes peeled during the upcoming Olympic events as well. You might just see some prototype stuff being "beta tested" there too. Atlanta was a testing ground for the Nikon F5 before it was released, and Salt Lake/Park City may do the same for a D2 generation of cameras. Just my impression. Alex Frediani 02-04-2002 YES: full-frame! I want the D-1 speed (or better) that comes with the integrative capability of a larger CCD and larger per-pixel real-estate. This why I skipped the D1X. I see there are a lot of happy folks, but I really did want to get some new technology for my money as well as being able to do significantly bigger enlargements. And NIKON - p l e a s e: a titanium body! Vincent MacNamara 02-10-2002 I remember reading a report in one of the UK photo magazines around the time the D1X was launched. There was a claim from a competitor onf Nikon's that the original D1 had a 10.8 megapixel sensor, but that the pixels were addressed in groups of 4. The speculation was that the D1X was using the same CCD, but addressing them in pairs - maybe the next generation will address each pixel separately.....but that'd mean you'd still have the same size CCD. ====================================================================== Thread #23 ccphoto 02-03-2002 If the matrix metering system has different settings dependent on camera orientation then there is obviously some mechanisim that recognises which way the camera is being held. Surely it wouldn't be a huge leap to have the camera orientate images in the same way as they were taken. Its not a problem having to twist the camera to see the verticles on the LCD screen but would save some time sorting once downloaded. TimHart 03-09-2002 I agree with you that that would be a nice feature; presumably, the shutter release used (reg, or vert) could easly be coded into the EXIF data. To get around this, I have been using an inexpensive shareware, Compupic Pro, which detects orientation of the images as a sort value. You can then sort a large body of image files by orientation, then apply the software's batch rotation command to upright them. Nils Haeck 03-26-2002 How can you detect that? When they come out of my camera they're all horizontal, and the EXIF does not contain any extra info too. So *somewhere* you still have to select them manually, or not? Daniel Chin 03-27-2002 I got a bettwe idea: since the lens coverage is much bigger than the image sensor, why not just add a mechanism to rotate the sensor (and showing the planned image vertically in the LCD viewer) before the capturing! ====================================================================== Thread #24 TimHart 03-08-2002 I am using the Nikon Ring Flash (I think it's either SB51 or SB52; it's at the office right now) with the D1h. Currently, it's only useable in manual mode. Even though I've pretty much gotten used to the correct exposures for given image rations, it would be NICE to be able to use it in TTL mode, like on the N90, etc.... ====================================================================== Thread #25 emperor 08-03-2002 un-official news: nikon will release it's new D2 on the next year: year 2003 and will never make a F6 film camera. all upgraded from F5 and F100 will be move to the new D2. D2 will have an at least 10 mega-pixels ccd, which will be the first NIKON design and manufactured CCD. and it will contain an internal flash light, which would be even brighter than SB-28, fully TTL supported. the above was from one senior staff, name hidden. Kntfst 08-04-2002 Nice specs, its something to look forward to. Besides the 35mm sized CCD about only thing I like to see is a faster FPS at least 8fps. 10 mega pixels wow, I'm gonna need a faster computer emperor 08-04-2002 still not sure if it's a full 35mm size ccd. if it's an only 10 mega-pixels CCD, would a little bit larger than current APS size, and still smaller than 35mm size ... Dave Higdon 08-04-2002 A question: You say the D2 will be released on the New Year, 2003 -- does this mean that Nikon will announce early in the year with the camera not actually becoming available until mid- or late-2003? Trying to plan a budget to include a second digital body and after my experiences with the D1x, I'd love to have something even better... Dave Guthrie 08-04-2002 I would not expect to get your hands on one until at least this time next year, though it may be offically annonced Oct or Feb paulchiu 08-14-2002 If D2 has built-in lights, then it would be a first for a pro camera. I would love to see some sort of internal air vacuum that sucks out the dust that might accumulate at the CCD area; similar in theory to the Contax RTS3 "film chamber flattening vacuum" of a few years ago. Big Si 08-22-2002 Nikon in Sydney Australia cannot confirm or deny the D2. They say it is all dribble for websites like yours and can not be trusted. Cheers Simon jcr6 10-23-2002 If too much information leaks out, nobody will buy the existing models while they wait for the new one. They DARE NOT leak any information unless they think that Kodak's 14MPixel camera is stealing their market, whereupon they'll pre-announce a 15MPixel camera so Kodak doesn't sell anything. Aren't I cynical? ====================================================================== Thread #26 John Harbor 09-29-2002 I wish they would bring it out.......soon. jk 12-24-2005 2006 is closing in.... I guess it will be late 2006 before we get any announcements. wingnut1 12-24-2005 I think we will be lucky to get it at all in 06. The Nikon shelf is fairly well stocked with different models now and they will probably run it for a while. The D200 will keep them going for a a long time. jk 12-24-2005 I think we will be lucky to get it at all in 06. The Nikon shelf is fairly well stocked with different models now and they will probably run it for a while. The D200 will keep them going for a a long time. jk 01-29-2006 2006 is here and so is the D200 but I guess the D3 if announced will come at Photokina in Sept/Oct time wingnut1 01-29-2006 This makes me wish I was 20 years younger. All the waiting for Photokina etc sure makes me feel old. ====================================================================== Thread #27 Hermen 11-15-2002 a full size chip of 18Mpixel ISO 50 to 1600 internal micro drive 5Gb Dave Higdon 11-18-2002 Sure, a great set of the last one. Need to be able to remove/swap/change out storage -- otherwise, the camera has to become a paperweight while you tether it to download images... Otherwise, works for me... Motorsportpix 11-29-2002 The D2 should have the ability to choose between "full size chip" coverage and the reduced chip size we now have. The 1.5x factor of lenses right now sucks at wide angle focal lenghts, but it sure is handy with the longer glass (which is SO much more expensive, bastids.) For many applications, we need the frame rate and buffer of the D1h, but we also love having the increased image quality of the D1x. The D2 should be able to incorporate the best features of both. The folks in sports photography also need higher ISO, but a "clean" 6400. If pro-quality digital video can produce good images down to 1 lux, why can't we get a Nikon SLR to get down anywhere near that? Just some random thoughts. wingnut1 11-29-2002 After seeing the incredible detail from the Sigma SD9 & Foveon sensor, I would say the D2 just has to have a Foveon type CCD. A 6MP CCD of this type would probably have as much detail as a 14MP CCD. ====================================================================== Thread #28 ccphoto 12-12-2002 Since exposure is a function of shutter speed, aperture and ASA, with digital the asa can now become a dynamic variable , future models of digital cameras could adjust asa fresme by frame to acheive the desired aperture or shutter speed depending on exposure mode selected. Kntfst 12-16-2002 Have seen this feature on Coolpix cameras. The automatic programing to determine when to change the ISO. Isn't adjustable, it thinks about changing the ISO at 1/20th second or so. An adjustable lower shutter speed set point would be beneficial. It would be different for Shutter Mode, when it hits lowest aperture then switch. How the access full automation ? Easy knob or switch control or Sub menued. ISO is really the traditional third exsposure variable. It should be promenant. Heheh Extra wish for the D2 is 100% viewer. No more 92% want to see it ALL RRRoger 02-17-2003 These are my needs: 80 frame buffer & faster processor thus virtual unlimited shots up to limit of 4gb microdrive. Needs a better battery & ability to shoot with external battery only thus lightening the camera. 1 million shot or 5year, 100% warrantee. I do not need a bigger CCD as fine JPEG is good enough for my workflow. ====================================================================== Thread #29 Larry Mitchell 03-30-2003 Not sure how to start this so am jumping in here. If I were wishing something for a new D camera, it might be something like this; 
1. CCD that never needed cleaned
2. At least 10 mp
3. Soundless shuter release 
4. 4x the battery life of the D1X
5. All the functionality of the D1X ====================================================================== Thread #30 doug young 04-02-2003 The meter is on the whole time, why can't the information be processed into a histogram and fed to the lcd to give us spot on exposures before we waste battery power? PaulRG 04-11-2003 wouldn't it use battery power showing us the histogram all the time? doug young 04-11-2003 Good point My reasoning was that you wouldn't need to waste time evaluating and re-shooting. I would be happy to pay the cost of a spare battery for that feature and you could have it activated by a half press on the shutter button or you could switch it to some other button so that the power hit was less significant. You might also be able to adjust it to stay on for different times like the image review. ====================================================================== Thread #31 mariano 04-08-2003 The piece of rubber that cover the card door in the DIx is pasted whith a low quality adhesive. Nikon people tell us that here in Buenos Aires wheather is hot and humidity high and that was the reason... Could a Pro camera have an adhesive that do not resist 35 centigrade and 90 % humidity? Please Nikon , in D2 use good adhesive.I lost my piece of rubber in the street... wingnut1 04-10-2003 35 degrees C? We never ever get that in Ireland, hottest last summer was 21C and that was just for one day. The normal good winter day is below 10 and summer days usually 18C if we are lucky. Humidity is almost unheard of here. I lost the CF rubber and the hadgrip one came away (twice) last year, D1x only ever used at weekends and the occasional job. In view of this I would take Nikons advice with a pinch of salt. The bottom line is that the Pliobond adhesive Nikon use for the grips is just not up to the job, I don't know why people even bother to try and buy it when it doesn't do the job on the D1 series. Dave Guthrie 04-10-2003 Do not beleive Nikon on this one. That peice of rubber has been reported falling off in all conditions from dry & freezing to hot & humid. The world is littered with little peices of rubber from the D1 series! In fact you haven't used the camera is the rubber has not come off. jcmt 04-17-2003 I have just heard too many times for the others Pro Nikon Cameras' Rubbers falls off, and it finally comes to mine. The replacement cost me HK$150 (Right Handgrip Area) when I have my D1x Buffer upgraded a month ago. Apparently, the QC here is not consistant throughout Nikons, as my F100 does not have this kind of problem whatsoever, although I have been using both F100 and D1x pretty often... ====================================================================== Thread #32 RRRoger 10-08-2003 It`s a little early to get this started because the D2H is not in my hands yet. Using the Digitalreview page 6 "Specifications Comparison versus D1H & 1D" as a reference point. I would wish for: 1. LBCAST with 8 million pixels.
2. Continuous shooting of over 8 frames/ sec.
3. Over 60 continuous shots & larger buffer.
4. Option of recording in RAW or JPEG only.
5. Extremely acurate Auto settings.
6. ISO settings 100 to 3200 without noise.
7. Firewire 800 interface.
8. Faster processors.
9. Playback magnification presets variable.
10. More power effecient.
11. Longer life battery.
12. Ability to run on external battery only.
13. Unattachable WiFi with greater speed, range, and channels with it`s own battery.
14. Waterproof & dustproof sealing
15. Two year or 1 million shot warrantee. jk 11-25-2003 RRRoger, I certainly hope some of these wil lbe in the D2X when it is announced/delivered ?next year ? I would add: 
1.) 16Mp image capture as at this point the digital v. film scanned becomes superfluous. 
2. Full frame image capture device. However I have just tested the new 10.5mm fisheye and Capture 4 with the fisheye2rectilinear feature. Absolutely stunning results from a simple click in the box. RRRoger 11-27-2003 I now have my first D2H and the second (with the SB800, WiFi, extra batteries, & 4gb microdrives) is supposed to be sent out this Friday. The uncompressed file size is now 11.5mb. 4.1mp is more than enough for my work. I am not willing to pay for a full frame CCD, but like the lense multiplication factor of the smaller LBCAST. A doubling or quadripling of the megapixels like done on the D1X would be better for my high end use when the DCS760 wears out. I would like to increase my buffer request to 80+ frames as I run out twice as fast now.
I love that new "air" shutter. The D2H is far from fully automatic and maybe this is a good thing in that it helps separate the Pro from the wannabe. There is still pleanty of work to do here. I am getting great output at nearly my old D1 settings. The LCD viewer magnification works very well on the D2H, just duplicate it on the D3 We need user upgradeable firmware. Ability to set EV gain by increments of 110th instead of 0.3 for finer tuning of the gain. Ability to set JPEG compression ratio not just a selection. Flash card door that opens wider or ejector that pops the card up further so that I can get my fat fingers onto it. This has been very flustrating in the field when I have to change the microdrive in my D2 quickly. jk 11-30-2003 RRR- you lucky dog ;-) New toys, was it a ThanksGiving present ? Seems like you are impressed with your D2H. I hope the D2X is as good when it arrives next year. marklacey 06-09-2004 10+ MP, 8+ frames/sec, 64+ frame RAW buffer, JPEG 2000, and under $2500 USD. I'd buy that the day it became available. wingnut1 06-22-2004 I just wish we had it (D2x) NOW! I made that wish to a Leprechaun a while back, but they are notoriously tricky little fellows that can't be trusted to deliver and all I got was a D70! Close enough for the moment anyway. jk 12-24-200 So a D3H would have what resolution. With the D2Hs at 4.1 would 8 or 10MP be good enough? The D3X would need to be 18MP to make any sense! The D3H would be a long way behing in terms of MP. Is it worthwhile, I don't know. wingnut1 12-24-2005 We can only wait and see, while our children wait and see what Santa brings later on. PS. Oh I forgot to mention a full-frame D3 again. ====================================================================== Thread #33 doug young 07-17-2004 This wouldn't work in all situations, but what about a Raw + Raw feature where the camera will take a second exposure similar to bracketing but with no gap between exposures. An electronic shutter would be required to have the shots close enough together, in fact the shutter could open at the moment of release and then simply close twice. That way even high speed action could use this technique. Programs like Nikon Capture could then use some kind of controllable tone masking to combine the dynamic range of the two images. I think cameras like the Nikon D70 and D2h might already be capable of this with some minor programming and hardware updates? You could also modify this behaviour to use different apertures, although that would require 2 distinct exposures. Nikon, are you listening? jk 12-24-2005 Doug, This would make very good use of the HCR features in PS-CS2. Great for all sorts of situations but especially landscapes and weddings. wingnut1 12-24-2005 That's a great idea Doug. I never heard this mentioned before, but I can see how it would be useful. doug young 12-24-2005 Re-reading now I didn't explain the idea very well, but I am getting at a feature that works very much like the lap feature on a stopwatch where the clock keeps on ticking in the background. It would take RAW to a new level jk 01-29-2006 Of course in the D2X you could use the multi-exposure route but I am not sure that is what you are after ;-) wingnut1 01-29-2006 No reason why this couldn't be doable these days. hoggy 01-29-2006 I tried the HCR feature but I didn't fare well with it. Even mounted on a tripod there was just enough movement/shake to have a blurred image when combined. I had read about it but never tried it before so maybe I either did something wrong or was expecting other results. doug young 01-29-2006 I tried HDR with several images, there was a blur created between shots by cloud movement. (It was actually quite a nice painterly effect) This is why both exposures need to start at the same moment. There would still be issues with very long exposures, but I think that with fast shutter speeds it would be a valuable feature. They could call it action HDR ====================================================================== Thread #34 TheJakeRPhoto 10-03-2004 I think the "d3" if that is what it is going to be called should have a dust cover that can be easily removed, so that when it gets dusty, the user can remove it and replace fairly quickly. cliff y 10-05-2004 talking about dust covers has anyone had any experience with olympus' sonic cleaner? should they all have that or is it just a gismo jk 12-24-2005 I think this is very difficult to do. Anything attached to the imager has potential to degrade quality especially if it is not absolutely flat and parallel to the image plane. wingnut1 12-24-2005 The Olympus dust shaker is supposed to be very good. I now a guy who has the E1 and a few lenses and he swears that he rarely has to use sensor swabs on the Olympus, while he has a 10D Canon that needs cleaning a couple of times a month. ====================================================================== Thread #35 Carol Steele 01-07-2005 My wish list would be:- 1. Full Frame (20+ megapixels) 
2. 1.5 x crop (centre portion) - 12 megapixels+
 3. 3 fps or greater for FF 
4. 5 fps or greater for centre crop 
5. Proper viewfinder as in F5/F6
 6. D2X body and software etc 
7. LCD screen with 2.5" 300,000 dot screen 
8. Accurate LCD screen review
 9. Minimum flash sync of 1/250th (preferably 1/500th)
 10. Focus points should be spread out over the full area as per D2H/D2X (i.e. not concentrated in middle as in 1.5x crop) 
11. Buffer size for 15-20 RAW uncompressed files for FF sized image
 12. ISO 50 to ISO 1600 plus Hi-1 and Hi-2
 13. Low noise at high ISO
 14. Price under £5000 inc VAT Armand 01-07-2005 Sorry I was in Admin mode and accidently deleted the respone "dvied" posted. Hopefully first and last time. His response was that he would like to see interchangeable viewfinders again but was concerned that dust issues would stop this from happening. However, I think it may be possible to seal the viewing screen real well and also put another piece of glass on top for with an additional seal...but would this cause light loss? dvied 01-07-2005 If it is truly like the modular unit Thom Hogan was describing, it should be so easy to clean, that it wouldn't make any difference. I assume the digital backs for the Medium Format cameras are easy to clean; just remove the back and clean the CCD. You could do that every shot if you wanted to, (perish the thought). But I'm thinking the D3 will be full frame, regardless of whatever other features are made available. TomOC 01-07-2005 Carol- How about low ISO like the Kodak 6 ISO? for ultra clean imaging... Dave Higdon 01-10-2005 Many of the things Carol seeks sound good... But don't really care about full frame; hasn't been a hang-up, can do without and won't be surprised if it never comes...find that the 10.5 and 14 rectilinear carry off what I need with no issues... On the other hand, a DX-ED zoom of 8mm to 18 mm, 2.8 or faster, would go a long way toward letting us go farther, better... Phague 01-10-2005 Decent glue would make me happy. Deryck 01-11-2005 Radio link built in Min flash sync of 1/500 Ability to increase fps by simply reducing megapixels interchangeable backs to allow for-various ranges of mega pixels -my choice 15-20 allow film/dig allow for easy cleaning of CCD allow for CCD and dig system upgrades without total replacement. MUST be at a reasonable price Carol Steele 01-11-2005 I wouldn't want the radio link built in. There is sufficient cause for concern using cell phones and the damage that might be caused to the brain. Having a camera that close to my head emitting long sustained radio waves whilst transmitting images - no thank you. rcmfelix 01-12-2005 My wishlist for a D3 Let it be something like the Konica Minolta 7D but with better pixelrate( say 10M) - Built in stabilizer(like the 7D)
- Anti Dust filter(supersonic or ????) Like the 7D 
- 2,5" screen with true color spaces 
- Knobs instead of menu's(like the 7D) 
- Color Temp settings in Kelvin
 - A possibilty to check the measured Color Temp 
- Magnesium Housing like the 7D(price related) 
- 50 iso(like the coolpix series)
 - Zooming possibilty in viewingmode so you can check detail(like the coolpix series)
 - That Nikon would make a wishlist so WE(Nikon Users) can actually make a contribution to what should be on the next generation.
 - A afordable price like the 7D Why I don't by the Minolta 7D.... because of al the Nikon(or nikon related) gear we have....otherwise who knows dmack 03-10-2005 I'd like to see a radio-controlled shutter release. No more cables or wires to trip over. No short-range IR devices that require a direct line of view to the camera. I'd like an RC clicker that allows me to release the shutter (and perhaps change some settings) from a quarter mile away, or so. Of course I'd like a dust-free, CA and noise-free 24Mp DX-sized sensor, a price I can afford jk 03-12-2005 I want FF imager, preferably at 20MP. All the features of the D2X. Ideally I would like the imager to be exchangeable so that as upgrades come I only change the imager and firmware not the whole camera. Seanie 03-17-2005 Could Nikon reinstitute the 1/500 sync speed. D3 with all the features of the D2X, full frame would be nice but not necessary. How much resolution is enough? I'll have that then... bundled with great software. Carol Steele 03-17-2005 From what I understand of chip technology, this would not be possible if Nikon continues to go down the CMOS sensor route (and following the success of the D2X, I can't see them ditching it now). In the D1 series and D70, the sensor is a CCD device which allows for on chip timings - it isn't the shutter which gives the shutter speed (at least at high speeds) it is timed by the chip sensors switching on and off. In the D2H, D2X this isn't possible with the CMOS chip and therefore you are restricted to the speed of the mechanical shutter - which has to be wide open when the flash fires. But hey, that's where the SB800 series flash units come to the fore as you can use FP mode and they can be used at 1/500th sec and faster - but you do lose some output which gradually increases the faster the shutter speed. Seanie 03-18-2005 Thing I don't understand is..... if the F5, F100 and F90x could sync at 1/500 sec why can't the D2 series. If it's down to the ccd/cmos difference and mechanical shutter sync, surely they can use 14 year old technology to maintain the sync. For press shooters it's a pain to go backwards on this. I use to get great results with F90, SB26 using spot TTL and shooting contre jour with the high sync. I wonder has it got something to do with flash amplitude - where the flash is brightest during it's cycle, or the lenght of flash duration. Is it that the CMOS sensor will only fully see the complete flash cycle at 1/250 sec? I guess I can wonder why till the cows come home, I'm not going to get the faster sync speed for the forseeable future... Carol Steele 03-18-2005 Using the SB800 flash unit in FP mode you can get faster sync speeds Seannie - but you get lower flash output the faster the shutter speed. In most cases you would not notice any difference at 1/500th sec - I have tested it up to 1/1000th sec using fill in flash and have been pleased with the results. FP flash mode can be utilised on the D70, D2H, D2X and presumeably with the D2Hs (and the F6 I believe). It really isn't a limitation. rickurb 03-20-2005 First and foremost: crazy high resolution. 500th sync for those of us who use Q-flash. Histograms and overexposure warning IN the viewfinder, to cut down on apeing (I still do it, but not as much). Low ISO's. Standard cable release screw on shutter. Built in radio slave transmitter, ideally universal. An esspresso maker (as long as it doesn't contribute to dust on sensor). Sam Vert 04-09-2005 Hey Seanie all the film pro bodies can sync at ONLY 1/250. That is true regardless of brand. I recall the F5 syncing at 1/300 with some special trick but I own a N90s and it is limited to 250. I had an F5 too. Same speed. 1/250 is the standard max mechanical sync speed for all SLRs on the market. Unless there's some ubercamera somewere that does better. I would love to have 1/500 too. But for now I'm happy with the iTTL system that enables my D2H to deliver perfectly exposed flash pics. I used 1/250 for YEARS on the N90s and it was adequate. I'd love better, don't get me wrong. But if NOBODY seems to be able to offer a faster mechanical sync speed, I'm sure there's some physics and manufacturing difficulties/limitations at work and I won't cry about it. ====================================================================== Thread #36 pholling 04-10-2005 Only slightly off topic: If I'm going to be able to control my D2Hs through Wi-Fi, and D3 as well, how about flashes controlled that way? Be able to set manual full power, 1/2, 1/4, etc. and get a status back when it's ready to fire again. Triggering would still come from the camera. Might be handy with the HDR tricks in Photoshop CS2. Motor-driven pan and tilt is another whole subject. My passion / challenge is shooting airplanes in dark museums. jk 05-27-2005 I believe that you can use the PocketWizards to do this. pholling 05-30-2005 Ohhh, I used a Pocket Wizard to take: But I want to control the flash level from my laptop, and know when it has recycled. wingnut1 06-14-2005 If you have to use NC for this, I wouldn't be holding my breath waiting. ====================================================================== Thread #37 peteribbotson 04-30-2005 What I would really, really like would be a D3 with built in GPS and built in WT. And with no great increase in weight. (This is a 'wish' list after all!). Doesn't have to be FF, so long as Nikon bring out a 10mm/2.8 rectilinear lens. The 12mp sensor in my D2x - and the 18Mb RAW files - have plenty of res for me, and I ceratinly don't need bigger files. wingnut1 04-30-2005 I just wish it was here now. At the slow rate the D2x is getting here, I half expect the D3 to arrive before it! peteribbotson 05-01-2005 You'll love it when you get it! TomOC 05-06-2005 STeve- I'll second that... snagged one last week... pure luck... a store I buy a lot from but where I wasn't even on a waiting list...great store. I now use the SLRn just in studio work or for wide angle stuff and the D2x for all else... really a delight to use. jk 05-27-2005 Peter, I believe tyhat you will get what you want but not as described in your post. With the electronics convergence that is occurring the features currently found in phones will move to camera so eventually the WT2 will be replaced by an interface to or a complete mobile phone so that when you take a photo it will be sent to your office or back to home PC over mobile network or internet. GPS location can be substituted for by the use of cell triangulation. Even now you can be tracked by your mobile phone location within a 'cell'. How well this woudl work in remote ares begs the question but that is where you woudl need to have a residual interface like now to a full GPS unit. wingnut1 06-14-2005 JK has a good point. I just bought a Nokia 6680 mobile phone and having been used to mobile phones that just make calls, this thing is like a mini-PC. I can browse the phone or it's 256mb memory card from my PC via Bluetooth or USB. It even takes (barely acceptable quality for me but some people will like them) 1.3mp images. The point is that the pace of this technology makes the WT seem like a dinosaur. PS. Oh yes, I forgot to add an anti-shake sensor for the D3, similar to what the Minolta 7D has. Carol Steele 06-15-2005 DPReviews of that technology was very mixed Steve - I'd hold off wishing for that wingnut1 06-15-2005 I didn't realize that Carol. Mind you, one of the owners of the camera shop I buy my kit from brought up an interesting point about this a while back, he reckoned that swabbing the sensor would be an extremely delicate procedure on the 7D as the sensor is mounted onto a board that could easily be knocked off alignment when swabbing. jk 06-20-2005 Carol, I think Steve was probably looking forward to the day when he got the technology that by that time he would need a self stabilising unit for himself and the Goldwing. ;-) ====================================================================== Thread #38 pholling 06-04-2005 Electronic compass readings being recorded would be handy to show how wide of an angle my panoramas cover. Would be nice to have that as part of the viewfinder display, or even input from a separate box, or the tripod mount. Does that lead to having some indeicators in the camera of when you're holding it level? wingnut1 That's a new one Paul, never heard this asked for before! jk 06-20-2005 Paul, You could do this on a D2X, D70, D100 if you use the voice annotation.!! You could use the GPS readings captured into a D1X, D2X, D2Hs EXIF dat aand/or voice recordings. The lens data wouuld give you the angle of view or you could derive it. As Steve says this is the first time I have seen this asked for but that doesn't mean its not useful. ====================================================================== Thread #39 jk 10-20-2005 Where has the D3 wishlist gone. Have we decided that it is no longer required as the D2X is so good ;-) jk 10-20-2005 Whoops found it. My profile only shows the last 100 days topics !! wingnut1 10-20-2005 Probably about time we revived it anyway JK. jk 12-24-2005 There are some additional items we could start to add e.g Auto handling of DX and G lenses so if it was full frame it would only use the central portion of the imager if a DX lens was used. wingnut1 12-24-2005 Faster and smaller lenses has to be possible with the DX sensor. I still can't believe a (for instance) 80-200 f1.8 lens isn't possible. WIth the large lens mount/DX sensor it just has to be possible.

Announcement (No New Posts)Selected Lens threads from the old forum
      Some of the choice threads and requests
 Last post in topic: 2012-04-23 16:41:18 by Robert

17-35 AFS or 28-70 AFS?

Thread started 1st May 2001 Post #1 Peter: I am thinking of buying either the 17-35 AFS or 28-70 AFS. Which one would you recommend as standard lens to be used in many different situations. You know the kind of lens you're happy to see mounted on your camera when you get it out of your bag... I currently have : - an 80-200mm 2.8 (old generation), - a 85mm 1.8 D, great lens but limited use for portraits, - a 20mm 1.8 D (unusable on my D1, all pictures get overexposed, I don't know why). Thanks for your help, Peter Post #2 Clive: Hi peter, The lens that I am pleased to see on my camera is the 80-400 VR as most of shots are candid from a distance and this lens gives me what I want most of the time and its very sharp. However to answer your question more directly I have both of the AFS lenses you mention and I suspect dependant upon what you shoot you will not be disappointed with either. The 20-70 for portraits etc and the 17-35 for landscapes generally. These are, however, my personal opinions and these are more proficient photogs in this group you might find provide a more professional opinion. But I doubt you will be disappointed with either from my experience - if you can afford both then have both you won't regret it. I want the AFS 300 next with 2x tele convertor for wildlife but am waiting for the pennies to come in!! Post #3 Ustein: We have both lenses and they are fine. But what is standard changes all the time: As we have to cameras we can complement each other. Wildlife/birds: 80-400 VR + 300 f/4 AFS + TC-14E/TC-20E + 105 Micro for flowers in the bag City: 28-70 + 17-35 (we are not that much in wide angle photography but sometimes we need it) Read here: and Uwe Post #4 Larrynip: I have both, and find I use the 28-70 far more for my "people stuff", and my 17 for my "nature, scenic" stuff. It really depends what you shoot more of. If I were pressed to make a decision, I would probably go with the 28-70 Post # 5 Carol Steele: I was pretty much in the same situation. Because I shoot mainly people I decided to save money and go for the 28-70 as I felt this would be my main lens, but I went for a prime 17mm Tokina lens for the wide angle. If I need anything between 17 and 28 I just pop on the 17mm and move forward a few inches. Post # 6 RonRoss: Peter, I too have both. I started with the 28-70 and when I got the 17-35 I switched. One thing to keep in mind. The 17-35 has a greater tendency to back focus. Post #7 Don Zawadiwsky: I purchased the 28-70 AF-S a couple of weeks ago and love it. Especially nice for me is the macro capability--not true macro, but close enough that I don't worry about grabbing another lens for closeups. Rather than purchasing the accompanying 17-35 AF-S lens, I've been happy with a 20/2.8 AF(non-D) Nikkor and the Sigma 14/3.5 AF. Post #8 Dennis Barnes: My all around lens is the 28-300 Tamron -- the most versatile lens I know of -- from wide angle to telephoto. For my money you cannot beat it. Dennis Post #9 Paul Chiu: There was a rather spectacular shot on page 72-73 of September Pop Photo by Tom Sperduto of the World Trade Center site. He took it with a D1X and the Tamron 28-105 f2.8 zoom. The details were amazing. Any of you with experience with this lens? Paul Post #10 Terence F. Treppa: Peter, I have both lenses. I began with the 28-70 and continue to use it most of the time. I take a lot of people pictures and this lens gives me the versitility that I desire. I use the 17-35 mainly indoors for pictures of medium to large groups of people. Both are excellent. Terry Treppa Post #11 Steve Saunders: I have the 17-35 & 28-70AFS lenses. I rarely use the 17-35 at all, except for group shots & landscapes that are not my usual type of shooting. I do however use the 28-70 almost all of the time, the 80-200AFS takes care of the longer stuff. Post #12 Paul Chiu: Guys ! The lens used in the 2 page layout was a TAMRON 28-105 2.8 LD; not the Nikon 28-70 AFS. Sorry for the confusion ! Paul Post #13 As this is very much a personal preference thing I suppose as many opinions as possible are desirable. I too own both lenses and find that I seldom install the 28-79 with the exception being occasions where I'm going to shoot people outdoors. For most of what I do it's the shorter lens. What really surprises me is the fact that for nearly all the shots I take with it the focal length is set for 17 mm. Can't say why. Just personal preference I guess. With Lensdoc to take out the pincushion and perspective distortion the main minus of short focal length is gone (IMO). For the record, I believe these lenses both take fine pictures (not as fine as a prime,of course) so that is not a factor in which I mount. I guess I just like wide angle photography. A.J. Post #14 Dave Higdon: Peter -- An understandable question, given the prices of the gear. But wonder whether you might be better off approaching this on the basis of the effective focal length on a Nikon D-series SLR...when you think about the two, ask yourself whether a 40mm-105 would be more useful than a 24-50. One of Nikon's earliest successes in zoom lenses was in the 43-80 range, and the 28-70 functions in the same range, only a little bit longer. FWIW, we use both lenses and find we need to go to them with equal frequency....shooting a lot of people, airplanes, people in/with airplanes. For some staged events -- press conferences, etc. -- often use an 85/1.8D, an old 80-200/2.8ED or the 28-70/2.8AF-S...personally, I like it the best, but it's not always the right one. For truly wide, in-tight and the like, we use the 14/f2.8 rectilinear -- it gives us about the same as a 20, with no distortion. Again, think specifically about the effective length after the D-series lens-flation before you make a pick. Dave Post #15 jjphotos: My paper has supplied me with the 17-35 and the 80-200 AFS lenses. I thought I should fill the gap and get the 28-70. I should have saved the money and bought a 50mm f/1.8. I rarely use the 28-70 for newspaper work. We do a LOT of getting in close to the subject in their environment, filling the frame with the person as much as possible and then using the wide-angle to show the surroundings. Now, were I shooting film with my F5 the 28-70 would be ideal.... but when you consider the magnification factor I often find myself wanting the 17-35 to be even a touch wider angle.... Of course if you really want to save some cash and have the sharpness of Nikkor lenses, I suggest you buy the 20mm f/2.8; the 28mm f/2.8 and the 60mm Macro.... prime lenses are smaller and the great thing about them is that they make you work more for your shot -- rather than get lazy and stand in one place and zoom I find that I move around my subject a lot more to get the right framing and composition.

Announcement (No New Posts)How to show an image from the Gallery in a post.
 Last post in topic: 2012-04-20 13:53:38 by jk
I guess that was in Safari Rich. Have you tried it with Firefox ?

Still learning after all these years!
Announcement (No New Posts)Welcome to Nikon-DSLR
 Last post in topic: 2012-04-02 06:33:30 by jk
Hello and Welcome to the new Nikon-DSLR forum. We have moved here from the old forum as the old forum software was in need of replacement and upgrading.  The server was also in need of a speed boost. So here we are in a new home. Over the years since we began way back when cameras were mainly film and some had digital cameras. Today the reverse is true with digital cameras of multiple types (DSLR, mirrorless, etc) and on multiple platforms such as hand held, tripods, car and bike mounted, drones, etc.. and film is less used. We have also seen many of our members revise their use of the camera and now a mix of camerasa, e.g. use smartphones for daily snap-shooting but others have preferred the use of compact and bridge cameras as well as digital cameras of the type of DSLR, mirrorless, in APS-C, Full Frame and Medium Format sensor size. As such we are allowing members to contribute no matter what camera make they have so we are not just a Nikon site. Indeed I have Nikon, Fuji, Canon and GoPro cameras as well as a DJI drone.

Still learning after all these years!
Important (No New Posts)Nikon lens types.
 Last post in topic: 2013-06-01 13:00:30 by jk
This is about the newer lens types and their use on the latest DSLR. The older lenses will work in manual focus mode but if they are non Ai they will not meter correctly and even if Ai then they may not work with some of the newer consumer DSLRs. This Nikon reference article is very helpful identifying the different Ai type lenses.,-ai-s-etc%29 Notes: This is info about the older legacy Nikkors. These lenses are termed F mount non-Ai lenses and date from the early Nikon range of lenses introduced in 1959. Non-AI, Pre-AI (also called NAI) refers to the original Nikon F bayonet lens mount and lenses introduced in 1959 for the Nikon F camera. These lenses have an aperture coupling prong just below f/5.6. When used on cameras made before 1977, you had to "index" the lens to the camera's meter by mounting the lens and then remembering to rotate the lens to its largest aperture and back so that the meter was properly calibrated. You can recognize these first lenses from: 1.) Solid coupling prong. 2.) No coupling ridge on the bottom of the aperture ring. 3.) No second set of tiny aperture numbers on the aperture ring. Note..... Non-AI lenses should not be mounted on the newer DSLRs.

Still learning after all these years!
Important (No New Posts)Nikon DSLR Forum Rules
      Nikon DSLR Forum Rules
 Last post in topic: 2012-04-02 12:44:45 by jk
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Still learning after all these years!
Popular (New Posts)Bird Photography 2025 Go to first new post
      Another year of feathery captures
 Last post in topic: 2025-02-09 11:02:38 by Eric
Iain wrote: Reed Buntings are one of the few birds that I think the female is the nicer looking of the two. I tend to agree with you. The black on the males head is very severe.

Popular (New Posts)Z8 Go to first new post
      Change time
 Last post in topic: 2025-01-30 19:32:39 by jk
Had a quick play with the camera today. Very disconcerting to have little sound associated with the shutter release but have adjusted that now. I really like the four banks and switching between them. AF difference between Z7 and Z8 is very noticeable, the Z8 is so much quicker and also much surer.

Still learning after all these years!
Popular (New Posts)Not wanting to put a spoke in the Sony caravans wheels but.... Go to first new post
 Last post in topic: 2025-01-19 14:55:33 by Iain
Coming into this a bit late but having changed from Sony back to Nikon I have also changed all my Sony lenses and got Nikon lenses. I have always found native lenses work best. I have tried adapting them but didn’t feel the IQ was as good.

Popular (New Posts)Dogs Go to first new post
      Pictures of dogs.
 Last post in topic: 2025-01-17 18:44:53 by jk
OK so we know the wall is the problem, therefore some questions..... 1  What is causing this? 2  How would one solve this? 3  Is it a digital artefact, or a visual one?

Still learning after all these years!
Popular (New Posts)IR & BW photography Go to first new post
 Last post in topic: 2025-01-15 00:00:49 by Eric
Accidentally discovered a slick way to get rid of the central hotspot that often plagues internally converted IR cameras with many lenses. The hotspot is an internal bounce back reflection of the incoming light, off the face of the IR filter, that has been inserted in place of the low pass filter. The hotspot is inherently a blue fogging. In Photoshop select the Convert to BW option and slide the Blue channel to darken the blue colours present until they fade (contrast increases) and match the contrast of the rest of the image … the rest of the image contains shades of red/brown the effect focuses exclusively on the hotspot.  :cheers:

Popular (New Posts)Seasonal photos Go to first new post
      Any images that reflect the season they were taken
 Last post in topic: 2025-01-14 12:32:10 by Graham Whistler
Bit late but Sundowner Cheers and Happy NY! Click here to comment on this image.

Graham Whistler
Popular (New Posts)Night Sky Photography Go to first new post
      An Equatorial Mount: My lucky day!
 Last post in topic: 2025-01-12 22:16:29 by chrisbet
Lol - our lump of rock in the milky way IS a long, long way away from most of the rest of the universe....

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)Iceland 2024
 Last post in topic: 2024-12-27 11:39:02 by novicius
Wonderful set of photo`s, and for once a star shot worth looking at.:applause:

Back in Danmark I do not use my equipment to make photo`s .. I take photo`s to use my equipment The better I become at photography,the better my camera gets.
Popular (No New Posts)Sony A1 New high end mirrorless 50MP Camera
      Only had it 2 days results very good.
 Last post in topic: 2024-12-19 13:55:05 by Iain
Eric wrote: Panic today. Went to sort camera gear out and put the right lens on the body for quick use. Took off the lens and the sensor was visible. 8-). Quickly put the replacement lens back on and hope no dust got in.**  Switched the camera on to see why the blind hadn’t come across when the lens was removed….battery flat. So flat it didn’t even have enough residual electrickery to close the blind.  Just hope I didn’t get any fluff in there.  **I was nonchalantly doing the changeover on my lap while sat on the bed which had a fluffy cover on it and loads of specks on my trouser just waiting to dash into my camera body with every movement. :doh: That would teach me not to be so blasé over keeping my sensor clean. Its nice to have something nice a fluffy for Christmas but maybe not on your sensor. :lol:

Popular (No New Posts)Animal photography
      Wild or captive animals
 Last post in topic: 2024-12-17 00:45:48 by chrisbet
Playing with the 28 - 70 Click here to comment on this image.

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)Using AI in photography
      General discussion and graham's youtube film
 Last post in topic: 2024-12-16 22:33:47 by jk
Merry Christmas all. This a real photo taken in Iceland on my 70th birthday. Click here to comment on this image.

Still learning after all these years!
Popular (No New Posts)Bird photography 2024
 Last post in topic: 2024-12-13 14:19:48 by Iain
To keep things moving, here is a Kingfisher taken on a dull Tuesday this week. A1105012-Edit by Iain Clyne, on Flickr

Popular (No New Posts)State of play
      An update on the forum
 Last post in topic: 2024-12-07 10:19:04 by chrisbet
I have just renewed the domain name for another year. Account Ref: LN064380                                 07/12/2024 Renewal of for 1 year                     NET AMOUNT  £24.99                    VAT  £5.00     TOTAL DUE  £29.99 Any small contributions gratefully received :-) Paypal donation

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)Historic Houses and Ruins
 Last post in topic: 2024-11-17 21:57:27 by Eric
Visited this ancient church to see its medieval wall paintings. Quite spectacular to see but not ideal to photograph. The church itself was quite nice in the falling autumn sunlight.... Click here to comment on this image.

Popular (No New Posts)Sculptures
 Last post in topic: 2024-11-17 21:44:24 by Eric
Not sure if this should have been in Bird Photography?:-) Visited this interesting place which features various artist's work with a Nature in Art theme.... Click here to comment on this image.

Popular (No New Posts)Gremlins in the camera bag
      Always check settings before shooting
 Last post in topic: 2024-11-07 15:08:36 by Eric
Do other people suffer gremlins or some mischievous phantoms in their camera bags? Took my Fuji IR camera out of the bag to grab an opportune photograph….and it wouldn’t focus! Not having used it for some months (and being a different make/model to my colour camera) I was momentarily bemused. Reseated lens, checked all camera settings, reseated lens again. I then noticed the little lever on the front of the body was facing M for manual.  I had forgotten that little lever existed and cannot remember ever using it on IR. Some little ***** had obviously been fiddling with it while it was in my camera bag.  Later that same day………. Senior management wanted me to photograph a whole series of medieval stain glass windows in a dark church. Didn’t have my tripod. Of course it was in the car…. but that was 100m away.  “I can handhold for this quick job” I confidently expostulated. Back in the car I reviewed the images from the Sony, as the last of the days meagre lighting faded…..some of the frames were not sharp!  Shutter speeds of 1/40th, with image stabilisation should still be easy to handhold.  Then I saw the image stabilisation switch on the lens was OFF.   Senior management wasn’t happy.  “ I should have used my iPhone” was the frosty response. :banghead: Memo to self: 1. Check ALL camera settings before taking the first photograph. 2. Fumigate camera bag to kill all gremlins and other phantom fiddlers. 3. Check ALL camera settings again before taking the second photograph… case you didn’t kill all the gremlins.

Popular (No New Posts)Abstract images
 Last post in topic: 2024-10-27 22:33:21 by Eric
Iain wrote: I think I’ll probably be a star in the sky before the first flight to Mars takes off. :lol: Won’t we all! Have you been taking any photos lately? Not seen any on here recently. I was out in the garden this morning at 8am…..I forgot about the clocks going back.:banghead: I only had my iphone to hand but 2 skeins of pink feet flew over. Lovely sight and sound. 174 to save you counting them lol Click here to comment on this image.

Popular (No New Posts)Photo Books on-line
      Any experiences of having a Photo Book made?
 Last post in topic: 2024-10-21 10:29:32 by Eric
jk wrote: Eric, I just got an email flyer from Whitewall and it shows theyalso offer photobooks. Thx …will take a look at them.

Popular (No New Posts)What happened to the Gallery?
 Last post in topic: 2024-10-04 22:13:31 by chrisbet
OK - as a starter for 10 I have put the random image at the top of the recent images. I will look at the impact of a carousel on loading times - this would show a series of random images, like the splash page.

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)Tuscany
      Visits to Il Paretaio and around Tuscany
 Last post in topic: 2024-10-02 22:53:12 by chrisbet
Lol, if they paid 10p per view I could afford to go more often!

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)On the right track
 Last post in topic: 2024-09-27 17:49:27 by Eric
jk wrote: I wonder if I should do a similar presentation of my photos from my recent trip to Peru. Now there is a thought! You should! We would like to see some as well!!:thumbs: I am sure if we all went through the years of photographs we would uncover photos that would sell….in the right place. On a lesser note,  I am compiling another photobook of our garden bird visitors over the years. A total of around 80 species have visited at one time or another. Sadly the widespread decline in UK birds made worse by more housing being squeezed into the last adjacent house with a large garden means we are likely to lose the last special visitors.  So it’s a memory of better days.

Popular (No New Posts)Flowers
 Last post in topic: 2024-09-21 16:49:24 by chrisbet
No  ...

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)Insects, Butterflies, Macro or Close-up
      For those close up shots or macro wildlife
 Last post in topic: 2024-09-06 18:31:51 by Eric
Thx. First one is with the 90mm Macro…the second with 200-600mm. I actually was using the 200-600 for another purpose when this lady? turned up. I then thought…try the macro as she was quite approachable.  The 90mm Macro is a lovely lens. I really like the magnification zoom feature when focusing manually.

Popular (No New Posts)Landscapes
 Last post in topic: 2024-09-05 15:11:32 by Eric
This is another piece of useless information about droving roads. In this twisty West Country road if you look top right there is the entrance to a Halfpenny Acre. (Shown better in crop underneath) The hedge rows suddenly billow out ...this is where livestock were halted and crowded up while being counted into a field......... The drives were often days long and the livestock needed to be 'lodged' overnight. Farms along the drovers road set aside a small field where the itinerant creatures could be parked for the night for the fee of a ....half penny. Hence the name. Although no longer shown on this photo, these resting places were frequently "signposted" with 2 Yew Trees***. Thus weary Drovers could see where the next "service station" was and could judge their distances to resting points in advance. If you see a farm with 2 (now large) yew trees standing by the road near its entrance's probably the site of an ancient Halfpenny Acre. *** The 2 deciduous trees in the foreground MIGHT have been an alternative to yews ....or may just be .......2 trees in a field. :lol: Click here to comment on this image. Click here to comment on this image.

Popular (No New Posts)1OO,OOO Animal views
 Last post in topic: 2024-09-02 20:20:59 by Eric
Views on the Animal topic have nudged over 100k :applause: Insects/Macro and AI take the Silver and Bronze medals. Click here to comment on this image.

Popular (No New Posts)Garden projects
 Last post in topic: 2024-07-24 09:53:50 by Eric
chrisbet wrote: Put them on Ebay or donate them to local reclamation yard?   Block the outlets and sink them in the ground to make a water feature? The local recycling centre want £5 a piece to drop them off!! No wonder people fly tip. No takers on Market place but haven’t tried eBay. I am afraid I tire of getting rid of things on the internet…too many time wasters. Our garden is to open in character for them to work here.  Needs a small cottage garden style place.

Popular (No New Posts)Forum down
 Last post in topic: 2024-06-25 13:26:36 by chrisbet
Sorry for the outage - power cuts affected the server which needed to be rebooted while I am away in Italy - son dispatched to sort it out :thumbs:

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)Hello from Sunny Singapore
 Last post in topic: 2024-06-19 00:13:07 by felixkh
Hello everyone, Thank you for the welcome.  I shall post more photos when I can.

Felix Tan
Popular (No New Posts)Film stock
 Last post in topic: 2024-05-29 00:20:48 by Peter_LO
Same here JK.  My colour darkroom in Hong Kong could double as a sauna as it was so tiny (around 30 sq feet) but I had to keep the heater on when printing colour. In fact I brought this - and most of my darkroom equipment to the UK, but I'm not sure whether I'd like to use them again. o.O Click here to comment on this image.

Popular (No New Posts)New toy.
 Last post in topic: 2024-05-18 20:14:23 by Eric
Graham Whistler wrote: My car insurance has just gone from £500 to £700  I think because I turn 84 this year? Wendy is named driver but is not quite 80 yet so it is just my age causing rise in premium. My insurance company knows I have no history of accidents for over 40 years now with them. Insurance has gone up 30-40% this year. My existing insurer declined to quote this year. So I did a new quote excluding Jan as a named driver. they quoted this time and it came back significantly lower.  The only explanation could be was they didn't want an 80+ named driver. There is no doubt the number of insurers prepared to quote, drop off the older you get. I struggled to get my Dad car insurance over 90.

Popular (No New Posts)Britain in focus
 Last post in topic: 2024-04-17 16:03:35 by chrisbet
3rd episode in case you missed it -

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)File name change mid shoot
 Last post in topic: 2024-02-29 23:28:54 by Eric
You are correct Jonathan. I had forgotten that differentiation. I just checked and Adobe IS the underscore version. The only thought that springs to mind is that the camera was still set to movie when I got it out to use. I switched it to a photo setting before switching it on.  Is it possible the movie is set in Adobe mode by default (I haven’t messed with movie settings) and the camera had brain fog and started to shoot the first photo still in Adobe mode, before switching to sRGB for the 2nd and subsequent shots? I’ve tried to reenact this procedure but the file name is always the correct sRGB format. So we know what it THOUGHT it was doing …..but not WHY it got confused. o.O

Popular (No New Posts)Samsung S24
      Latest camera tech
 Last post in topic: 2024-02-29 07:42:55 by chrisbet
Like my server, I need a new power supply unit ...:lol:

If it is broken it was probably me ....
Popular (No New Posts)Server down
 Last post in topic: 2024-02-27 23:26:07 by Graham Whistler
Yes I was just looking not the posting. Thanks for your hard work Chris

Graham Whistler

Current theme is Blue

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